Friday, November 26, 2010.
Updates 1:04 PM So I haven't been around the last few days, with almost completely no access to the Internet whatsoever but here's the updates. *Checks last blog post date* November 19th. Hmm. Oh that was one whole week before. xD Well Saturday and Sunday were as boring, so let's just skip to Monday. Monday I had chalet over at Aloha Loyang (2nd chalet cleared). Okay I more of gatecrashed 409's chapalan chalet. I stayed there most of the time. Here's kind of what I did over there. Day 1: Took Bus 88 to Pasir Ris interchange and met the 409 people. Actually if I didn't meet them I think the 3 days would've turned out differently. Cos I went with them to Aloha Loyang, and it was a bloody long trip inside. Not to mention I had to carry the leftover drinks from HCL. Well, thanks Felicia and Huijun and Wanying to carry it to the chalet. I didn't know Aloha Loyang had the Downtown East-style chalets. 406 had that chalet, while the 409 chapalan had the bungalow ones. LOL. Slacked and talked for awhile before heading to Vivocity to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I knew Dobby was going to die, but still it's really sad. Dobby was one of my favourite characters from the series. Urghhhhhh. Meanwhile over at the chalet something else happened and I don't think it's really advisable to discuss it here. I slept over at the chapalans. Felt kinda weird cos I didn't pay uh. And guilty. Only had 2 hours sleep. After that... Day 2: Woke up after the 2 hours and played mahjong. Most of us were novices and were really noob at playing mahjong. HAHAHAH. But most of us got addicted to it LOL. I still wanna play mahjong though. Hais. Too bad JIAJIA's sister caught chickenpox and we couldn't play. Hmmm anyone up for wahjong at viwawa? Went to cycle and my butt still hurts from that. I feel that the bicycle seats should be more padded. ARGH. Ate and napped after that, went back to 406 for awhile. When I say awhile this time, I meant 2-3 hours. Then went back. Played mahjong again! And the barbecue there was nicer xD HAHAHAHA. Words coming from the freeloader. Day 3: Khairi informed us that there was an ant infestation in the kitchen. The BBQ pit also. But nobody cares about the pit, LOL. Yeah the infestation was really bad. Like, ants all over the kitchen and from a short distance, like outside the kitchen, they're covering the kitchen surfaces, the bin, the sink, and even the stove. WTF.What else to stop the infestation other than an ant massacre? We just spilled gallons of water into the kitchen. I really wonder why the ants infested the mop too when there's probably nothing to eat in there. Urgh. I think we took around an hour or so the clear those up. Maybe more. Then checked out after that. Had fish and chips and they cheated my feelings. Moral of the story: Never eat fish and chips unless absolutely sure they give awesome servings and/or are really nice. OH WAIT. When we checked out, after that, we wanted to wait for the shuttle bus. Bloody hell, we were first, but it was incredibly hot at the reception so we went to the pool. Then got another group come and said they were first. Well we did let them go on the bus, but feels sore okay. Plus they were incredibly arrogant and I feel that we should have fought for the chance. Urgh. Friday, November 19, 2010.
