Friday, October 31, 2008.
seriously... 10:29 PM ![]() Look at this. Grabbed from Playpark Forums. I'm sosososo inspired by it. Even if the forummer wasn't serious or he was mocking at us/me. But I doubt so. Even if you can click to enlarge, I'm going to quote it. Word for word. Posted by TaxiDriverUncle of Playpark Forums:Oh yes. I guess it's time to work hard now. Next year. Though I never do what I promise to myself, but I think God's giving me a chance to excel. I know I'm being religious here. I don't know. I'm not very devout, but I think he's giving me a chance. He's telling me to work harder in a little more stressless class, so that I can excel. Though I can't be sure, but I think so. And I really don't care about how this piece of text looks grammatical or not, but it's so true. Really. I don't know, but... yeah. .
okay i'm a liar. 8:29 PM No I'm not. I've stated in my previous post that I still may update due to class outings. Today went to school to know our streaming results. Not very satisfied with mine though. But still, I'm gonna accept the truth. I don't think I'm going to appeal. Makes no sense and it's giving the teachers a headache. So anyway, we (In order of presence: Jiarui, Aaron Toh, Mingyong, me, Khairi, Diyana) met up at Ang Mo Kio MRT Station. Then proceeded to KFC where Shakinah was waiting and Huijun was nowhere to be seen, and had lunch there. Then she came after ordering our food. Ate Shrooms burger and Cheese fries. Sounds fattening. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Then Khairi went off for Friday prayers. The mosque was like, next door. ._. Boredom got the better of us, and so... ![]() ![]() Then Khairi came back. After Huijun finished her Zinger, we went to 7-Eleven. I wanted to buy Slurpee. Khairi, Diyana and Shakinah bought Big Gulp. ![]() Upon reaching school... we went outside the HOD Room to see our results. 208's results. If you want the results for the other 3 Express classes, you can get it from me. Maybe I'll post on the classblog anyway. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Then got chased out by the school auntie. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Then went home. I'm feeling so sick sia. Zzzz. Sunday, October 26, 2008.
untitled. 8:40 PM ![]() Oh yes. I'm on hiatus. And I think although I'm not some famous blogger or whatever, but I think it'll be nice enough to inform readers that I'm not going to post for a period of time. But then, if I need to rant, then it's a different question altogether. Below are several reasons why I'm on hiatus. 1. I'm totally in no mood to blog. This is not the main reason, but one of the reasons. Haha. Cause I'm in the "not-so-feeling-like-blogging" kind of mood. 2. I'm starting work soon. I guess this would be the main reason. Cause I'm going to work, and I'm gonna feel tired everyday, and I don't think I have the energy to blog. Maybe, at the most, I'm just gonna be on MSN and surf the internet. Then sleep if I'm really totally tired out. Haha. 3. It's the holidays. And precisely because it's the holidays, there's no topic for me to blog. Gah. 4. I'm restless these days. I don't know how to say, but I really am restless. I feel like doing this, then doing another at the same time. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?! Puberty, maybe. Duh. There are exceptions to why I may still occasionally post during the hiatus period. 1. I need to rant. Because having a sister who is in that transition is certainly not a good thing. I'll be in a bad mood all day. Hah. 2. Class outings, maybe? Self-explained. So, that's it. I know some of you may be happy to see me go. :( And pardon me. The pictures aren't exactly that nice though, and I may drop by to see if there are tags. Tuesday, October 21, 2008.
i've got nothing to say. 6:27 PM I have nothing to say. I really don't. Sometimes I'm really fed-up with people. So, these few days, seeing the really meager amount of tags, I didn't have the so-called 'morale' to blog. I have been really hesitant to blog. Frankly, during the past few days without posts, I have been trying to post, but I felt that, maybe I shouldn't cause it'll invite criticisms. But I'm not Xiaxue/Maddox/-Insert famous blogger name 'ere.-, so criticisms are not really needed right? Right? But sometimes an update is needed-or else people will shout away. Gah. Thinking about that makes me feel that my life sucks. So much. :( Anyway. I'll rant, as ever. I'll not post their names blatantly as I did in the previous few post. People will hate me. :D Sometimes, I really hate you for being so..everything negative. For that, I REALLY HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. I'm really irritated. I don't feel like ranting anymore. Everyone at home treats me like a jinx or something. I hate my life. Wednesday, October 15, 2008.
