Wednesday, September 30, 2009.
I wanted to.. 8:03 PM Post pictures yesterday! Then in the end while I was doing some editing, it totally lagged and so I just offed the computer. HAHAH. So it's not my fault that I don't wanna post pictures, but my computer doesn't permit me to and I don't have much patience. LOL. :D Anyway went to J8 to yesterday to "study". I read Baby Blues in the end. HAHA. Someone wanted to get a shuai ge's number, but I didn't see if he was shuai anot. The others claimed that he was. Okay la, or else why would she ask for the number? Hah. I am not kaypo. *I FEEL LIKE POSTING THOSE PICTURES TO STOMP!!* Nah, just kidding. I don't like ERPG. Not all of them though. Just 'em. Cybrary got a gathering today. I'm fat again :( But Rite Pizza is waaaaaay nicer than Pizza Hut/ Canadian Pizza. And Canadian Pizza sucks. Pizza Hut's crust is too hard. Like stone liddat. THEY SAID THEY FELT TREMORS! I DIDN'T. Hmmm.
Thursday, September 24, 2009.
Why do I stay in the library everyday. 7:09 PM I'll tell you why I stay in the library everyday. The main reason is because I'm afraid to go home. I'm scared that when I get home, my big mouth will become active and offend my parents. Honestly when I am about to go home, I think about what will happen. As I lay on my bed, I heave a sigh of relief that my mouth didn't say anything that offended them. Because my mouth tends to become less "crazy" before people who are not family, I do offend, but not as much. This is also one of the reasons why I've stopped going to my grandmother's house. As much as I miss her, I really want to stop myself from saying the wrong things and end up getting people and myself upset. Sometimes I really want to become mute. To make things worse, I'll scream at the person whom I offended because I feel that I'm right. Of course the other party is kinda at fault too, but in order to defend myself/when people do not understand me, I'll scream at the person. Someone told me this: Why people scream and shout at a person when they are angry? It's because the screamer feels that the other party doesn't understand him/herself. I felt that was quite true. I scream when people misunderstand me. That just makes it worse. Like today. Mum cooked something with green peas. I absolutely hate green peas, and I will try to get every pea out before I eat the food. People don't understand me, you see. I so totally hate it. I used to complain alot about the food she cooks. Now I rarely do that. It's usually my sis who does that. Sometimes we don't even complain. For the first time after the long hiatus, I complained about the green peas. I said that I do that to the fried rice I eat too. I mean, she's my mother, and I thought she would be more thoughtful when she cooks. But no, she didn't. I merely complained, and my point was to make her to NEVER cook anything with green peas ever again. She said that it's tiring to cook for us, blah blah blah, and that it's either me or my sis who complains. But hey, I haven't complained in a long time!!! I guess it was because of this that made me go mad. I hate people who misunderstand me. I DON'T KNOW YOU IDIOT, YOU MADE ME FEEL SO MISUNDERSTOOD THAT I FEEL LIKE GETTING A CLEAVER AND SLASH AT YOUUUUU! MUM, COULD YOU JUST RECOGNIZE THE FACT THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR FOOD IN AWHILE?! I HATE YOU! And no, hate is not a strong word. So why do I go to the library everyday? It's because I hate getting misunderstood by my family members, especially those who knew me for 15 years, everyday of my mundane life. So now you know. Stop asking me why. It's irritating having to answer your questions. And why do I not go for CCA? Because I don't like her. Okay? PS: And for you passerbys who think that I'm a sucker who doesn't respect her parents, you're wrong. I disrespect you more, because I'm trying to vent my anger here. If you don't let me vent my anger, for all you know, I might just commit suicide, and you have a part in this because your comment made me feel that it's wrong for me to vent my anger. So just shut your mouth up if you're gonna say that I'm unfilial, it's wrong of me to say that of my mum. I do understand her feelings. But still, I'm an extremely normal human with a lousy, mundane life. So forgive me, AND SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTH UP. All because I need to vent. Don't you? But anyway, Fuck My Life. It sucks.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009.
