Sunday, October 31, 2010.
Nearing 300 Posts. 9:33 PM Lol. It's been 4 years and I haven't even made it to a year full of posts. Muahahahaha. So my dad, like every other typical middle aged men is Singapore, indulges in national lottery. You know how it feels when you ALMOST, almost got the numbers right? Somemore it's the 1st and 3rd prize? It's almost like that, just that he stopped buying the numbers yesterday, and tried for a new set of numbers today. It turned out that the numbers he stopped buying came up, and he started lamenting about it. xD Well, if I were him, I'd persist on with the number, cos probability tells me that the odds are higher if I persist on, instead of changing the set every other day. I told him maybe Ah Gong and Ah Ma don't want you to win. LOL. Well, it's not meant to be yours, dad. Perhaps next week go CCK Cemetery you'll get Toto top prize from Ah Gong and Ah Ma eh? Meanwhile, due to my procrastinating nature, I'm now really scared then when I go back Deyi to get back my results slip next year, I'll be greatly disappointed. I'm really scared. I know I might fail Combined Humanities. Wait, I'm not scared. I AM TERRIFIED. Arghhhhhh. It's draining me even though I don't study much. Like mentally draining maaaaaaan. Scary to the max. Oh yeah. HAPPY HALLOWEEN to those who celebrate it. I personally didn't like the newsflash for Channel 5 news. You know the reporter interviewed a Halloween participant, and then some bloody idiot had to jump and scream and almost scared the shit out of me? Like literally. I was so shocked man. Idiots. Really people, never meddle with things from the other world. Won't do you any good you know. Maybe you don't agree with my views, but I think there are such things roaming on Planet Earth. Okay I officially dislike Halloween. Gotta wakey early for All Saints' Day Mass tomorrow morning. And then come back to sleep. Trelawney informs me that I'll have a busy day tomorrow. Wish me luck for Physics tomorrow! Must do well to score for Combined Science! I'm already in dire straits, man. -How would you feel if I told you, "You ain't worth the trouble." Saturday, October 30, 2010.
TAAA-DAAA! 10:46 AM Perhaps it ain't so awesome. Perhaps I'm crazy --to do a new blogskin-- during But I think it's great! MUAHAHAHAHA. Of course, not as good as those professionals in You see, I love this green. The shade of green you see in this blogskin are my favourites. Hence I used them to make this skin. Awesome. Don't ask me why there is a huge 'clearance space' at the top of the header. It's because I misunderstood the codes. I thought I had to extend it. -.- LOL. It's okay, I have a huge head anyway. :/ It's a bit bright, and I've retained some elements from the previous blogskin. For example, move your cursor to the left (To the left, to the left~) to that piece of white. C'mon, don't be shy. It's actually the links, if you haven't already knew, and the background picture is the crumpled paper -- background of my previous blogskin. Actually, I think I've been using this basecode for a very long time. I can't even remember who I got it from. So whoever the original codes I koped from, don't be angry. I still have residual memory of whoever it is, so mention your name, skinner, I will be glad to credit you. But thing is, I've mutilated the codes beyond recognition. So yeah, good luck! OH YES. Why relentless complainer? It's because, as you can see, I rant and complain a lot. So there you go. :D I welcome comments, in the tagboard. Kamsiahamnidas/TanJewBerryMuds! Saturday, October 23, 2010.