I think my sister has OCD. 10:46 PM Yeah if you dunno what OCD is, I suggest you might want to read Low Kay Hwa's books, cos he uses a lot of OCD in them. I only liked one of the stories he wrote though. Hahahah. And. If you don't know who Low Kay Hwa is, Google is your answer. I guarantee. :D I'm looking at my lists of things to blog about. Hahaha. Need to think about topics yeah. Firstly, the title! I think my sister has OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Let me see... she acts like a 41 year old auntie. She hates people touching her bed, yet she can touch everyone else's, she hate people bringing food and drinks into her room, which, ultimately, is mine, and I, love, to bring food into, the room (Yeah if this were a YouTube video, I'd say thumbs-up for the unnecessary commas.). Last but not least, everytime I leave the room, she makes sure I switch off the fan. Hey Doctor, I wonder these are symptoms of OCD? If it is may I send her to Woodbridge for a short holiday? Well, it's thoroughly annoying for someone of a smaller age to order you around. Don't you think so? If you're an employee of a company, you work there for so long, but your direct superior is someone that is younger than you, don't you feel like just giving that person the finger? Yeah that's what it feels like, when my sister orders me to switch off the fan. Oh and I add that she doesn't do it politely, she SHOUTS EVERYTIME I LEAVE THE ROOM- Okay. (At this point, I look to my side and I see an overdue library book. Sighs.) Next thing I've thought about. It may irritate you K-Pop fanatics, so if you really don't want to read on, just skip it. -K-Pop RANT starts- If you're a K-Pop hardcore diehard fan and you're still reading it, I'm sorry to burst that wonderful bubble of yours. I really dislike K-Pop because: 1. Fake How fake can these people get? Seriously? Their face itself is a fake mask. So girls and guys out there loving them so much, have you gave a thought that what you like is that really fake facade, and not their actual real faces? I mean COME ON, how many of them celebs can have such natural, immaculate faces? (Oh not to mention, they all look practically the same -.-) Me and Vanessa had a talk about this earlier today during Champions' Tea. These celebs have the same faces because when they undergo the operation, they tell the surgeons whose face/features they want, i.e, XXX's nose, ZZZ's eyes, AAA's chin, BBB's mouth, CCC's breasts, and so on. So in the end what they look like? Copies of some other celebs. HAVE SOME ORIGINALITY PLEASE. 2. How long can they last? Five years? Ten years? They'll have aged anyway, right? So what if they inject Botox? Undergo more plastic surgeries? They're still old, and probably can't dance as well as they did in the past. Are you still going to support these people? Are you? Really. Probably five years later they're unheard of. 3. Aaaaand... the fans themselves. Snap out of your dreams alright? ARE YOU SURE THAT GUY'S YOUR HUBBY? LIKE DO THEY EVEN KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE? Stop this one sided love seriously, they probably love your money more than they love you. Anyway, like I mentioned, they don't know you. So, no point eh? And some of the fans? THEY'RE JUMPING ON THE BANDWAGON. And those who think all of the members in a particular band are your hubbies, polygamy is outlawed. So... I suggest you go out and get some real love instead of sinking into a dream that will highly probably not have a chance of becoming a reality. And my facebook page is full because half of them are such updates. -K-Pop Rant ends- Yeah I've just cleared the first chalet. The HCL class chalet. It was rather fun, really. And cool. Except for the fact that it's so near Old Changi Hospital -- super haunted. I didn't know about it. Arrrr. We played cards, watch documentaries from Mr Chang, cooked our own meals (no BBQs cos too little people) and toyed with the idea of going to Pulau Ubin on the second day, only because we woke a lil' late cos they wanted to see the sunrise, but we went to the wrong side. WTF. So we missed it, we tonned through the night for nothing. Tsk. Anyway during the 3D2N I couldn't sleep despite bringing the blindfold with me. I dunno why uh. But when I came back home my bed was so shiok that I slept so well~ AHHHHH. I think I'm the piggiest of them all. Cos I kinda did nothing much, slept the most (I really cannot tahan without sleep) and until now, I still got the feeling of that shred of tiredness. Alrighty, long post, gotta end for now. Toodles! Sunday, November 14, 2010.
