Thursday, September 30, 2010.
Of moths and roaches 8:38 PM Actually I already thought out of a blog post to write while walking home. It was a letter to all flying insects. It was fueled by my fear of cockroaches AND moths. YOU KNOW THOSE PESKY INSECTS EH. Today one hugeass one, I think the wingspan's about 20-30cm long. WTF. It's fucking scary alright? YEAH THIS IS HOW MUCH I'M SCARED BY THEM. I HAVE TO USE THE WORD 'FUCK'. Right after morning assembly, this moth so fucking huge flew into the school and was stuck onto the wall of the class beside mine. By SS, it was gone. Smelt pesticide before that. The cleaner probably killed it :D Okay I seem to be... very sadistic. Oh and the cockroaches from the day before's fogging are still surviving. And I think I can rap now. Well, isn't it much better for you, de(cringes)ar cockroaches to stay INSIDE the chute and die there? Why would you want to come out to choke from the fog and suffer? And you know, if you die inside the chute, it's like heaven for you cos ALL the food that you ever wanted is there? Imagine that chicken delicious. So don't ever stay outside, cos the only thing you'll ever get to eat is? Wind. Geddit? (You need to know hokkien to know what I mean. 吃风!) And what's more, you scare innocent humans like me. Ian even had the cheek to say that moths and roaches are gonna take over the world. I mean with moths that big and cockroaches that disgusting, as much as my religion prohibits me from commiting suicide, I think I have to do just that. Because both things are just... UGH. Okay fine I just transformed my post into the letter to those pesky critters. Awesome. *Thank you, dear friend, for cheering me up whenever you see that I need it. It's a simple act, but it empowers people. Way to go! You GMH! Tuesday, September 28, 2010.
A whole lot of things to say. 4:18 PM Whew. I've got it planned out. After settling all the Neopets dailies, and writing this post, I shall go and finish all the POA assignments from Ong. Talking about this, yesterday, I was having additional sessions at his house. Where I had tuition from a girl, from another school. She had a very typical-taiwanese-girl and the-local-auntie-in-the-fish-market hybrid kinda voice, which is incessantly annoying. And the MOST annoying thing of all is? She kept talking >:{ Hokay. Next thing. So Mr Chang screened Inception today. It's a famous movie, and the hugeass minority of the people on earth reading this blog should know who is the male lead, right? Yes. It's Leonardo Dicaprio. So. Mr C asked us who was the lead. Then of course, it was drowned by the voice of YY, who insisted that it was Brad Pitt. Damn annoying, to the max. A few of us voiced that it wasn't Brad Pitt, it was Leonardo Dicaprio. Apparently Mr C wanted to confirm again, so he asked again. Again YY said it was Pitt. >:{ W-T-F. So you're telling me that Pitt stood with Kate Winslet and said "You jump I jump" ?! Well, getting leads wrong, especially Leonardo Dicaprio having a distinctive face, is just REALLY REALLY !@#$%^&*() Fast forward. Today was the last E. Math Mock Test until 'O' Levels. I kinda regret, cos I did really badly for this one. I skipped many questions that I shouldn't have, and I even left 5 minutes early. Hais. Then when I came back home, there was a lot of cockroaches all over the floor. Just the thought of it makes me shiver. I HATE COCKROACHES. Main reason why I don't like throwing things into the chute. It's kind of a phobia. I'm afraid of heights too. Mildly afraid. Alright. I think that's about it. Toodles! Saturday, September 25, 2010.
Let's forget all about it, shall we? 4:30 PM I shall. Yeah. Move on. :D Right. So on the way to Deyi this morning, I was kinda disappointed that the seats were either half taken up, or fully taken up. Initially I was standing at the back door of the bus. Seeing that space was needed, I moved into the bus. I'm scared to move into the bus because my size makes it difficult for both me and others to move out of the bus. But hey, it's already 9 something, and the morning rush should have been long gone. Comforting myself with that thought, I moved in. Just then, a 60 plus elderly woman patted her seat, moved in. I felt heartened. Saying thank you, I sat on the seat she offered. She proceeded to strike up a conversation with me. "You know that old woman in front ah. Yeah, yeah. The one reading newspaper," she said. "Uh-huh. What about her?" I replied. "You know ar, she refused to give her seat you know! The young boy (not exactly young anymore, 20s or maybe even 30s already) stared at her for so long before she gave up that seat. You know you so old already then you shouldn't do such things in public what." I was like, wow. Cos sometimes, I do that xD. Then she told me about the aircons. You know they are made to adjust for the person sitting in and outside a seat. Then each seat has an aircon right. So she was saying that this auntie, because she scared of cold, she adjusted to switch off her and the adjacent seat's aircon, as well as the one behind hers. Worse thing was, someone was sitting behind. That, I think, is really going overboard. Like WTF. It turned out we alighting at the same stop. LOL. Before we alighted, this angmoh was sitting in a weird position. Like occupying two seats. Talk about being coincidental. Wednesday, September 22, 2010.
