Saturday, September 27, 2008.
Saturday morning 9:51 AM Yup. Saturday morning. 9.55AM. With only Derrick and Aaron online. And I don't know why, I have this tendency to type "Aaron" as "Aarong". I really don't. Cut the crap please Jacinta. Oh yes. Finished English Oral and English PI and PII. I feel good about it. The bad thing is, I'm not in the mood to study, nor am I in the mood to finish V-Art Prep Work. Gahhhh. It's 9 pages of it by next Thursday! I'm only at the 3 and 1/8 page! What-the-whuck. But anyway. My goal is to finish at least Developments my tomorrow. And start with layouts by Monday. Which really seems impossible. Ah, JACINTA, WHY ARE YOU DILLY-DALLYING at this point in time?! Oh. I decided not to study for Math. OR rather, I'm going to study just the formulae and non-algebraic stuff. My brain's gonna hurt if I studied. Anyway, even if I study for it, I'm going to fail. NOT that I'm pessimistic, but I'm stating the truth. Seriously. Maybe I'm not cut out for Mathematics. So, I was wondering if there was triple humanities. I might just take that. Then maybe take double science, and E-math. NO A-maths for me. This just means that my subject choices are really... so little. I hate it. Ahhhhh. And I also thought of using Art to pull up my overall score. (Darn math. You have me so much trouble. I hate you.) Saturday, September 13, 2008.
video. chronological timeline. (WTF?!) 4:05 PM Oh no. I haven't been blogging for 1 week already? I suck. Ah. Here's a video. :D My childhood memories weren't shattered though. Ha ha ha. I think I'd start with last Monday. I'm sorry for not updating though. :( Monday, 8th September 2008 School reopens. I think it's better lah, cause got friends ah. ROFL. Can't remember much, though. Although I knew E-learning was near, but I didn't know it was the next day until when I arrived in school. Shermin asked me to go to the canteen. The cleaner asked Mr Chia when was E-learning. Then I remembered. LOLS. Tuesday, 9th September 2008 E-learning. School apparently changed the e-learning portal to I didn't quite like it. Cause some of the programs needed Internet Explorer to be opened. Which sucked. Seriously. Then did English first. It was easy in a way that you only had to hand in online. I think it's the first paperless assignment. Then slacked, slept... Then I felt like cutting my hair. Gargh. The outcome looked nerdy. So, now I'm Jacinta the nerd. Though Diyana said I looked cute. I couldn't picture myself as CUTE. God. Wednesday, 10th September 2008 Went back to school. The haircut was like, hideous? My freaking fringe was like, short. Which was actually good la, cause I wouldn't get all the itch from the hair in my eye. But what's bad is, my scalp feels like a STUBBLE, rather than HAIR. What the. Whuck. Then when I sleep at night, my scalp itches as if there's no tomorrow. AH. Thursday, 11th September 2008 Did dance today. Which was rather fun because two groups merged as one. LOL. I really can't think now, and I really don't know why. (To be updated) Sunday, September 7, 2008.
.... 8:13 PM Okay. I'm feeling better. After badminton downstairs. And I suck badly at it. Garrrrrgh. EDIT: Oh no why did I go to someone's blog, and get disgusted by it? And this must be the shortest post ever, by JACINTA. :D
rant. 7:58 AM The following block of text is a rant. If you don't like it, please just close your browser, press Alt+F4, or pull out the plug. Do whatever you can to close the browser. Just what is it about today? Something to take note: 1 This is going to be a terrible (maybe it's just me.) rant post. Cause I'm going to rant about some fucking parents. 2 YEAH PASSERBYS, IF YOU CAN'T STAND ME, IN MY BLOG, RANTING ABOUT MY PARENTS, I TELL YOU, IT'S MY OWN RIGHT, TO RANT ABOUT MY PARENTS IN MY OWN BLOG. 3 PASSERBYS, IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE PHRASE "FUCKING PARENTS", PLEASE, JUST DON'T TAG. I'D RATHER YOU SHUT UP. 4 PASSERBYS, DON'T MAKE ME GET EVEN ANGRIER. I'LL MAKE SURE I'LL TRACK YOU DOWN AND WHACK YOU HARD IF YOU DO SO. Seriously. [/rant] [real rants] I fully know that this is a sin. I'm going against my own parents. Why? Why did I do that? Apparently, I had a party at Downtown East yesterday. It's usual for me to complain, procrastinate, when I wake up on Sunday mornings. It's also usual