I have saved this day, for today 5:31 PM Actually right on the day when O Levels ended. But I didn't really have the mood to type so many things. So... Here's the post, the 300th post, presented exactly on 14th November, 2010 5:17PM. At least, that's what my system time is going at. I forgot the last time I posted! I think it's 5th November. So, during these 9 days, I've experienced a lot. Thing 1: Clearing out all the post O's stuff before the very last paper. I found a lot of... memories. I tell you, my mom used to write birthday cards for me. I dunno why, but she discontinued after... (let me check)... 2007. No idea why, but they were, indeed, heart wrenching. Everytime she cracks jokes about herself being dead, my heart silently says, "No!". But my mouth is too stubborn and obstinate to say anything. Awwww. Sighs. Something she'll never write anymore, I guess. I've grown up. Every card tells me about her hopes she's pinned on me... which I have conveniently ignored... at this point, I feel so @#$%^&*!&^%$#@!$%^&* about myself. Thing 2: I've found nothing of value other than aforementioned and the 2007 School Magazine which has been long lost. Chris said he found 50 freaking bucks but I have found nothing more than a rusty and battered looking five cents coin. What's this man, Lady Luck! Can't you *ahem ahem* drop some 2 dollar notes for me? Couldn't you have changed all those late slips I've collected into at least 2 dollar notes? That would make my Thing 3: I realize I am going to be the only one with the very same haircut and highly probable hair colour on the day when I collect results. And after O Levels, what's the next thing to worry about? Yes. Results. And they are scary enough cos I didn't study much... And MY MUM PINNED HIGH HOPES ON ME. SIGHS. I THINK I'M GONNA DISAPPOINT HER, YET AGAIN. :( Oh and my desk looks rather neat now. HPDHP1 IS COMING OUT YAY! AND THE BEST THING IS THAT I'M WATCHING WITH FELLOW HP GEEKS! HAHAHAHA! Update about 2 hours later: I don't feel the need to write another post, so I'll just continue from here. Can I emphasise the weirdness and WTFness associated with people liking their own posts? It's really (insert word here because I've got no word to describe these weirdos). I don't totally agree with the groups and like pages saying that it's like giving yourself a high-five, because it seems to be not severe at all. It sounds dumb, alright? Okay perhaps I'll agree with the folks who say that it's like giving yourself a slap in the face. Cos you see, it is. It's just really not needed and makes you seem that you're really damn effin' satisfied with the status you've just written. Then when others read it, they may not totally agree with you. Hmm... I don't think you people get my point here. I dunno how to get my point across. Argh. How do I put this into words? It's like... okay here I go. Imagine you're driving. On the expressway. I am another driver behind you. From my point of view and perhaps others, you're like driving really haphazardly, posing a threat to other motorists. Snaking around on the expressway. All of a sudden, you use a loudspeaker and say, "I LOVE THE WAY I DRIVE. LIKE." Yeah liking your posts is something like this. That's what I feel. This is an analogy, yeah there's no real threat in liking your posts, but yeahhhhhhh. It is my job to get my point across. Hah. Oh. It is not up to YOU to decide if your status is brilliant or not. It does not count, therefore you should not even like it. It is up to US, your dear friends (and maybe not cos some people have a thousand over bogus friends) to decide whether we agree, or like, or find it funny, or feel exactly the same way towards your damn status. So own-status-likers, point invalid. Geddit? There's a world out there that we should see. Take my hand, close your eyes. With you right here, I'm a rocketeer ~Rocketeer - Far East Movement Thursday, November 4, 2010.
Just one week more. 10:56 PM will be the end of O Levels and cue the start of a period I'm suffering from squashed ears by listening to the same playlist non-stop with headphones. Ow. I THINK I'M GOING TO CELEBRATE THE END OF RECEIVING PAPERS AFTER PAPERS BY BURNING SOME OF THEM. Cos I love Mother Earth. I don't wanna choke her. Now my eyelids are trying to close tightly shut, and my mouth stretches itself, but my butt refuses to budge from the chair. I didn't plan on blogging today though. I was too bored on the Internet, and I don't feel like studying. Aww. (I will not look forward for the holidays. I will not look forward for the holidays.) (Cos I end up not enjoying at all if I did.) I found myself listening to The Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand". Today is a relatively happy day. Since I am so bored, let me show you the messiness of my desk.
Did you know that I can yawn repeatedly that I seem to look like I have been crying? Awwww. You bleed for me, I bleed for you - Monsters - Matchbook Romance That, my friends, is emo rock. I have no idea as to why I am listening to it. I like the background music for that song though. Probably eh? Tuesday, November 2, 2010.