Fish bone stuck in my throat. 6:40 PM AND I MUST GET IT OUT OF MY THROAT. I HATE CONTRADICTORY PEOPLE. Perhaps I'm one, BUT that's one of the reasons from 101 reasons to hate myself. And how many bloody effin' times must you contradict yourself? Fine if you're happy then get away from me. The previous day you said something, AND the next? You say/do something totally opposite of what you do. What's your problem? Hate me is it? Then tell me in the face, DON'T do something only cowards would do. Idiot. I'm really angry. I'm trying to get it out of my chest now. Fudger. See me black face, see other people so happy. Effin' sucker. One last time: I HATE YOU CONTRADICTORY PEOPLE! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE YOU, ALTHOUGH HATE IS A STRONG WORD. >:{ Okay I feel much better now. Monday, September 20, 2010.
Bloody idiot. 7:17 PM Of course, it's my sister again. She took my chewing gum and said it wasn't nice. I dare you to spit it back out again la. What an idiot. Today was somehow tiring. Hid from Mrs Luah during POA by simply ducking down. She probably gave up on me already lah. Though I repeated it for the umpteenth time, I think she's really pitiful lah. Like how Charles aptly put it: "They don't suck, it's the way they teach that sucks." How true. Really. Mrs Luah really works hard for the class, but it's just us who doesn't know how to appreciate her. I think she's really passionate about teaching lor. She SERIOUSLY, should go work as a private tutor. Not a schoolteacher. Never suits her. And I'm annoyed by the fact that in POA, the fictitious entities usually have weird names, like P T Foo (Pitiful) or maybe Wulala Bank. Weird huh. But infinitely annoying. SS was a great deal of copying again. English wasn't that great either, as always, Mrs Singh would start picking on us before the hall lesson. As for the rest of the day? I wanted to doze off, only that Fairy would start using her secret weapon to wake me up. I'm stuck with a song in my head. Hate (I Really Don't Like You) Love, love, love, love, love, love. Woo! You were everything I wanted. You were everything a girl could be. Then you left me brokenhearted, Now you don't mean a thing to me. All I wanted was your Love, love, love, love, love, love. Hate is a strong word, but i really, really, really don't like you. Now that it's over I don't even know what I liked about you. Brought you around, and you just brought me down. Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like you. I really don't like you... Thought that everything was perfect, Isn't that how it's supposed to be? Thought you thought that I was worth it, Now I think a little differently. All i wanted was your Love, love, love, love, love, love. Hate is a strong word, but i really, really, really don't like you. (I really don't like you) Now that it's over I don't even know what I liked about you. (liked about you) Brought you around, and you just brought me down. Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really dont like you Now that it's over, you can't hurt me. Now that it's over, you can't bring me down. (Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh...)[x2] All i wanted was your Love, love, love, love, love, love. Hate is a strong word, but i really, really, really don't like you. (I really don't like you) Now that it's over I don't even know what I liked about you. (Liked about you) Brought you around, and you just brought me down. Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really dont like you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh...)[x4]silent (I really don't like you...) [x3]louder Oh and it's by Plain White T's. I know it has been released like years ago. BUT WHO CARES. Hmph. And I copy-pasted the lyrics to make the post seem longer. No lah. HAHAHA. I really wanted the lyrics there. Sunday, September 19, 2010.
