Monday, February 9, 2009.
OH. 4:14 PM OHOHOHOHOH!So the last post was the 200th one?! OMFG. That's pretty saddening, cause it's a rant. Ahhh. And it's heartening to know that people actually consoled me! YAY. Plus, someone also doesn't really like both of them. HAHAHA. She/He who must not be named, identity protected in order to prevent people from wreaking havoc. (?) Anyway, PICTURES. (Oh yeah. They're very random pictures. Hahaha.) ![]() ![]() ![]() Writing lines. Hmm. My first one though. I'm crazy (or stupid, if you want) enough to write it so neatly. ![]() FREE HUGS! Okay that's it. I haven't been taking pictures and I seriously don't know why. Maybe I'm just 208-sick. Cruel reality. :( Thursday, February 5, 2009.
So, people don't like me huh? 8:37 PM 1. I'm NOT going to care whatever they think. I only know I don't have to change myself for others. Unless, this change is going to be good for me, and good for others. Maybe, just shutting the fuck up. 2. I really, really hate people who interuppted me while I was doing my coursework. 3. I'm still human. Human has their own faults. You are not that perfect either. So shut the fuck up. 4. You think you are likable? No. 5. Seng Jung is a freeloader. Which translate to being unfilial and being an asshole. Are you? I heard the inside story about him from a teacher. Have you? If you haven't, I would suggest that you shouldn't really believe him because, a lot of people in 208'08 does not like him. 6. I know my straighforwardness irritates the hell out of people. I apologise for that. 7. I might want to change my seat. Not for your sake, but for my sake. You people have bigheads. 8. I don't like my life. You want to experience mine? 9. I love complaining. Because it's my freedom of speech. 10. Boys suck. They are insensitive creatures. Hence they can shout all they want, and they expect girls to shut up. Chauvinistic. 11. YOU PEOPLE SUCK AGAIN. YOU RUINED MY MOOD ON MY SISTER'S BIRTHDAY. 12. Mr Neo hit the nail on the head. "Life is never fair." Pantang ahmas are stupid for favoring boys. They are dumber because, they themselves are females, yet they yearn for a male child. This makes the society so fucking damn imbalanced. 13. Okay then again, not all boys. Only some are. ***************** My two years one month and five days in Deyi is generally not a really happy one. A lot of teachers dislike me okay? I'm fine with that. The worse is that I have to live with idiotic people in front of me. I complain quietly, to my partner. She agrees, but that's the end. You pushed the line, and now I'm like very angry. So it's ending up in my blog. Too bad, huh.
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