Tuesday, July 29, 2008.
NAPFA and HOMEC Practical Test. 9:30 PM Yesterday was NAPFA. Today was nothing. Tomorrow is Home Econs Practical Test. That's why it's called nothing. Okay, NAPFA. It's the most dreaded moment of my life la, seriously. 2.4km at Yio Chu Kang Stadium. Seriously I think the two rounds around the school would be better la. So I went to Yio Chu Kang Stadium at 3.25pm, riding my bike there. I purposely took the longer route. I wanted to reach there on time and not early. But I reached rather early la. Cause I predicted that there's bound to be no one, or those I loathe, or boys. And I was right. I reached there, saw Aaron Toh with Jia Ching first. I asked where's the others. He pointed to Derrick and Aaron Ang. Stupid la. I waited rather long before Diyana, Shakinah, Huijun, Khairi, Jia Xing, Weiwei and Jiarui came. Chatted for a while, then Mr Zaman asked us to sit together. Scary la, he only asked us to put our valuables in a bag. Jiarui had to sacrifice his bag. HAHA. But this only meant that the time for run is inching nearer. And, Mr Zaman called us again, we had to stay together. Briefed us on what to do, like take only 4 ice-cream sticks and one position tag. LOLS. Then we went to find Mr Chia to get our tag. I took number 333. Then started to run. Starting I was running steadily. Then after 1 and 1/5 rounds, I stopped. Not really stop la, just started to walk as fast as I could. At this time I was the last person in 208. Seng Jung was in front of me. Then decided to run abit, this time thinking that I must overtake Seng Jung. I overtook him finally, by about 100 metres or so. Then looking back, I brisk-walked again. Stupid la, I keep looking back. Then whenever he was nearing me I started to pluck up my energy and try to jog a little. I managed to stay in front of him, where until, the last round, FINALLY came. I was brisk walking, again, and then at the last stretch, I sort of ran for my life. HAHAH! And I came in position number 33. But then, ultimately, I failed. But the thing is, I WON SENG JUNG!!! It's an achievement okay! Seng Jung's an asshole. Today's nothing special. Except during recess, we discovered that Seng Jung wrote "Derrick 跳楼自杀" on his death note. Stupid man. He actually believes in this kind of stupid nonsense. Then we tore a page out of his death note and wrote in Mandarin, "声永心脏麻痹." I agree it's totally stupid, but yeah. Just to get back at him. LOL. TOMORROW'S Home Econs Practical Test. OMG la, I got scolded because of that. Seriously if tomorrow don't have Practical Test ah, I'll BANG MY HEAD ON THE WALL. I prepare so much already lor. ARGH. Friday, July 25, 2008.
OMG!! 6:53 PM OMG?! I haven't been posting for 6 days already? This really shows how time passes. So fast. Yet so slow at times. As usual, regardless of rain or shine, we had PE today. Which was strenous and crazy. Went round the MRT Track for like, 5 rounds? I think I walk more than I run lah. But the good thing was, I've improved cause Mr Tan praised me for that. HAHAHAHA~ *Proud man*. Then went to canteen and bought whatever I've bought usually, plus a Strawberry Sportade. Smuggled them back to class. Where after which, Weiwei actually brought back like, 5 bottles on his hands? And then was like cold and heavy? Hahaha, Jiarui changed in class. Again lah, and he said he liked the shiokness of that. Have to admit that he's really SICK. Sad lah, today's the trainees' last day, which included Ms Ee, Mr Foo and Ms Seng(?). Although didn't know Ms Seng that well but yeah. Last day. NO FAREWELL PARTY DURING THOSE LESSONS AH! !@#$%^&*()!@$^%&*(()%^%#%$^. Then Science lesson Mr Wong started on the new chapter. Talked about watts and power. Then the gruelling, grinding two hours of HMT in ITR2. Crazy lor, that paper, asked us to translate the Assasination of Qin Shihuang. Which took me like 1 hour, no? Then I didn't have anymore energy to do the rest of the paper, WHICH WAS TALKING ABOUT CHESS?! I hate chess to the core lah, then have to do something about it. EWWWWWWWW.