Sandwiched. 10:26 AM Yeah I know what you're gonna say. You're saying that I shouldn't wash my dirty linen in public. Well I don't care. I just wanna VENT IT ALL OUT. So yesterday was my dad's birthday. Because everyone else except me celebrated his birthday, and he was angry for that. Cos it turned out, as he claimed, that it was the Mooncake festival yesterday. Come to think of it, 15 days already passed since Hungry Ghost? I didn't know about that. He said,"If my birthday this year fell on any other day other than the mooncake festival, I wouldn't have minded a belated or early celebration. It's not every year you get to celebrate it on the day itself. It only happens like maybe, once every ten years." So yeah. Because of that, HE WAS ANGRY at them. But never mind lah, I got to eat at Astons. LOL. And I bought him tea leaf egg for him. He said it was nice. xD Thanks Fairy for that suggestion! Well. So it was over. Or so I thought. NO. Cos this morning, he went off right after church service to go to Avenue 10 to eat. Without waiting for us, as my mom had informed him, that is. So the both of us had no choice but to go home first. (Oh he came back home already. Zzz.) And he IS angry. Bloody hell. So back to that. While going home, my mom said that I should explain why she did that and why she did this, like how she defended us when my dad accused me of doing something wrong. Something like that. Then she said WHY she wanted to marry a guy who was of the same religion. Cos, obviously, if she didn't, there would be even more problems. It just turned out that my dad was such a chinaman. LOL. (No he really is. He's DAMN superstitious.) And that whatever we were doing for him, we were helping him to accumulate "merit points" for his next life. Well. How would I know about that. Mom, not that I didn't want to defend you, but it was his birthday, I let him say his piece. Let him be happy lah, since it's his day. I also know you got your own difficulties lar, like the time he said that all his friends' wives were working and you were the only one who didn't. WELL YOU TOOK CARE OF US RIGHT? That justifies everything. That's why we are SOOOOOOO nourished and healthy. If not maybe we would be anorexic. xD Or maybe bulimic. LOL. So think. What about his friends' wives? They did only the bare essentials, or maybe not even the bare essentials for their children! Their children are taken care by their maids or something. So when my mom got a job. That's why she had the difficulty to celebrate it on the day itself. Cos she's on probation too. I mean, if you're on probation, you wouldn't take leave, would you? It'll leave a bad impression on your superior. Some more, the job is something she's very very very familiar and passionate with - flower arranging---- PAUSE. ADV: HEY IF YOU NEED FLOWERS THAT NEED TO BE ARRANGED VERY CHARMINGLY AND APPROPRIATE FOR THE OCCASION, YOU CAN CALL ME. :D IT'S FOR EVERY OCCASION, BE IT WEDDING, PROPOSAL, ANNIVERSARIES, FUNERAL, DEATH ANNIVERSARIES... ETC. IF IT'S WITHIN HER MEANS, SHE CAN DO IT :D so of course she WOULD HAVE GRABBED that chance wouldn't she? My point is, both sides have their valid arguments. In other words, I'm sandwiched. Hais. EDIT: Wow this is a long post. Haven't been posting such a long post in such a long time already ahahahaha. Thursday, September 16, 2010.
I need to buck up and a short prayer. 7:31 PM But no I'm not doing it. URGH. AND I REALISE SOMETHING. I get PMS, but instead of it being Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, it's Post Menstrual Syndrome. Hmmm. And God, I haven't been praying diligently, but please? 1. Bless the whole level, (especially my class xD) for 'O' Levels. 2. As much as I dislike that certain schoolmate of mine, she hasn't did anything bad to me, she only had B.O. and I was the one being obnoxious. Now that she's involved in a car accident, bless her soul. Give her courage and determination to go on with life, however hard it is. Yeah and hope she recovers in time, at least, she maaaaay be able to do her 'O' Levels in the hospital. (I hadn't looked at the news, but judging by how people are reporting this, it doesn't sound good. At all.) 3. Art students to finish their final preparations tomorrow. Enable them to chiong everything they need in the next 10 odd critical hours. 4. My uncle who is in hospital. Heard that he's under the care of trainee doctors, and ensure that these doctors have washed their hands thoroughly and carry out all procedures carefully. :/ And lastly, I thank you so much for all the help you've given us. Especially with my mom, you know what happened (: IT'S A MIRACLE:D Oh a side note, The other day I went to a relative's house. When I was going home, I went past a household, where all their vehicles had the same numerals -7777- as vehicle number plates. COOL LAH. Then yesterday, when I was going to school, the bus was packed like sardines. This guy (standing) appealed for people to give up their seat for a pregnant lady nearby. Commendable. Then after that when most of the crowd had drained out the bus at the MRT Station, he sat down on one of the many empty seats. I sat two seats behind, where I realised he's rather perverted. Cos his phone wallpaper, reflected on the window of the bus, showed an almost naked picture of a woman. Lol. Hmmm. Friday, September 10, 2010.