results. 2:50 PM Yep, received our tentative results today. The teachers' all gonna key in the marks for all the subjects. As usual, I failed Math. I guess I might be the lowest in class. Maybe not. Cause Sherry might be even lower than me... maybe she didn't even do. Haha. So, for now, I'm posting my results for SA2, not combined with CA1/SA1/SA2. Random order. Visual Arts
Preliminary Studies: 40/60 Drawing and Painting: 24/40 Total for Art: 64/100 English Paper 1, Section A: 22/30 Paper 1, Section B: 24/30 Paper 2:45½/60 Oral: 21/28 Total (According to the results I saw in that list): 76/100 Mathematics Paper 1: Geelo line poing fai ower whiffty. Paper 2: Lirleen ower whiffty. Total: Lenly twee ower wan hundwed. History Paper 1, Part 1: 28/35 * Paper 1, Part 2: 4/5 Paper 2, Section A: 12/20 Paper 2, Section B: 26½/40 Total : 70.5/100 English Literature Section A: 18/25 Section B: 18/25 Section C: 17/25 Total: 53/75^ Science Section A: 23/30 Section B: 27½/30 Section C: 26½/40 Total: 77/100 Higher Mother Tongue Paper 1, Section A: 12/20 Paper 1, Section B: 38/70 Paper 2: 41.5/90 I don't know the total, and I don't feel like calculating. Ahh, my results suck quite alot. Grrr. Mathematics Paper 1: 09.5, round up 10 Paper 2: 13/50 Total: 23/100 *I guess so cause I haven't got a clear look at my Paper 1 Part 1. I got it calculated. (I still got brains to do simple math okay.) ^I don't know where the other 25 mark went to. LOL. EDIT: Something I realized after I posted. The results look like a trophy to me... Ahhhhhh. ![]() I told you right, it looks LIKE A TROPHY!!! Good omen. Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
500 unread emails 9:52 AM ![]() Woohoo! 500 UNREAD EMAILS! Looking forward to 1000 unread emails. If is still in existence, that is. If the day's gonna come, I'm going to make a bigger banner. HAH HAH HAH. Now, a rant. HEY YOUR DAMNED CUPBOARD WAS ALREADY FULL OF YOUR DAMNED CDs already can!? When I opened it on Sunday, it was LIKE SO DARNED FULL, MESSY, And I'm going to clean/clear up my things only when the holidays start. Cannot ah. Wahlao eh. Today want to relax also cannot is it? Why must you always rob me of my relaxation time?! Why?! Is it because you don't have enough? Nobody bloody asked you to be a bloody freak and bloody clean up the bloodeh place ALL the bloodehhhhhhh time okay?! YOU CAN TAKE A DAY OFF AND RELAX A BIT! JUST ENSURE THAT I HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT CAN ALREADY. At the most, you can just freaking, bloodily ask me to buy my own meal (but give me the money). Is it so difficult? Nobody asked you to be a freakin' workaholic! Blimey. /end rant Anyway, today's gonna be another boring day at home. I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow. Sighs. Monday, October 13, 2008.
then i decided not to. 8:33 PM To post pictures. Maybe I should keep my blog pictures free. It should stay so. Cause it ain't a good reason for it to have so many pictures. No actually... And I knew about it. Who wouldn't be angry at a comment that was so obviously targeting at them? Seriously lah. Look, I made that comment that was so pointing towards you so obviously, with your name screaming at the top. You people must be livid at me. No doubt. You people must be angry in silence. I knew it. I just read YOUR blog, and I can't be wrong. If you are angry, then tell me. If you really wanted it to be out of my blog, then say. Don't keep it within yourself, then secretly standing there, angry at me. I don't like this life either. I just had to say it out cause you were really ______ at my nerves. I had to shout it out. I'm not the kind to bury it in my heart. If I'm irritated, I'm gonna say it, in my blog. Cause it's my blog and I guess and I think it's my freedom to type whatever I want to type. I decided not to tell you straight in the face cause I felt that doing that might be even more hurting. That's why I asked you if you were angry at me for typing all that. And you said you were not the type to when there was a particular post about it in your blog. Just tell me. If you managed to find this chunk, so be it. I'm not going to delete it or what. Just don't go around telling everybody, "Hey, go to Jacinta's blog and press Ctrl+A/highlight everything. You'll see a chunk of text secretly lying there." Please, just keep that secret and let it be. If I ever catch whoever is telling people about it, you shall pay for it cause I had stated clearly in this chunk of text, which upon discovery, should be discovered alongside too. So don't try telling me that you didn't see this part. .... .... .... .... .... I didn't feel like posting the pictures cause they looked a little blur and I was lazy to watermark them. LOL. What a short post and I'm wasting so much space. Lol. .