Saturday, July 19, 2008.
yesterday and a little on today. 8:09 PM Yesterday sucked a little. The first lesson was English. Mrs. Rauf's lesson. Apparently she was in a bad mood. Then I forgot to do and hand in my homework (ahhhhhh!). Then got a terrible scolding lah. Then I went quiet for the whole lesson, which was, until PE. I didn't talk much during that lesson, but it was rather okay. I had to partner with Crystal. (And as usual, nobody wants to partner her due to her super BO. You'll lose 80% of your HP if you pass by her.) Regretted not partnering with Jiaying. And I'm feeling so sorry to her lah. So we were asked to run in the field. A slow jog, then another round but we had to jog sideways at the breadths of the field. Last again, as usual. Then we did shuttle run training. This was when my life was 80% ruined. Sick. And you'll never know how the hell it feels like sitting behind or in front of a person with BO like that. And I swear, she's totally worse than Mr Foo. Then Mr Tan called me from the 2nd floor to tell the trainee PE teacher to take us up to the hall. Where the first sentence began, "I couldn't sleep well last night." Giggles and bewildered stares followed. Then he said it wasn't funny. So the whole point of that was that he didn't trust us anymore. So he gave those who were always absent or late for school a partner plus a piece of paper. The partner was supposed to write when his/her partner did not come to school and the latecoming student's partner had to acknowledge it. It took us like, 45 minutes lah. And ate up 15 minutes of our recess. I didn't really understand Math lesson at first. Something about quadratic equations or something like that. Then at the end of the class Mr Foo asked us to buy curved ruler. Which I bought later in the day. Practical lesson during Science. We're supposed to use a datalogger that was connected to a ammeter to measure the current flowing through the wires with increasing resistors, in a series, then parallel. Then chiong-ed for HMT lesson. Mr Chang had started the video about Qin Shihuang. Which started from 12.15pm to 1.30pm. Super lor. And this is only the first part. But then it was interesting. Hohoho. Then went back home and had cornflakes for lunch. I'm stoning at home the whole day lah. Then I did Art, the shield. Completed alot by now, only that the five stars are missing. Hahaha. Too lazy to put them now. Thursday, July 17, 2008.
of instant noodles and boys. 7:34 PM Ahh. Today was a slightly more in-ter-esting day. Firstly, there was a fight. Some Upper Sec girls. In fact two. Then, I PASSED MATH~ Congratulate me!! So the fight- it was like over a guy lah, according to the impromptu assembly today. But I thought it was my SHIOK-EST assembly ever cause the fan was blasting at me. I know you're jealous. Quit that. Of instant noodles: PRINCIPAL'S hairstyle~ She actually permed it lah. Which looked like... HAHAH! And I'm typing with the keyboard on my lap. And the monitor like about, 1.5m away. LOL.! During art lesson we had to make the shield. but it's a sad day lah. It's Mr Deryk's last day. LET'S MOURN... And Mdm Farhana is a little like Sam Lim lah. Ohmytian, I'm so bored.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
alien teacher. 3:36 PM *TEXT ALERT: Long post ahead.* "I'm not an ordinary human." "To be or not to be, that's the question." "I want the truth, nothing but the truth." "Don't laugh at my name (surname) or my ancestors will shake your chair." -Mr Choh, the Today English lesson, Mrs Rauf didn't come again. This Mr Choh came in to be the relief teacher. The class was in chaos when he came in, and it seemed to him that no one bothered to greet him. Angying then told everyone to be quiet and stand up to greet him, but this guy actually thought that she was being rude. And asked Angying to face the wall. Angying not happy lah, of course, cause her intention was to ask the class and greet the teacher actually was misunderstood as being rude. Then he proceeded to say that he haven't seen any class behaving like that. Seriously I don't believe a word of it lor. Then he said he started teaching as a career at 17 years old and TWO months. I'm IMPRESSED that he actually remembered when he started teaching lah. So he went on to say that students in Malaysia receive corporal punishment (caning, for those who think my English is CHEEEEEM), which includes girls. He also claimed that he has beaten the whole classful of students. Who cares lah, then he compared Angying to RGS and RI people. Crazy lor. Then he asked us to "Write down the Parts of Speech in the English Language." And said that we should go back to kindergarten if we didn't know. PLEASE lah, now we learn how to construct normal sentences and not learn the technical term for it. I wanted to say be didn't dare to. OH YEAH, he got a BELLY . And the going back to kindergarten part is stupendously INSULTING. But the funny part is, when Seow Ting asked how do we call you. Then he said that Seow Ting was wrong or whatever then Seow Ting just changed to, "How do we address you?" Then he started to say," Don't laugh at my surname." And then," I'm one of a kind." or something like that. All because his surname is CHOH, which quite not a lot of people have. Crazy lor. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He is so damn CRAZY. Muahahahaha. ((: I'm in Wanying's house posting this post. One of my longest post ever.
Friday, July 11, 2008.
