People who need to do this quiz is...(if you don't want to do, it's alright...)
Mingyong? OBVIOUSLY he won't do de. HAHA.
Saturday, May 31, 2008.
7:11 PM RANTING ALERT: If you don't wish to look at posts that rant, please click on the: i) square red box with an 'x' on it, ii)the red circle iii) Press Alt-F4 on your keyboard. iv)or simply just go to your address bar and change websites, IMMEDIATELY. Today was a good day to start with. But good days normally end with days that suck like HELL. My eldest aunt, aka my mother's eldest sis, called up to say that she has three extra movie tickets. So, my mother, without doing her usual household chores, went down to Orchard, with us. *Yeah, and the MRT passed by Deyi. The netball court is NICE!* The movie was The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I'd recommend you guys to watch, quite exciting :) So the movie went on for 2 hours. After the movie, we went back to AMK and ate lunch. Then we proceeded to my grandma's house. Which I really avoided. Why? I'm the straightfoward kind, and I'll just blurt out whenever I feel that it wasn't accurate. And I really tried HARD not to talk. After watching HK dramas, I dozed off. When I finally woke, it was already dinnertime. I didn't feel like eating. My mother was so 'automatic' despite I said "no" for the UMPTEENTH time. So I was forced to eat, and I was feeling bloated. Awful feeling, and the worse thing is, they said that it was a pity that the school didn't send us to Sichuan. I replied that the places we went were far from there, and they replied, "Exactly." It's not that I refuse to eat, is that I was feeling rather bloated. No appetite. HOW TO EAT? I just somehow, ate them up. And then, my uncle brought out a few bags. At this point I was feeling really fed-up, but then being minors, we have no freedom of speech. I can't voice them out, so I was feeling even more 'bloated'. Among the bags there was this FILA bag, suitable for camping. I wanted it, but then my godmother, always getting the good things first, I didn't dare to argue with her for it. Unexpectedly, my mother said," Tell your godmother loudly that you want it lah." But by then, I was feeling already very down and little and I didn't want to say anything anymore. For the fear of quarrels. I turned back and continued to drink my soup. While my eyes just welled up with tears. If I showed it, I'll be told off. If I didn't I'd be looking downwards to avoid them seeing my red eyes. I buried my head under a pillow, crying secretly. I know, it's CHILDISH for a 14-year-old to cry, but then I really think that they're going really OVERBOARD. It's just that I never said anything, but it's because I DON'T WANT TO QUARREL. After that, we went home. My sister went to bathe first. After that, I went in, but then I had to wash my shoes first. Then she haven't done her housework. I said that I'll wash my shoes during the weekend, and I did it alright. She complained of me taking too long inside the bathroom. PLEASE, I'm washing my shoes, and I need to bathe. She had been asking me to wash my shoes for the past week already, and when I finally did it, SHE'S COMPLAINING. I know, those darned adults that pass by my blog, please keep your darned FUCKING mouth shut. Keep your thoughts to the back of your head. I know if you adults, some smart-aleck would pass by and say something ADULTISH. Which is just adults' wishful thinking. Till now, whenever she says something, I'll be taking a really deep breath, and give her a mean stare, and get back to my computer. Now I'll answer her question that she'll never know that I'm answering: Why do you always face the computer and blog about whatever you think, rather than talking to your parents? IT'S JUST BECAUSE OF ONE VERY SIMPLE FACT: To avoid quarreling with you, and only blogging would let me have my freedom of speech. And... adults SUCKS.
Friday, May 30, 2008.
7:17 PM I'm gonna post about my results today. Today, I finally dared to open that report book and take a good look at it. JUST KIDDING, it's just that I've got nothing to write... LOLS. And I'm really really bored... ENGLISH Language 1st Cont. Assess't: 77.0 1st Sem. Assess't: 75.0 1st Comb. Mark: 75.8 Combined Grade: A1 Personal Comments: NOT BAD AH, I didn't expect my English to get A1! Darned satisfied with it. Higher CHINESE 1st Cont. Assess't: 41.0 1st Sem. Assess't: 63.0 1st Comb. Mark: 54.8 Combined Grade: C6 Personal Comments: I've improved since last term. I got E8 last term, now C6. But then it doesn't deter me to get out of HCL. I'm deciding to take Normal Chinese next year... Wonder if Huijun, Jiarui and Jiaying wants to get out of it too. >< Elementary MATHEMATICS 1st Cont. Assess't:49.0 1st Sem. Assess't:27.0 1st Comb. Mark:35.3 Combined Grade: F9 Personal Comments: Never mind, I'VE EXPECTED IT. But then for SA it's all thanks to Mr Lee CY lah. Ask us some question about phi... Which sabo alot of people ah. xD General SCIENCE 1st Cont. Assess't: 91.0 1st Sem. Assess't: 84.5 1st. Comb. Mark: 86.9 Combined Grade: A1 Personal Comments: Generally