update. 9:31 AM Early in the morning 9o'clock, Jacinta goes blog blog. So after the 2-day hiatus, I'm back! Actually ah, there isn't much to say. See? There's no school, hence there is nothing good to say isn't it? But anyway, there was a birthday bash for baby Jenavie on Saturday. And she's my niece lah. It was a little boring. =x But almost no one from my family reads my blog eh. So, it's okay. It was boring cause no one talked to me. And the whole semi-d was packed with Then my days got more boring and more boring. I don't really like holidays. I still have to think up of activities to prevent myself from rotting/rusting/stupefying/(insert appropriate adjective here). Maybe I should start playing MapleStory again, shouldn't I? But it's a tad boring with no one playing. Gah. Friday, October 10, 2008.
google. 12:30 PM I'm bored so I'm back a few hours later. Just now, I was going through google. For fun. Then I stumbled upon this. Maybe I'm slow, but here are screenshots of it. ![]() ![]() ![]() If you are able to tell me how to do that, you'll stand to win attractive prizes such as an ice cream stick(s), tissue papers! The grand prize is a one-dollar coin (SGD)! To win the grand prize, you'll need to tell me how to do that, but also the magic word(s). Contest is open till next Tuesday. PS: No seriously, I'm just kidding. PPS: If you really won the ordinary prizes, you'll get it. PPPS: If you won the grand prize, find the one-dollar coin yourself. LOL. This post is meant to relieve me from the coughs, ulcers in my mouth, etc. I just wanted to be lame. .
End of EOYs. 7:59 AM It was yesterday. I concentrated too much on the aunties that I forgot to say that it was the end. So, HIP HIP HOORAY. Back to Class 208. And 401, you'll have your class back... WAIT. My table's up there. !@#$%%^&*()) WHAT THE HELL?! The supposedly cleanest table of 208 is in 401?! Okay, the story was, my table was so darned DIRTY. Not to mention it's lame. Nononono, not the lame as in But as in missing a leg. So I went to 208 (cause it's a special room for dyslexic people and whatnot, for people who don't know.) and took my table, climbed all the way up to 401 which was on the second floor and at the other diagonal end of the school. Zzzzz. Anyway Huimin tagged me. So I'm 1.The person who tagged you is? Huimin. lor. Hahahaha! 2.Your relationship with him/her? Primary school friend. 3.Your 5 impressions of them. Clever-erthanme, good at basketball, athletic, responsible, short. :D 4.The most memorable thing he/she had done for you. Let me think...introducing me to basketball? 5.The most memorable thing they had said to you? I can't think now.. 6.If they become your lover, you will? How can she become my lover? 7.If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? Grow taller. 8.If they become your enemy, you will? Question why. Then see what's happening. Depending on what's happening, I'll do whatever it depends. 9.(Repeat Question) -What the hell is this?- 10.What is it you want to tell for them now? Hello, friend. Long time no see. We must meet up one day. (: 11.Your overall impression of them is? Trustworthy. 12.How do you think people around you will feel around you? Bored, of course, as usual. :( 13.The characters you love of yourself are? I don't know. 14.On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are? Being a fatass, unable to comprehend numbers and letters put together. 15.The most ideal person you want to be is? Able to see "Acceptable" weight range on my report book, cheerful, NORMAL! 16.For people that care and likes you, say something to them. Thanks peeps, for able to tolerate my weird temper. :D 17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you. 1. Felicia 2. Khairi 3. Diyana 4. Jiaying 5. Jia Xing 6. JIAJIA 7. Angela 8. Weiwei 9. Carrie 10.Hazell 18. Who is no.6 having relationship with? -JIAJIA Don't know. Even if she has, I won't know either. 19. Is no.9 a male or female? -Carrie Female. 20. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? -Angela and Hazell Not unless they know each other and they aspire to be lesbians. Which is totally impossible. 21.What is no.2 studying about?- Khairi No, he shouldn't be studying. 22. What was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? -Diyana If in real life, and it's a short chat, yesterday. 23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like? -Weiwei Since I was bored and played around with his handphone a few months ago, I saw all Chinese songs. So Chinese music bands? 24. Does no. 1 have any siblings? -Felicia Yup. 1 kid sister. 25. Will you woo no. 3? -Diyana No way. 26. How about 7? -Angela No way either. 27. Is no. 4 single? -Jiaying Dunno eh. But then she flirts so much, chances are, yes. 28. What is the surname of no. 5? -Jia Xing Sim. 29. What is a hobby of no. 10? -Hazell Unsure. 31. Where is no. 2 studying at? -Khairi Same school and same class. 32. Talk about something for no. 1 -Felicia You and Joan are like superglue. 33. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8? -Weiwei Nope. I don't want relationships while I'm studying. Even if I'm not studying ah, I also won't consider him lor. 34. Where does no. 9 live? -Carrie Somewhere in Bishan if I'm not wrong. 35. What colour does no. 4 like? -Jiaying Pink? 36. Are no. 1 and 5 best friends? -Felicia and Jia Xing No because Felicia has Joan. But they are good friends. At least, I think so. 37. Does no. 1 have any pets? -Felicia Rabbits lor. 38. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? -Angela In my opinion, no. 39. What is no. 10 doing now? -Hazell Eating breakfast? Sleeping? Brushing her teeth? In school? I don't know. Whew, finally finished the quiz. I think I'm flunking my EOYs. And I cannot possibly think properly while having the irritating runny nose and coughing right. UNFAIR. Ahhhh. Thursday, October 9, 2008.