Yet another angry rant post 8:55 PM I never knew that using a laptop while sitting on an office chair and watching Harry Potter telecast is something that could earn me a scolding. What, I can't relax is it? Perhaps you all have forgot again, let me remind you all alright? Who is the one who always sits at the back of the lorry and get burnt by the sun? Who is the one who you all turn to whenever you all need to do something to the computer? Who is the one you all ask when you all need information? Who is the one whom you all ask for road directions? Somemore I was trying to revise letter writing formats while watching Harry Potter. SHOULD YOU ALL EVER FEEL LUCKY THAT YOUR DAUGHTER'S ONLY OBSESSION IS THE HARRY POTTER SERIES, AND NOT SOME KPOP GAY STAR OR SOME TAIWAN DUMBFUCK? No you all, obviously wouldn't. You all are the ones who spoilt that monitor, not me. Yet I'm the one to send the email for queries. Not Kimberly. Not you. ME. Some more, I've never asked money from you all to buy any book from that series. I relied on my friends to borrow, and I spend so much time trying to download the eBook. It's not everyday that Mediacorp telecasts Harry Potter okay? Can I not indulge myself, once, in it? Where else in the house can I watch the TV properly, with the nearest power point so that the laptop charger can go? The computer table of course. And what else do I sit on? The stool? You all want to sit on it or not if you all are in my shoes? DO YOU ALL WANT TO FUCKING STRETCH AND STRAIN YOUR EYES WHILE TYPING? Obviously not. Fine, maybe I could sit on the floor. You all know that the laptop screen can rotate 180 degrees without something behind to prop it right? Is your filthy butt going to prop it up for me? PUT YOURSELVES IN MY EFFIN' SHOES, MOFOS. You all wouldn't like it. You all would hate it if I whined every single minute about not having to use the computer, when I've already sent an email and the technician would come on Tuesday. IT'S NOT AS IF I'VE NEVER INFORMED YOU ABOUT THAT. SO SHUT IT. And you. Coming home from work, know nothing about tech, you know nothing. You're in no position to tell me that I was being rude, because I was trying to reason with you all. I've not used any profanities of any sort on you all. I've not even beat someone up. I haven't even pointed at her at all. YOU BLOODY IDIOT, GO BACK TO SLEEP IF YOU KNOW NOTHING. Don't accuse me for no reason. I hate, absolutely hate people who accuse me for things they don't completely know. I'm already breaking down for so many things already. I fear that I fail my O's. I'm already depressed from some other things, I haven't been properly happy. Can you all just leave me alone? IS IT MY FUCKING PROBLEM IF I SPOILT YOUR MONITOR, DEPRIVED YOU THE CHANCE TO USE THE COMPUTER? NO. I HAVEN'T. AND IT'S YOUR OWN BLOODY FAULTS THAT YOU ALL SPOILT IT, I'VE NEVER TOUCHED THAT COMPUTER, EXCEPT HELPING YOU ALL INSTALL SOME MCAFEE SHIT. DON'T YOU ALL START ACCUSING ME FOR NOTHING. I REPEAT, I HATE PEOPLE WHO ACCUSE ME. THAT'S ONE THING I DESPISE PEOPLE FOR, AND IT'S A BAJILLION TIMES WORSE WHEN I'M INNOCENT. Thursday, October 21, 2010.
Science Practical 9:37 PM kick starts the three weeks of sheer torture. Personally I found it okay, but the Physics part of the practical is just time consuming. I must've struggled with it for about 10-15 minutes before I managed to get the right rate of flow. Well anyway, no point crying over spilt milk. I still do not feel like studying for Combined Humanities. Believe it or not, I haven't touched anything about it. I'm starting to feel really jittery for the whole thing already. Like I said on Facebook, I think I must've been crazy to take the 'O' Levels. Or am I? I think I'm starting to feel the real stress already. It's something I've never felt, because I have never suffered from insomnia before Science Practicals started. Guess what? I tried to sleep at 11pm. I only managed to fall asleep at... 4am. Or at least that's what I think uh. I heard my watch beep for about 4-5 times before I actually got woken up by my sister in the morning, where she attempted to find her socks but without finding any. And that happened at about... 6.15 am. Should I say well done? For surviving 2 hours 15 minutes of sleep before going for Practicals? And have never suffered from insomnia prior to this? Hmmm. On a side note, the horrible PSI levels here in Singapore. It's awesomely making me sick. I resent people like Elvin Titan. Fine I have said this so many times. I still feel like repeating it again. This guy is rich all because of the land he owns in Indonesia. AND YOUR HAZE IS SPREADING TO SINGAPORE. In Malaysia, it's so bad that the Twin Towers cannot be discerned. He's probably slash-and-burning back there uh. NOW all the haze are choking thousands of innocent people. WTF. It has even caused schools in Muar to shut down. Perhaps it's gonna postpone 'O' Levels? Hmm. Monday, October 18, 2010.
