Wednesday, January 28, 2009.
10:22 PM

I finally decided to update a little. Brighten this up.

What I've been doing. Want me to tell you? Serious? Okay, don't tell anyone. Ah.

Studying LAH! Think also know right!

Okay that was very childish. And very lame.

*Continues post.*
Okay Summarising what happened for the whole month. It flew past. Really fast. (No rhyme intended.)

January 3. I'm not afraid to tell you. My grandmother passed away on that day. I think the time has come anyway. I'm not exactly sad. She's been sick, and I think this is a good thing, passing away peacefully. Just that the number of angpaos I get is halved.

January 15. Jiarui, Weiwei and JIAJIA's birthday at AMK Park. Guessed Khairi or Huijun or Deeyana has posted the pictures. No surprise anyway, if I posted. LOL. I'm lazy too.

January 25. Reunion dinner. Not that drama, I mean reunion dinner. Steamboat! And a discovery. The last time I ate abalone was like my Primary school days. I totally forgotten how it tasted like, except that it was like RUBBER. Hmmmm.

And anyway, my mother opened that can of abalone, and she sliced it into small pieces. She gave me a piece, and I NAUSEATED! It smelled so fishy! OMFG! Call me dumb, stupid or whatever, IT IS SHIT. I'd rather have INSTANT NOODLES than eat abalone!

January 26. HappyNewYear! Played blackjack. Used a 10 dollar Angpao as the capital to gamble. Won four dollars. That day. Only.

January 27. I LOST BIG TIME! OMFG. Like 10 ++++++++ 

THIS YEAR'S NEW YEAR, IMO, wasn't really fun. Cause I felt tired most of the time. And I had to try to shut my big mouth. From eating and spouting nonsense. Hmm.

Saturday, January 3, 2009.
4:59 PM

3rd January eh?

Something unpleasant just happened.

And anyway, I'll post something that happened during the holidays. Soon. I promise.