Thursday, June 25, 2009.
Suddenly, 9:12 PM I felt like apologising to everyone whom I hurt. I'm sorry. Whoever you are. *LIST DOES NOT INCLUDE PEOPLE I HATE.* I'm sorry. Things like screaming and ignoring and hitting and punching you for no reason. There's no list, but the fine print still apply. Heh.
Monday, June 22, 2009.
Updates. 9:37 AM Last week was oh-so-tiring. I had AEM so I had to go to Singapore Polytechnic for the course. For those who don't know what AEM is, it's a course for students who get a lil higher than the usual people in Science. Then they get selected by Mr Lau and then it's up to them to decide if they want to go or not. LOL. But seriously, I had to wake up at 6am, and then go to the MRT Station by 6.360-6.45am. !@$&$^(%&%@@% It's a luxury for me to have my school in my area, so I don't have to wake up so early. OH, ACTUALLY, I wake up at the same time. =x Okay, so Singapore Poly's like huge. I love food so I'll talk about the food first. The canteen sells CHEAP things!! Like spaghetti with a grilled fish and a bowl of soup, with the delicious creamy mushroom gravy poured over the spaghetti and fish, JUST FOR $3.50!!!!! I sound like a suaku here. Just the spaghetti and the soup is just $2.00. Then the fish is JUST $1.50!!! Omg. I didn't realise that until now. The whole essence of that delicious plate of spaghetti is the creamy mushroom gravy. IS GODDAMN NICE OKAY!! Okay back to the main thing. Basically it's like a D&T class, just that we learn about Clean Energy. Heard from Mr Lau that there may be another AEM at the end of the year, but it's about Nanotechnology. So anyway, we solder ALL DAY. That left eye felt so heavy and painful. But it's rather fun lah. We get free tamiya car too. And this Dynamo Torch which costs about $15.90 and alot of electrical parts and the printed circuit board that costs alot. I didn't regret going la, cos got so many free things and learn so much, plus I can get away from my noisy and annoying sister. We were noisy however, whenever we have free time we would just play around with the SMART Board, or play arond with the markers. There was a PSP Club too. Almost all the guys in the AEM were playing PSP whenever they've got free time on their hands. And I keep xiasueh-ing myself on the MRT, cause got people like Jinxuan and Vincent around. *** Went to Bishan Library to do History Project. Kaixin became a mushroom, heh. I'm still auntie looking as before :D Anyway, after the session, and after me and Jia Min sent Kaixin off, I wanted to go buy takoyakis. Then there was this little boy running around. And of course, cause I'm so bulky and not agile at all, I bumped into him, and he fell. I got a big shock, actually. Then I apologised. But then his father just scolded me. Not in the ordinary Singaporean way. The AH BENG way. !@$#%@^%#&*$(%&(*%@#@&()^*)_&*)#$^%@ Cheebye blablabla. I only heard Cheebye something and then that he wanted to punch me in the face but didn't cause I'm a girl. I was kinda shocked, (and abit deaf) so I didn't hear anything else except for the CHEEBYE. BTW, he had tattoo all over his body. So in that case, I suppose it's his fault la, cause he didn't take his son in hand, and he just kind of screamed at me, with the profanities at that, so it's his fault in the end. Hah. I DON'T CARE. I think I'm not only abit deaf, but abit blind also. ...... Sunday, June 21, 2009.