Thought I would 10:11 PM I wanted to try to make a new blogskin today. Turns out I didn't have enough patience and imagination to do so. I browsed 40-50 over pages in deviantart to find the perfect stock image. As I said, no patience. Therefore, old blogskin. I really want to do something different to this skin. It's been there for quite long ain't it. I went to a funeral today. This parishioner in church passed away yesterday. I barely know her, but the thing is, she'd say hello to me when she saw me. So abrupt. If I'm not wrong she died of cancer, at 60 years old. Didn't think she was that old, but she indeed had a headful of white hair. Whilst praying for her, I thought: That was so abrupt. Maybe I'd die tomorrow. Hmm. Or maybe you'd die tomorrow. Touchwood. I mean, what would happen if someone I was close to died? Would it the burden from the deceased's shoulders be lightened finally? Or would it be even more? Back to the parishioner. The thing is, she wasn't that old is she. I mean, if she's 70 or 80 then I wouldn't be surprised. But LOOK, it IS still very scary when you think of it. Poof. There it goes. I'm not afraid of death. In fact I'd embrace it. Cos I'm tired of life on earth. Rest assured, contrary to the previous post, I wouldn't take my life. And yes. I was PMSing. Nonono. I think I only PMS when Big Auntie comes knocking on my door. .
1:44 PM I've decided. I think I'm inconsiderate to the max. Sorry to everyone whom I've inconvenienced. I shall keep quiet forevermore. I think. I'm sorry. Shan't laugh anymore. Then again who reads this blog anyway. It's the handful of people only. Jacinta you're pathetic. And stop deluding yourself. Shouldn't exist in this world anyway. You're a bigass sucker. Thursday, September 9, 2010.
I am not PMSing at 3:04am 3:15 AM And no one believes me. I am surprisingly not very tired, my eyes ain't drooping yet. Even LMS tells me not to PMS >:{ (Rhyme not intended.) What's this man. I feel astonishingly guilty for not studying cos the two of them are talking crap while studying and thinking that I can't hear them. Really, Fairy and Mama? I'm only deaf to a certain extent. A little not used to blogging in the middle of the night. Didn't even think I'll make it so far. But I predict that, I WILL PMS in the morning. LOL. xD Talking about predictions, Fairy and I was reading about Nostradamus just now. A bit creepy when it's being read at night. BANANAS ARE NOT NICE JIAMIN. (Real time replies.) They keep mosquitoes attracted to you. Perseverance is key. Wakey wakey Jacinta. Go back to MythBusters! But I'm still yawning non-stop. Like now. Here it comes. And it ended. Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
Early in the morning. 8:09 AM I've just helped MAMA de-hairy-ize the corn. And swept up the floor. HAH. Ain't I awesome? I think I am. As usual, I've woken up, bright and early again, unable to sleep any further. Several things happened: I almost cried at the random, yet real thought of having people die. The power of the human mind at work again, revealing its negative side. Somehow my left eye feels like sleeping, yet the right eye is energetically awake. Fairy is still asleep. AND OMFG BLARDEH HELL I CANNOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET WITH MY LAPTOP. ZZZ. Sunday, September 5, 2010.
I wanna eat Ruffles 9:32 PM I WANNA EAT RUFFLES. You know why? Because it has rrrrrrridges! HAHAHAHA. Okay Day 1 at Jiamin's house. So far it has been okay. LOL. Apparently Kaixin doesn't know there is a TV inside. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA xD Yeah and they did housework not me. I feel so guilty la. Yes Fairy, REALLY. I FEEL GUILTY. Awwwwwwwww. It's supposed to be a study camp, yet all I did was to copy notes into POA Bible. If Mr. Rafi was here he'd have said,"Well done Jacinta, WELL DONE!" Ahhhh. Yeah the adverts on the bars says, "Guru Sucks." (: Oh. Here comes the Guest blogger of the day Wahahahahaha~ Gues who i am~~ Winner gets a free kiss from NTTLDNB~ Saturday, September 4, 2010.
Obesity. 10:14 PM I view it as an advantage, not a disability. See. It's saved me from hell. If I'd to be thin and skinny and whatever the world think it's the world's best looking figure, I'd be a goddamn hell sinful. Right God? It was a random thought when I went to the public toilet at the hawker centre. You know the ones that you have to pay. I dropped a ten cent on the auntie's desk. Then went into the toilet to realise it was being cleaned. When I went out, I apologized to the auntie. That got me thinking. Not being haolian or whatever, I thought: "Would any other people of my age, apologize for that? They'd just use it without thinking, right?" Right here, I must say, no offence to you thin and skinny people, just that I'm stereotyping people. Many chao ahlians are like that aren't they? And fat people who are chao ahlians, don't be happy. Hate you ingrates. Then I thought about being fat that saved me. Therefore to you obese friends out there, it ain't necessarily a bad thing, it could've saved you from the devil.
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