Monday, August 31, 2009.
Teachers' Day. 6:30 PM Today was teachers' day. LOL. I know you know. :D But anyway, why is blogger still in the plain HTML state? I don't get it. Zzzz. Hokay anyway we had to exercise in the morning. Guess I can't escape PE on Mondays :( I forgot to wear PE t-shirt, anyway. Pffft. So it was ACES day too. It stands for All Children (?) Exercising Simultaneously. I'm NOT a child So, we beckoned her to come over. (I know, I know, I'm lazy.) Then I gave her her present. Then she said, "Where's my POA file?" We all went, "AIYOHHHHHHHH!" Oh gosh. She's kind of really erm. Responsible in a sense. But isn't it weird? I think so. Lol. Then I went up to class. Gabriel came in with a big box. For the Math Files. Heh, I finished it like, LAST WEEK.!! Weeeee! So I handed in straight away. (WHO TOOK MY HOLE PUNCHER?! ARGH.) After that, they used Geok Mooi's tape to tape up the box. But of course we must decorate the box with things like, "Find x.", like duh. Haikal and Gabriel used up two rolls of tapes. I'm saying the truth, but it sounds exaggerated. Cos, they used two small rolls, plus the tapes were already used. o.O Then we wrote "Happy Teachers' Day" in four languages. After that it was ACES workout. Then we went up to class, then went to the hall. Mr Neo and Mr Loh got the prizes. I remember MR Neo got the IT teacher Award. I think. But I forgot what Mr Loh got. Inspiring Teacher if I'm not wrong. Hah. Oh, congratulations to both Teachers anyway. After we got dismissed, I went to AMKHub with Vanessa, Michelle Wong and Cindy for awhile. After that we went to Cindy's house to play Mahjong. LOL. Vanessa was feeling sick all the time. (Get well soon!) While we were playing noob Mahjong. LOL. After that I went out. What a boring day I had on Teachers' Day. Sunday, August 23, 2009.
Oh noes. 7:39 PM I haven't been updating. And blogger is like in the non-html state. Sickening. Anyways. I'm not in the mood to blog. So many things have happened. I'm lazy to post. Let's see, lemme recall what I did.. Hmm, I went to Kukup. It WASN't really that fun cos I got a diarrhoea from all the fly-infested seafood. But the fireworks was kewl (Hope the HTML works.) Although the fireworks wasn't as spectacular as those of the NDP, But it's still kewl cos we bought the fireworks and sparked it off ourselves. :D I got the video somemore, but then I can't put it up now. Oh well. Maybe I'll put it up on facebook. It's not a long one though. Like 20+ seconds or so. Watched Where Got Ghost last week. It's a hormedy, (or comror if you prefer). Not bad to me leh, but I don't know why the ratings were so low. LOL. Maybe I don't know how to watch movies la. LOL. I haven't do Physics. I forgot my file. Fish. I'm kinda enlightened after yesterday's episode. Shan't tell you what happened. Hah. I'm surprised I completed my bearings TB assignment. I so totally hate bearings la. Rack my brains like siao. Edit: I'm so friggin happeh! I finally passed a Mathematics test that seemed oh-so-excellent to me! It has been 4-5 years since I got such a nice score for my math test. WOOOOOOOOOOPEEEE. 17/20 WIll I get a nice score like that in the next Mathematics test? I think I'm going to fail Chemistry test. Gah. Sure to fail POA test.
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