Web of confusion. 7:57 PM I'm confused. About what? I don't know. Oh, wow. Anyway, I have a revolutionary idea. I consider it a revolutionary idea. I don't know if I have blogged about this before, but anyway, here it is. If a device, could take a picture from the eye's view in a matter of a blink or something, it'll be good. Cos some pictures are, I think, impossible to take a picture with your camera, no matter how good the camera is. Imagine that your grey matter can remember that image. This image, like digital images, can be printed out, used for blogging, and blah. Like digital images, it can also be deleted. Then, you have a USB port made somewhere in a incospicuous place on your head. Then, you could actually save it in a computer. So back to the eyemera, it'll be totally useful in case of emergencies. Suppose you are... okay, robbed. So you've got this fuckin' robber. All you need to do is to focus on that guy, look at him clearly, and BLINK. You've got a identikit picture of your robber. Give it to the police, and they'll hunt him down in no time. Hah. Imagine this scenario. A kingfisher is perched on a branch. It's a rare sight for you so you want to take a picture and savour the moment. So all you do is just BLINK, just before the kingfisher tries to fly away. I bet it happens all the time. Yeah isn't it good?! I sound like a geek, but yeah. IT'S GOOOOOD! Yeah the USB port thing somewhere embedded in your skin sounds really gory, but I think it's good! Any Einsteins out there willing to ponder over my idea? I've got another idea something like this but I forgot what it is. Actually this idea of an eyemera, body USB has been in my head for very long. Maybe someone has been thinking about it, but hey, I talked about it first. You loser. OH OH OH. I remember it now. I remember, during the height-and- Imagine a slim Jacinta. Wow. Unimaginable. (Oh I love to insult myself.) (Hey it may happen okay?) (Okay stop daydreaming Jacinta.) OKAY OKAY back to my topic. So Jacinta drinks this uber-magical medicine without any side effects. SUDDENLY, she is able to pull of chunks of oily fat off her. But no! Instead of a resulting bloody oily mess, the chunk pulled off heals back. Then she keeps pulling chunks of fat off herself. THEN SHE ACTUALLY BECOMES SLIM. OMFG! Imaginable? Yes! And then she pulls of the fattest piece of her gluteus maximus and throws it at the skinny freako nearest to her. HEH, HEH, HEH. HAHAHAHA. So really, any Einsteins/Edisons out there willing to ponder over and develop my ideas? We might get rich you know! Random point 1: When Geokmooi is in a daze, it reminds me of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Random point 2: This post is long. Wow.
Saturday, September 19, 2009.
National Food? 7:46 PM I think it's just plain atrocious for the Malaysian government to name several food(s) of Singaporean culture as their National cuisine. I puke. Yeah. You know, if you didn't declare that, there would always be peace and harmony. Because you declared that food like Nasi Lemak, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Chilli Crab etc as Malaysian National Cuisine or something. It's just dumb alright? Are you trying to sow discord or something? Sickening. Bleh. What homework do I have to do? Oh yes, speaking of homework, it reminds me of the new timetable. On Tuesday, it is especially NOT GOOD to place POA right before recess. We all know how Mrs Luah would drag the lesson on, do we? Instead of having a 30 minute recess, we might end up with a 15 minute one. Eww. And I thought F&N before VE lessons were weirder than ever. It's also not necessarily good to see Ms Choy on the first TWO periods of Tuesday.
So dead. 1:53 PM Yeah the days seems to be so dead nowadays. OH AND BLOGGER IS BACK TO NORMAL!! Yay. I might be the slowest. But maybe I just made you realised that without you knowing. Heh. Okay I got caught by Mrs L for pon-ing class that day. It's for a good cause okay. I study in the library. HAH! And not all teachers are like Mr P. He's a sucker. And Mrs. L. is loads better than you, Mr P. Boo to you for being the most despicable teacher on Earth. I hope that the Zodiac killer would come and find you and kill you and let the police crack that cryptogram. HMPH. At least, at the very least there are good teachers around. Oh yes, I don't want to get a fever okay, Jiamin. But anyway, Get Well Soon. And your holiday is freakin' long. Gah. WHY THE HELL MUST THEY MEASURE IN RADIANS WHEN YOU COULD ALWAYS MEASURE IN DEGREES?! I don't geddit. Friday, September 11, 2009.
WHOOOOOOOPEEEEEE!~ 9:11 AM You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? I finally got like 24/25 for E Math!!! OMGOSH!! Ahhhhh! Haven't got like this kind of scores since... kindergarten. Woah! Quite happy with CA2 scores too, but not that happy. COS IT'S LIKE 1.1/1/0.5 points away to the next benchmark. Like Combined Science. 1.1 points away to A1. GAHHHHHH. So angry! Oh yeah. Finally a B3 in Math. Hopefully I can do well in SA2. Which I kinda doubt so. Sighs. EDIT: Eh today's Sept 11. God bless those who died in the Twin Tower bombings. So fast la, so many years has passed since this incident. EDITII: Look at the time this post was posted. *shivers*
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