New washing machine 7:46 PM My mum said this,"This is like my new car." to the new washing machine. Indeed, I think it is. Judging by her expression she gives to the washing machine. Lol. Oh and when I was asked to fill out the guarantee card for her, I looked behind the guarantee card. As everybody knows, it's the terms and conditions. Am I right, or am I riiight? Well, the terms and conditions says something like this: "This warranty does not cover damage resulting from:- a) Malfunction or damages resulting from Acts of God, fire, civil unrest and/or accident..." What Acts of God, I might ask? Maybe it's very common in warranty cards, but this is the first time I've seen it. It just sounds weird huh. By the way the washing machine is very quiet now. Awesome. The old one sounds like a drillhammer. Like seriously. You need earmuffs to walk past. No joke. I think the old auntie downstairs also can hear. It's worse than the vacuum machine. I feel like doing something dangerous. Like scattering flour and fire up a lighter, that'd be scrumptisogodlynokiddinglyawesome. Aww yeah. Toodles :D Saturday, October 16, 2010.
Ich habe sauerkraut in meinen lederhosen. 10:02 PM Right. Here's the foreign language song I'm bit hooked onto the past 1-2 days. No. Yes. Oh yeah. I like Jory Caron's version better. :/ Here. Suddenly got the urge to learn German. xD Friday, October 8, 2010.
A short lived hiatus. 12:52 PM I knew it. I knew that I wouldn't have a hiatus for long. ARGH I HATE YOUUUU KIMBERLY. Are you crazy? Hurling insults at me while bathing in the toilet? SERIOUSLY? WTHECK?! And you bloody well know that the whole block hears you if you do that, dumbshit. It would have been very peaceful if you stayed in school to study. What a conducive environment. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY PEACEFUL DAY I'VE GIVEN MYSELF OFF? YOU MOFO. Grrrr *Grits teeth clenches fist* Right now I'm thinking of punching you in your pudgy face, then as usual, the torture I'd like to use on people like you, duct tape your whole scalp with the ugliest colour I can ever find. Probably ochre, since it looks like laosai. Then cut off a little and tape it on your eyebrows. Think you're gonna look blonde? NO NO NO WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. Botak. "What?" I hear you say. "YEAH BOTAK." And then I'll pull those duct tape ruthlessly and mercilessly off you. There you go. Botak. Understand, ba-bitch?! That's not the end. Imma revive Chuck Norris, ask him to deliver his roundhouse kick onto that stomach. Make sure you puke >:{ Wait. NO. I should shut your mouth up first --- with yes, duct tape. LOTS OF IT. Don't mind using one whole roll for it. On the first layer of it, I'll smear jalapenos on to it. Then tape it onto your mouth, tightly. Then secure it with lots of duct tape, one whole roll. Or maybe two. THEN I'LL INVITE CHUCK NORRIS TO DELIVER THAT ROUNDHOUSE KICK. Can't puke, and your mouth's on fire. AND YOU CAN'T SCREAM. Hahahaha. Yeah. Don't make me realize my fantasy, alrighty? It ain't gonna be a delightful trip if you do so. Oh and if I feel exceptionally evil, I might break all your bottles of nail polish. *Evil laughter* Tuesday, October 5, 2010.