Music in blogs 6:03 PM It's totally annoying alright. NOT EVERYONE LOVES YOUR KIND OF MUSIC!! And flash developers, or music-in-blog flash developers, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. Can you all not provide autostart music flash thingy that booms music?! It's REALLY ANNOYING, and if anyone has read my blog right from the start when I first blogging, there has been a few posts talking about this ANNOYING widget. I mean, instrumental is rather okay, BUT HEAVY METAL? It's scary, and it earns you demerit points from parents. People who have their computers/laptops in their own rooms are okay, but those poor fellas who have them in the living room? It's totally hell, cos the parents would want to watch TV. I experienced that before. It's annoying when some idiot plays a video on YouTube while you are watching TV. The priority is always the TV, then the computer. So yes, for those pitiful people who have no headphones cos they spoil too easily, and have their computers placed in the living room, IT'S LIVING HELL! So yeah. If you really have to, please use something PAUSABLE, at least. Don't use something tha is unpausable, and then, you have less readership? Haha. You get my point, huh? I'm sure you do. On a side note, my computer desk is abused by me. It's threatening to strike anytime soon. Awww. PS: A new post SHOULD be coming up relatively soon. Saturday, June 6, 2009.
I don't care. 7:29 PM OKAY, IF I DON'T GET THIS OUT OF MY BODY, I MIGHT JUST GET A VARIETY OF DISEASES SOON, AND BEFORE YOU KNOW, YOU'LL BE AT MY FUNERAL (if you're friend enough. I really have got no idea who's going to go to my funeral.) -Oh anyway, If I really die, I want a white coffin. Please cremate me and sprinkle the darned ashes all over Singapore. Then forget that I have actually, ever existed.- By now, my left leg is full of cuts from the bicycle. Much as I am really proud of it, but then, it has caused me lots of disasters. My bum hurts while sitting down. I hate you grownups. Now, is it wrong to keep quiet? Why is everyone like that idiot. Last time while I tried to stop myself from keeping quiet, they say they're worried. WORRIED? I doubt so. Really. I DOUBT SO. Now, I talk. THEN YOU ALL COMPLAIN. Should I go back to the times when I am quiet? Maybe I should. I'm like going to blast music in my ears 24/7. I don't want to hear from you all anymore. It's tiring, stressful, and not to mention that it causes me deafness faster than it does when I blast music! Oh yes, that bike isn't mine. It's my uncle's. He gave it to me. IF IT COULD STOP ALL THOSE ARGUEMENTS, I'LL GLADLY GIVE IT BACK TO HIM. Now you ask why I don't want to tell you why I'm so sad/angry/exasperated over. It's because I don't know when you're good to me, and when you're treating me bad. I don't understand you all. Now I know why I have a blog. It's because of all those grownups. They don't understand people at this age. Neither do we understand them. We have a very obvious age gap. I need to numb myself. I need to detach myself. I don't want to talk anymore. I realise I do feel better when I keep quiet. Just... indifferent. I don't laugh at their jokes. Neither do I care if they're arguing. At least I don't feel that hurt anymore. What I've done to get all this? .
Oh. 6:48 PM So it's already the holidays. I thought my family/relative life was getting better, but no. Yes, I AM FAT. So what? Is it any of your problem? Why should you even restrict me to drink COKE LITE?! It's COKE LITE, for fucking goodness' sake, AND I HAVEN'T BEEN DRINKING COKE FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS! I asked you, IDIOT, the last week when I came to Grandma's house. You said no. SO I just put back. THIS TIME, I ASKED YOU THE SAME THING, YET YOU SAID I DRANK IT THE LAST TIME ROUND! Why is it always that when I look forward to something, the opposite is often the reality. WHY? Why must it be like that? Why is it that I don't even have the freedom to even DRINK COKE? I haven't been drinking it you know, TO BE FRANK, not even the past few years! WHY IS THAT PEOPLE WHO DRINK COKE EVERYDAY ARE SLIM? I DON'T EVEN DRINK IT, YET I'M FAT AS HELL. JUST TO AVOID YOU GUYS, I'VE BEEN SEEKING REFUGE IN THE LIBRARY EVERYDAY. DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD WANT TO BE THERE? I'd of course rather stay at home and sleep! Do you all know that people keep questioning why I'm in the library? Just to stop you from asking me to exercise, I CYCLE TO SCHOOL. In the end, I get bruises, cuts just from that pedal of the bicycle. I ache all over, and are you finally happy?! I HATE YOU GROWNUPS! JUST GO TO HELL, EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!
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