Laughing my toes off. 4:25 PM So there was this fight. It started at 4pm. Before we go on into the details, you need to know... this. ![]() Where I live! (Basically, how it looks like.) So I live in Block 537. The other block as shown is Block 538. Now... the protagonists of the story..? ![]() There are two. The second one you cannot see. Cause she just walking out (No lah. Actually is I lazy to draw liao.) So anyway, a brief introduction. The woman on top is a middle-aged China woman. The auntie whose face cannot be seen is Singaporean. So. This, you can say, it's a Singapore VS China quarrel. PS: I don't know what started the quarrel. Couldn't hear, but yeah. Anyway, what I heard was "bitch", "parents never teach you ah", "vixen", "smelly bitch". And alot of insults. They even went out to settle sia! But then, the Singaporean did not want to quarrel. The China woman kept on taunting her. But the China woman just kept on continuing. SINGAPORE FTW! No wonder we don't like lowdown (sorry, China nationalities.) China people like her. (So, those who think you're well-taught, good for you!) Fly back to China! We don't wanna see you again. And those women seduce chikopeks and stir up trouble, break other people's families. Yet another reason why Singaporeans don't like lowdown Chinese. Wednesday, October 8, 2008.
I don't know. 7:07 PM Okay. I really don't know. Don't ask me why. I've been really short-tempered these few days. I wonder if it is because of the irritating flu. I don't feel like talking either. I'm not afraid to voice out in a public blog. I don't see why I have to make a blog private just so to say out their true inner feelings. I'm not pointing fingers to anyone, but you see the point. So, this post may irritate the hell out of you. Especially to people around me. So, you've been warned. Don't get angry with me. Cause I'm feeling really short-tempered these days. I feel like... AHHHH. I really need to shout. To vent my anger. So don't mind me. Anyway, I really thought that this is my blog, and I didn't really need to consider anyone's feelings. So here goes. Please, take caution. This is the last warning. Khairi: I'm really fed-up at you asking me the kind of questions when you could really get the answers from your textbook. Especially yesterday (note today's date.). The day before Science paper. You were like asking me so many retarded questions lah. I know it's vital. But I don't even have focus with me. It's either you keep probing for the answer when I told you that you didn't have to know the definition. And you can find all the definitions in the back of the Science textbook! Since you're using the computer, you're online, you're asking me questions, this definitely is telling me you have a computer with an internet connection. You can actually go to wikipedia to find out your answers. Alternatively, you can also just type the definition of the word you want. Here. ![]() The definition of the word can always be found there. The right arrow. And wikipedia is almost always on the first of the list. So, try to find your solutions there first before turning to me. I also do have my own problems to solve. And. Read the post below thoroughly before tagging. Diyana: You haven't returned me my focus. I needed it for science lah. Luckily I got felicia's copy cause she scanned to me. Ahh. Huijun (+Khairi): You couldn't send the Science E-learning thing to me right. I guess you don't always have to use the sharing folders. You can always open a conversation window, and just click "send a file/document" or something like that. It does work for zipped folders too. I received the sharing folders message for the umpteenth time. And I think you asked Khairi and JIAJIA(?) too. Look. ![]() This picture applies to Huijun and Khairi too. ![]() And I get the error message. And it keeps going on. ![]() The weird thing is, she's not even online. These pictures are all dated today. Can check properties if you don't believe me. Disclaimer: Maybe it's my MSN's problem. Maybe you sent through the conversation window method. I don't know how you did it, but then I just keep getting these error messages. So if you did send the document through the conversation window method, I will edit this part. Last few people- Geok mooi+Wanying: Stop twitting. And spamming letters (Geok Mooi). I don't get why you have to use things like "lyk", "sae", "tis", "y"...etc. When you can spell properly. Maybe it makes you type faster then ever, but I doubt it. Can you type at the speed of the court secretary (I think it's called the court secretary. They type everything word for word in a court hearing.) And these words are irritating. And twitting, for your info, if you don't know, it's someone who twyppesxx shomethiinggz lyyke tiis. Crazy people. I don't think they do it, but I shall not hesitate to block anyone who twits seriously. For one week. I seriously, don't know why. Monday, October 6, 2008.