One of my favourite part of the newspaper is 9:10 PM the obituaries. OH. GO LOOK AT TODAY, OCTOBER 5TH'S STRAITS TIMES. Look at some where in the middle on the right side of the page. The guy's obituary says, "Gone fishing." How cool is that. Like they just think that death is just, yet another transition in life. As simple as going to fish. Maybe I'll request in my last will and testament to put a favourite picture of mine and below will say "Moving house." or something like that. Hmm. Okay I have a confession... directed to you know who you are, I guess >< Here it is:(from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) Ron was obviously casting around for words strong enough to describe Hermione’s crime, “fraternizing with the enemy, that’s what you’re doing!”Okay that's the confession. I'm sorry if I placed your life in jeopardy. :/ And I think I'll be going for a short hiatus. Or maybe not. Cos I might have a need to rant again. See why I changed to this URL? That, is exactly why. Toodles! I hope whatever I did here wouldn't place whatever that is left now in jeopardy. Jacinta, you always unknowingly, kill yourself. Figuratively of course. Sighs. Friday, October 1, 2010.
What did I do to anger you, Guy up there? 7:27 PM Today will go down in my personal history for the year 2010 as the worst day of my life. SUCKS MAN. Actually, the day started out fine. And I thought it would continue to be. Well it didn't. Firstly, I had this existing pimple problem on my nose. It kinda burst with some blood and pus. Then, Fairy wanted to consult on History. I got dragged in too, kinda reluctantly. But then I thought maybe I could learn something. To only go crazy because I got so demoralized after doing one supposedly simple questions, where I thought I could manage it. Thirdly, Fairy promised me last Friday we'll eat Fish and Chips rice at coffeeshop opposite Deyi. The coffeeshop was closed for this fateful day for renovations. Well, never mind, I thought, I'll go to the Sushi Shop up front. How wrong. IT WAS BLOODY HELL CLOSED TOO >:{ Then I told myself to calm down. You can always go to the provision shop and buy cup noodles to eat. Okay I'm fickle and choosy with flavours, so it's kindaaaa my fault. But what the hell, all the flavours I usually ate were gone. WTF man. I'm already hyperventilating. FUUUUUUUUUUUU- Go back Deyi to eat lar. It's only 2:30pm. Should be still got food. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. NO MORE TEH TEH TEH. EVEN THE DRINKS STALL WAS ABOUT TO CLOSE. And the drinks stall, as far as I know, closes quuuuite late in the afternoon. Now I'm sure 2:45pm isn't late. It's Friday. I have to fast. I dunno why but today got the mood, maybe the fish and chips made me feel like fasting. So forget it I thought, GO AMKHUB buy something and eat. Yeah I did. Bought the HappyVeg fritters which were damn... oily. I think I got oil and chilli all over my face. Frickin' embarrassing. And bought Oreo chocolate ice blended. I think that was the only thing that put it right for today. Well, fast forward (I still see roaches around the flats) to opening the gate at home. Sis: "Can I eat your instant noodles?" Me: "NO. (Fuck off!)" Then I told my mom about the whole story and she just laughed. Bloody hell. All my sister cared was my instant noodles. By the time I got home, really, my confidence and everything hit rock bottom. All I wanted to do was to watch 3 Idiots for some reason, which I think will get it back up. Halfway through, I was so sleepy. I slept. THEN WHEN I WOKE UP, I FOUND OUT MY SISTER ATE MY INSTANT NOODLES. MY LAST PACK OF INSTANT NOODLES. I almost cried. Although my mom promised that she would buy me one whole pack if she remembers, chances are, she wouldn't. Even if she did, she will buy all the wrong flavours. ARGH. And another thing about my sister eating my instant noodles. If she wanted to eat my instant noodles, I said no, but she ate it anyway, why bother asking? Are you trying to make me all the more angrier and more demoralized because someone as idiotic as you actually "outsmarted" me? Go die la seriously. *Hey Fairy I'm sorry for like, being angry at you just now. Not that I wanted to, but I really felt demoralized for such things and fatties always love their food. So forgive me eh? It's not something that I did it on purpose. I have little control over my temper, and the fact that I could keep it in check, for what I think, is a great feat in itself. I'm still sorry for what I did. :( Edit: I just remembered it was Children's day today. Well Jacinta, congratulations on getting such a sucky one, then. For all the young at heart and children out there, Happy Children's Day!
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