PE SUCKS! 10:09 PM OMG, PE SUCKS! My arm's aching now. Like !@#$%^&*()@#$$^%*&($&*^* LAH. Now who cares, my arm's painful. Six stations, circuit training. First station was Mr Tan's, where we had to go up and down while placing your arms straight on the chair. Then Mr Zaman's. I think it's called burpee or whatever. Push-up position, then make yourself look like a frog, then a jumping jag. Then Mr Wilson Lee's. Sit-up. Ms Shirley Lee's was push-ups. She not bad already lah, let us collapse fully if cannot tahan. Then jumping jags by a trainee teacher. Then the worst one ever. Parallel your body against the ground by using the forearms and toes to support self. HOLY CRAP lah. PE, is sick. But Mr Tan had to do 30 push-ups cause Zeus lost in the "Inter-house competition". Hilarious lah.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008.
5:10 PM TODAY MUST BE THE BESTBEST DAY EVER!! Why? Cause Crystal ain't around (HIPHIPHOORAY!) and it was raining in the morning, which meant no FLAG RAISING...! And I didn't got scolded alot today either, only for the Math part, where I was very PISSED with simultaneous equations... AND I HAVEN'T GOT WHAT THE EFF IS it lah. Especially the substitution part. Holy crap. I realized my posts have been shorter and shorter. I don't know what I can do to it leh. OH YEAH, bring your ODTs tomorrow. ((:
Monday, July 7, 2008.
cbox's ads 8:46 PM CBOX sucks lah! [AND, no offence to CBOX users.] Not a rant post. But, cbox sucks lah. I want to tag someone, then out comes the "Forex...BLAHBLAHBLAH.." ad.. or if not, this casino ad comes out. In the end, my computer lags like hell, and I'm gonna blame CBOX. YOU SUCK MAAAN. HAHAHA! I'm going to be happy, so not much rant. I'm not going to give a damn to people like Crystal, who has BO, lousy taste, AND, so much more. HAHAHAHA. If you happen to see this post and I'm not online on 7th JULY 2008, just a gentle reminder: BRING YOUR TIE!
Saturday, July 5, 2008.
top ten. 1:10 PM I'm bored. And here's the top five. 5. Boredom. Please lah, who likes it? 4. People who contradict themselves. Like DMs. 3. People who got BO. Like Sinping, Yokehuei...etc. 2. Some Herculeans. 1. CRYSTAL TAN. Maaan. She has all the bad traits lah. Look. She got serious BO. I think she doesn't bathe. She acts chio. Her hair is tied to one side. No leadership skills-- not really don't have, is act de. Never brush teeth. Is a bamboo stick. I assure you, if I want to crush her, she would have been crushed. Her eyes have problem- always diao people. She thinks it's cold everyday- everyday also wear that black jacket-BLACK SOMEMORE (And it's fucking ugly.) Coward-Bullies ARE cowards. Lastly, she sucks man! HAHAHAHAHA. I'm not going to go on anymore. She sucks lor, period. HYPER AND ZEALOUS! I AIN'T DEAD AND HOPELESS ANYMORE!! Congratulate me. HAHA.
Friday, July 4, 2008.
relink and riddle. 7:39 PM WELL, since almost no one ever comes to my blog, I'VE RELINKED. Congratulations if you found it. It ain't an honour. HAHA! Okay, a riddle. Once upon a time, a long long time ago... A king had a beautiful daughter, the princess. Unfortunately, anything she touched would melt. (Wonder how she lives) No matter what--Wood, stone, metal... also melt. Because of this, all the men in the kingdom were afraid of her. No one dared to marry her. The king despaired. How could he help his daughter? He consulted the wizards and magicians. One wizard told him, "If your princess touches something that wouldn't melt in her hands, she will be cured." The king, was overjoyed and came up with a plan. The next day, he held a competition. Any man who could bring his daughter an object that would not melt would marry her and inherit the king's wealth. Three young princes took up the challenge. The first brought a sword of finest steel. The princess touched it. It melted. So the prince was sad and went away. The second one, brought diamonds. Which were the hardest substance in the world lah, dumb. But hahahahaha. Also melt. What could he do, run lah. The third one told the princess, "Put your hand in my pocket and feel what is in there." Princess did as she was told, though she turned red. She felt something hard, and it didn't melt in her hands *Surprise surprise.* The king was overjoyed. Everybody also happy. The third prince married the princess and lived happily ever after, as most stories go. LOL. Here's my question. What was in the prince's pockets? Think. Think carefully.... Really got it? You sure? Okay. It's M&M's. What were you thinking..? And if you don't know why... it's because M&M's melts in your mouth. HAHA!
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