If. 6:18 PM I had this thought. A thought that might revolutionize the world. Or maybe, just Singapore. If. Only if. If I became the head of MOE (?), I'll DEFINITELY make Mathematics an optional subject. NOW, ISN'T THAT GOOD NEWS?! No math for people like me. For pathetic people who has almost zero knowledge about ALGEBRA. Okay lah. Maybe I should make Algebra optional. Everyone must learn the Four Operations, Mensuration... The basic of Mathematics that involves solely numbers. And only numbers. No letters from the alphabets involved. This would, surely, make MY life and others' life so darned much easier as well. If. Only. I'm THE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. Then ah, I'll REMOVE Algebra from the face of the Earth (No lah.). I'll do what I did to the people of Singapore--NUMBERS. And only numbers. And people who are so darned interested in Algebra (I hate 'em.) will just continue to study. But it's just an optional subject. IF AMERICA can adapt to the change, I'll INFLUENCE THE WORLD, and make them stop learning algebra. And hence, algebra will disappear from the face of the world, slowly. So actually, I have no qualms with Mathematics. I only HATE algebra. So thoroughly. Seriously lah, if there was actually someone who could abolish algebra, I'll definitely admire the person through and through. That person would be what I know as a GENIUS. The real genius who knows that Algebra is destroying so many students' peaceful lives. Yes. Algebra is DESTROYING my life. My results slipped so much, and it started all with Algebra. I'll tell YOU why. I dug out my primary school report book. And I did remember that, during kindergarten, my results were ace. (I'm not flaunting. Seriously. And it applies to the next sentence right after the brackets.) I got first in class. But sadly lah, that was DURING kindergarten. And I got like 90++ all the time in that era. (Oh, how I miss those days.) Anyway, here are my primary school results. Primary One SA1 (30%): 94 SA2 (70%): 87 Combined : 89 Primary Two SA1 (30%): 88 SA2 (70%): 90 Combined : 89 Primary Three SA1 (30%): 82 SA2 (70%): 76 Combined : 78 Primary Four (Unavailable due to some unforeseen reasons-- Only the Achievement Band was reflected.) Primary Five CA1: 84.5 SA1: 67.0 CA2:65.0 SA2:64.0 Yup, Primary Five heralded the start of Algebra--note the start of plunge at SA1. ALGEBRA'S FAULT. Primary Six CA1: 53.0 (SEE, I BARELY PASSED. WHAT THE HELL.) SA1: 43.0 (SEE LAH, ALGEBRA MADE ME FAIL.) Prelims: 65 PSLE Grade: B I got a B precisely because of the reason that students were made to do a paper after the PSLE, and this paper (I think) contained some questions for the next upcoming PSLE, if you remembered. I remembered doing a Science paper. And I think I must thank the previous cohort for doing not so well. Cause if the cohort doesn't do so well, I think MOE will try to salvage some of the students' results, or if not, all. Despite the fact that I did not do the last ten questions, I still got a B, probably because of that reason. (Yup. The last ten questions cost A LOT. T.T) Then I decided to make a line graph. Here it is. ![]() SEE! IT'S DROPPING like hell man. And it keeps dropping now, too. It will continue to drop. That is, until Hah. Friday, October 3, 2008.
New skin. By myself. 11:55 PM Oh yeah. Finally I finished my new skin after starting work at 7.30pm all the way up till now. It's almost midnight now. I'm so sleepy. Rate my skin if you can. Thanks. And. Finally. Art. Is. Done. And. Finally. I. Can. Revise. Science/History/Literature. In. Utter. Peace. Just, HOOOOOOORAY.
| ![]() Skin edited in Mozilla Firefox. Best viewed in 1024x768 screen, browsed in Google Chrome/Firefox. © ATTENTION! STOP USING Internet Explorer. Firefox or Google Chrome is better. If you see the links going haywire, that's why. Click on either "Firefox" or "Google Chrome"(or even better, both) and download better browsers! Don't be a loser! Make the awesome right choice, cos as much as I like Microsoft products, IE is one of the worst. (: Oh yes, the links are now on your left hand side Look for that white piece of something. (: Mouseover crumpled paper to view. I apologize if it takes a tad long to load, cos the pictures take a hugeass filesize. Hahahaha. ![]() ![]() I'm awesome. I really am. ![]() ShoutMix chat widget ![]() April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010