that after a party on the last night, I'll complain and procrastinate even more. So much more. But it's not usual if I obeyed orders, woke up at the time I usually do so, complain about two things. I only gave you the black face. I'M ALREADY TRYING TO BE NICE, NOT TO RUIN THE MOOD OF OTHERS AND MYSELF. What I've not usually done, I did it. Today. But you people, you ARSEHOLES, made me so angry today. I didn't do anything wrong. I was merely just taking the clothes off the clothes rack, when the shirt and the hanger were like stuck, I only said, "快点出来啦*!Arghhhhh." THAT'S IT. I sounded irritated. YES, SO WHAT IF I SOUNDED IRRITATED? It's just so darned usual. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that, I go out early on Sunday mornings for church. (Oh no, it's another sin.) Continuing, when I was like, wearing my shoes, and the others were waiting for me. I just took a little bit longer, cause I was rather moody, and my father just gave me THAT FACE. Now my mother is calling me on the handphone. I'M NOT GOING TO CARE ABOUT IT. I don't have the need to. AND THAT FACE made me so DULAN, so I just said, "I already very good already hor (AND I DON'T KNOW WHY I REPEATED THE ALREADYS.), don't complain ah." LIKE THAT ONLY!!! And went we got into the lift, he just went on to scold me if I regarded him as my father, and whatever. Just as the lift was going to open, he told me to take the bus to church. PAUSE at this part. I'm going to explain things. MY FATHER, he drives a fucking lousy lorry, with fucking lots of construction materials on it. And me, whenever my mother is around, I have to sit right at the back of the lorry. WITH ALL THE DIRTY CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. This happens about every week or so. And it's always me. Not my sister. NOW WHO IN THE WORLD, ALWAYS GETS TO SIT BEHIND THE LORRY? ME! WHO GETS TO SIT ON THE COMFY SEATS? YOU PEOPLE! AND NOW YOU ASK ME TO TAKE THE BUS TO CHURCH? NO WAY. (And the other reason is, I have no EZ-Link card.) Oh yes, talking about the EZ-Link card. Did you even know I lost it? It doesn't mean that if I do not tell you, you all can not know about it. Yes, I keep my secrets guarded. So what? If you people are meticulous enough, you would have already known about it. I don't even have to say. (Continues) SO, YOU WANT ME TO TAKE THE BUS TO CHURCH? AND I'M OBEYING YOUR ORDERS? NO. I'M NOT GOING TO OBEY YOUR ORDERS. THAT'S JUST THE REASON WHY, I'M SITTING HERE, RANTING ON MY BLOG. Another thing I have to explain. In church, there are communities. So my mother pulled me into her community, known as the Chinese Children's Liturgy*. I'm the IT personnel, and I have the key to the computer (which screens the prayers...etc.), she doesn't. In the community, the aunties who join are further divided into four groups, and that means that each group has impart the Bible teachings for the week once every month. And coincidentally, it's my mother's turn today. So for now, there's another person who has the other key. AND IF SHE DOESN'T COMES, the only thing I can say is, " You deserved it. It's your just deserts." YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS, AND I'LL TREAT YOU LIKE THAT. AN EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. SO YOU CALLED ME. AND I'M NOT GOING TO PICK IT UP. SEE HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SURVIVE THROUGH THIS. And since there's no Catechism today, I decided not to listen to you people's orders to go to church. And when you people come back, ask me why I didn't go, I'm just going to YES, THAT'S WHAT I'M GOING TO SAY. I HAVE THE RIGHTS TO STAY AT HOME AND NOT LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY. SINCE YOU FORCED ME TO. FUCK YOU PEOPLE. GO TO HELL. I HATE YOU. ARSEHOLES. [/real rant] *快点出来啦! means FASTER GET OUT, LAH! or something similar to fit the context. *Liturgy means A prescribed form or set of forms for public religious worship.
Saturday, September 6, 2008.
google chrome. 10:43 AM I'm using Google Chrome now. If you're thinking of a search program, then you're definitely wrong. Google Chrome is a web browser, for those who don't know. Now it's in its Beta stage. So... It isn't that stable or popular yet. Haha. But then, I still prefer Safari. I have like, 5 web browsers in my computer already? Ahhh.