I've got so many things to say. (I think it's a long post) 8:59 PM But they're so difficult to put them into words. Alrighty then. I shall start with fear. I think I did my best for POA today. No point mulling over it, so yeah. My biggest fear has finally come -- in the form of History. Like I said, I have an innate inability to infer, link and explain. And Cambridge/SEAB/MOE decided to make things even more difficult -- introducing... . . . . don't look away . . . . . . . You're reaching... . . . . . . HYBRID QUESTIONS! Awesome. Make my life difficult. By the way, I thought the whole Cambridge-MOE thingy sounded really illegal. They print on the exam papers this: (Something like that at least) Ministry of Education, Singapore in collaboration with University of Cambridge Local Exams Syndicate 1. "in collaboration" : Sounds like both entities are in cahoots. 2. "Syndicate" : Sounds more like some drug cartel. Okay UCLES and MOE and SEAB, if you want me to take this down if you ever happen to see it, I gladly will. But just my sixty cents worth. Back to hybrid questions. They're a pain in the neck. The usual ones can die already. Hybrid questions will dementorize me. Going on with a rant. Yay -.- Well I know I can never justify my actions for this. However I still am very annoyed with... your very existence. You are the harbinger of trouble, both physical and mental. Just because your-oh-so-lovely-LCD-monitor is sent for repairs, at my very expense, does not bloody mean that you are allowed to scream that you are given unfair treatment because you see me using the laptop and you aren't able to. I've never explicitly said that you can't use, it's only a password. With a hint somemore. If I were you, I'd hack it. Firstly, I wasn't the one to damage your-oh-so-dear-LCD-monitor. It's you yourself. Since I've already oh-so-nicely requested your LCD monitor to be sent for repairs, then patiently wait for it while playing with your darling nail polishes. Too bad the people there can't permanently nurse your dear monitor to good health, so wait for it. And again, too bad that you're having your holiday. I know I'm not really supposed to use the monitor at this time, but I don't really care. (Just wait till January I receive the results... and petrification at the same time. Gah-rent-teh you'll be really happy.) Secondly, since I've already emailed them to send it for repairs, and no choice they take more than a week to repair it right? You want to know when it'll come back. Then ask it yourself. You aren't born dumb (in both sense) so I really suppose you can DIY. Just go get the invoice on my table, call and ask politely, and HEY PRESTO! You've unlocked an achievement! -Making a polite call to someone- I did the email for you because you don't have access to a computer. However you have ready access to a telephone, and for goodness' sake, they can never put Colour-Me-Ringtones like this: "Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna think anymore! I left my head and my heart on the dance floor. Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore! I left my head and my heart on the dance floor. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Stop telephonin' me! Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh I'm busy! Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Stop telephonin' me! Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh" (Don't suppose you live at the bottom of the well, it's Lady Gaga's Telephone if you really didn't know) No they don't do that. So you have no excuse to not to do it yourself. How are you going to be independent if you don't do such things. Are you going to hesitate and not call the ambulance if someone got banged by a lorry and you're the only sane person there? Are you going to make that incident taint your conscience because you can't speak politely? Plus: You have more than one phone. Take your pick. Scenario 3: I wear my uniform. Deyi is fast approaching. Some dumbo chooses to sit beside me when there are empty seats available. My really _________ answer: Can't YOU see my school? I suppose you take the bus usually right -.- Then you should know. Now GTFO and go get another seat. >:{ There are many other scenarios, but I'm too lazy to think. I'm oh-so-going to flunk History paper tomorrow man. Argh. Oh. The best way to allow fatties to travel happily -- just give up your seat. Now everyone's happy. Or maybe they should make a special coloured seat... say... BLACK for fatties. Then the greens are for senior citizens right? Yeah MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE BWAHAHAHAHA. Even Mum asked me. What happened? It was inexplicable.
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