Tuesday, April 28, 2009.
The Bitch I met. 7:14 PM On the bus. Today evening, I was walking home happily, walking to the bus stop at the MRT station. Hopped on bus 88, and there it goes, to each of the passengers' destination. Since my bus stop is just a few stops, like about 4 stops only, I stood near the exit. As you might have anticipated, my big size and my bag would have irritated the hell out of someone. There were two, today. But I wasn't so angry with the first one. I would forgive her 'cos her arm was bandaged. But anyway, I think she mumbled something under her breath which I couldn't hear so clearly 'cos I am half-deaf (If you didn't know, you should've realised when I keep huh-ing at you.). Oh anyway, at the 3rd stop, just the stop before my destination, there were especially many people getting off the bus. There was this auntie who "Eeyer" at me, when I was trying to let the other people on my right side to get off the bus, as the bus is like, super crowded and I thought it wouldn't hurt to stand near the exit. So, while I was letting those on the right get off the bus, this auntie actually squeezed through me and another commuter. AND THEN SAID, "EEYER!" LOUDLY AT ME! Whatthegoddamnfuck. And then she's dressed in HOT PINK and black. OMG. It's going to make me hate you more. I so totally hate hot pink, but if those who didn't offend me, it's okay. It's of course, your freedom to wear hot pink, but because you eeyered at me and you're wearing hot pink, I'M SO GONNA CONDEMN YOU! Bitch. Put yourself in MY shoes. I'm wearing school uniform. With a size so big, and I'm carrying my bag. I'm trying to let those on my right go off first. You could've said, "Excuse me (:" but you didn't. If I heard it I would turn and let you off first. WHY NOT, you be me and I be you. I "EEEYER!" at you loudly see if you like or not la. If I weren't in school uniform, I'd have screamed at you. If my temper was as bad as last time, I'D HAVE SCREAMED LOUDLY INTO YOUR DAMN FREAKIN' EARS! And then when she was walking on the pavement, SHE DIAO-ED AT ME! Sucka. I regret so much not taking her picture. Then I could've uploaded and let you look at her sneer. BITCH! On a side note, I'm surprised I passed English Comprehension. I thought I would fail.
Saturday, April 11, 2009.
Actually, I.. 9:34 PM have alot of things to write, just that I forget by the time I switch on the computer and then click on Chrome. What I've remembered is... - Lousy effin' weather today. When I get ready to get out to go to Ah ma's house, IT EFFIN' RAINS. -I've got a new wireless mouse from my uncle! Actually, there's nothing to be proud of, except that... my previous mouse sucked and so I am rather thrilled to get a brand new mouse, which looks sleek, new and classy. Hah. -Erm, just had to blurt out that, I hate you, you, you and you. Yes. Four people. In the class. -I'm having migraines these days. I can't stand it. -Why am I writing in point form? -It reminds me of a junior in my primary school who blogs in point form. Lols. Oh whatever.
Sunday, April 5, 2009.
11:09 PM There's no title to this post. Cause I can't think of any. Oh yes. This is a rant. During the past week, I've been really tired. Very very tired. Yet my parents still can complain about almost everything about me. I mean, they're busying themselves with the same thing that I am busying myself with. Which doesn't sound nice on here. Especially if a relative reads it, then I get told off for this again. But anyway, for you Shin Min Daily News buyers, read the news on 1st or 2nd April. I forgot which. Turn to Page 7. The news is on the bottom left hand corner. You'll know why then. Anyway, it ended only yesterday. And I am positive that I am still tired. So, this morning, as usual, I had to wake up for church. But because I'm so-very-tired, I woke up about 20 minutes late I think. But then we go early. Not punctual. So yeah. As usual, they complained. Especially my mom. Who has the habit of telling people off. Maybe not my mom. Maybe yours too. Sickening lah. Then at around 7pm, I have a meeting. I have to go out, but then I haven't had dinner. My father dapao-ed, but then I thought he was talking upstairs. I DID TOLD HIM I HAD A MEETING, but he told me that I didn't. Then he said I was rude. Hello, would you be flaring up if YOU had a meeting and I was the one buying your dinner and then coming up late? You wouldn't want that to happen right? So YES, you have no right to tell me off for being rude when 1, I didn't even shout at you, 2, It was your fault for not hearing me first. Then just now, my mom asked me to keep my shoes. Which I'll do later, but then she just keeps opening the door and making sure AND complaining that I should do now. But when one is REALLY angry and had been getting accused of things that I haven't done, I'm NOT going to answer you. Because I don't respect people who don't get the facts right before flaring up on me. So, suckers. And I want to get myself OUT of that competition. I want to get myself OUT of that SS group. I also want to get myself OUT of the English groupings.
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