Friday, September 5, 2008.
youtube videos. 10:34 AM YES, I don't watch YouTube. But these were from PPF, so I guess... hahaha. VERY FUNNY! I entered so many spaces because the picture there got moved. It's in Mandarin though. The next one is not so funny, but still, I'm gonna post it. Walao eh! This one damned funny. At some point in time, the video editor decided not to continue with the whole podcast. But, I'm nice to type out what they say: "The Reason" by Hoobastank. (Oh no, it reminds me of Ms Haryati. T.T) I'm not a perfect person DJ: I'm balding, I have squinted eyes, six fingers, and my toe crooked. Personal comments: ROFLMAO! There's many things I wish I didn't do DJ: I wish I didn't go to Prima Deli and eat. (Probably during the Prima Deli food poisoning incident or what.) But I continue learning DJ: I stay back 5 years PSLE. I never meant to do those things to you DJ: I wish I never take you to Prima Deli and eat also. And so I have to say before I go DJ: My mother calling ask me go home. That I just want you to know DJ: *LAUGHS* Listen ah. I found a reason for me DJ: Because I don't like the rice and kuay tiao anymore. To change to what I used to be DJ: I'm going for a sex-change operation. Personal Comments: L-O-L! A reason to start over new DJ: I like Fiona Xie. Personal Comments: HOW DID FIONA XIE GET INTO THE PICTURE? And the reason is you DJ: I think I'm like that because I ate the Prima Deli. Haha, only two stanzas only. But still, it's funny. HAHAHAHA. Next one. It's abit sick. HAHA. Darned funny! THIS ONE ALSO! No more. I don't wanna lag you. Hahaha.
Thursday, September 4, 2008.
misleading toilet signs. the idea of numbers with letters. 6:19 PM Okay. So I did Innowits yesterday. All the way up to... 12.30am. Continued doing it today, I guess my part is done. Now it's left with the animations. Not my problem though, but Mingyong's. So, I went to Bishan Library again. Took 88 there. Went to Shih'lin to buy the XXL Chicken Chop. SPICY and YUMMY! Sms-ed Mingyong to ask where they were. Basement. It's a children's world. Kaixin came too. The darned librarian asked us to move cause the place where we're sitting were for children...T.T Went to the fourth floor. Seriously, the whole library is filled with people. It's so difficult to find a place. Went back to the basement because we looked more like exhibits rather than humans. LOL. Khairi arrived later. Know what? The toilet signs were ambiguous, and both the male and female toilet signs were a little difficult to differentiate. The only obvious thing was the handicap toilet. Both the male and female toilets looked like identical stickmans. Serious! And I actually thought, at first, the rooms were for parents to care for their child. In short, I thought it was the nappy room. Kaixin even thought that the switch was to open the door! ROFLMAO! Which was actually the light switch. There was a person inside also la. Now if you imagine... HAHAHAHAH. Then left the library at 4 plus. Went to buy another XXL Chicken Chop. Khairi went home first. Then Kaixin and Mingyong bought apple pies from McDonald's. Okay, if Kaixin didn't ask, I wouldn't have wondered: Is the skin of the apple pie baked or fried? And I didn't like the IDEA OF HAVING LETTERS WITH NUMBERS. Who in the whucking world came up with the whucking idea of having letters with numbers? It makes the whole thing so darned COMPLICATED, and we are the stupid people who end up getting confused by it. Okay, if you still didn't get what I'm talking about, it's algebra. <--- This thing is completely stupid. RAH! Monday, September 1, 2008.
lag, lag, lag. 3:57 PM The internet is forever so laggy. It never fails to be laggy. It has never succeded going ever-so-smoothly. Seriously. I DON'T LIKE IT. I really don't. I'm complaining and ranting. I want this post to have a considerable length, and not just like this. I haven't even seen the scrollbar. Really. Another thing. I don't like this break. It's so boring. I haven't started on Innowits. Not that we haven't started, but Mr Tan didn't like Aaron's slide. So we have to do it all over again. And I don't have the template Mr Tan gave. I think it's with Yoke Huei. Holy cow. Ahhhh. INNOWITS! ARGH. !@#$%^&*()! And IPW. IPW! Okay. It has been decided it's tomorrow, at a undecided time at Mingyong's house. And whatever it is, it's going to be simple. So we don't get chosen by the teachers. Oh yeah.
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