satisfied, cause I did get an A1, BUTBUTBUT, I didn't reach my goal of getting first. But, oh well. ((: I'M STILL SATISFIED! I'm not the Derrick or Ze Xuan kind... HAHA! GEOGRAPHY(Revised) 1st Cont. Assess't: 78.0 1st Sem. Assess't:84.5 1st. Comb. Mark: 75.9 Combined Grade: A1 Personal Comments: I think I did quite well in Geography, and I didn't study for it, BUT I GOT THIS KIND OF RESULTS! So generally, I'm quite okay with it... and... listening in class pays off. And I told Ms Lim that I didn't study for this, and I also told her that it was rather easy... =x English LITERATURE 1st Cont. Assess't: 68.0 1st Sem. Assess't: 55.0 1st. Comb. Mark: 59.9 Combined Grade: C5 Personal Comments: I don't know what to say about Lit. Cause it's not the subject that I'm interested in, and I didn't really do well for it. Well... DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 1st. Cont. Assess't: 50.4 1st. Sem. Assess't: 5.6 1st. Comb. Mark: 19.0 Combined Grade: F9 Personal Comments: The result of not passing up the D&T file. Well... Visual ARTS 1st. Cont. Assess't: 71.0 1st. Sem. Assess't: 55.0 1st. Comb. Mark: 62.9 Combined Grade: B4 Personal Comments: Unexpected, but thinking again, the painting I did was real lousy. HAHA. MUSIC Combined Grade: A Personal Comments: NOTHING TO SAY! (: Total: 470.5/800 Percentage 58.8 Class Position: 31/39 Level Position: 101/158 Results: Passed L1R4 Aggregate: 12 L1R5 Aggregate: 18 Attendance: 87/87 Conduct: EXCELLENT I'M OVERWEIGHT! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's obvious anyway. Remarks: Jacinta is a responsible and dependable student. Her willingness to learn and positive attitude is highly commendable. OVERALL, my comments: Mr Tan's remarks is exaggerating. Haha. I didn't do well overall, because of D&T.... argh.
11:35 AM I got tagged again... this time by Khairi and DEEYANA! SO, HERE'S MY ANSWERS #01'. 7 things/people that makes me happy -TWO-ZERO-EIGHT! -Computer -MapleStory -SLEEP! -Clowns, cause they are there to make people happy. HAHA! -Friends -Games. #02. 7 things to do to win my heart (darned stupid ah.) -Truthful -Don't have to be really handsome. -Food. -Not neccesarily to be romantic. -Chocolates do the trick. -Cute. -Funny! #3. I believe in -Catholicism. HAHA. -Christ. -the Power of life. As in in the worst situations of life, the will to struggle in order to live. -the Power of love. -the fact that everything is possible. But it's just that I don't follow. HAHA! #4.7 things I'm afraid -Satan. -Ghost. The other world. -Cockroaches and beetles and bees and wasps and hornets and you know, the kingdom of insects. Although not all. -to lose. -of pain. -the cruel world. -being betrayed? #05. 7 things i do everyday- -Surfing Internet. -MSN. -Daydream. -Quarreling and fighting with my kid sister. -Eat. -Sleep. -Fart. (Shit.) #06'. 7 things I want it now -Unlimited amount of money. -Freedom. (of speech and the others). -New wallet. -Travel around the world. -be a Jack of all trades, and a master of all. -Unlimited amount of CHOCOLATES. -To be CLEVERER in Math. Which really sucks. People who need to do this quiz is...(if you don't want to do, it's alright...) Wanying Felicia Angela Mingyong? OBVIOUSLY he won't do de. HAHA. Jiaying Thursday, May 29, 2008.
9:35 PM It's the 111st post. Anyway it's just triple 1. So...I'm just being lame. So guess what, the day after I came home, back to Singapore... IT JUST FEELS GOOD TO BE HOME! Ok, this was taken from Mingyong's PM anyway. Haha. So... I went swimming just after the day I came back. So what's the big deal about that? It's just because, I haven't went swimming for at least a year. OKAY, no big deal cause you have not been swimming for years, or maybe you haven't swum before? OKAY, it's a big deal to me. ((: Then the next day, AKA yesterday, I went to the zoo. And came back with awful scratches on my left leg. Let you all see. And it smarts painfully while touching water. Maybe you don't see it as serious, but here's another picture. Anyway, that was yesterday's picture. Below two are today's. This is the worst part. Always the knee. AND IT'S SMARTINGGGGG. Argh. Okay, I'm being ever-so-lame. To show what happened to my leg. LOLS. Anyway, I'm stoning at home today, and I'm really going to rot and decompose anytime. can't blame me for being lame. xD
Monday, May 26, 2008.
7:57 PM OKIES, I'm finally back from China! No, I didn't die from the earthquake. Okay. TOUCHWOOD. Anyway, I'm going to blog a whole lengthy (I think) post about it. Massive text ahead. Day 0+1 Okay, I went to Changi Airport Terminal 3 at 9 plus. Did all the customs and everything, we got onto the plane. SIA! Singapore Airlines rocks okay. Anyway I got a seat far away from the Sec 2s. I was seating on the side with two Sec 3s. Korin and the other one I forgot. So yeah. Watched movies and played games. Actually I played Bejeweled first. Then I buay tahan. I slept for about half an hour. Then watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. Before long breakfast arrived. OHYEAH, dawn was early in China. I could see the be-au-ti-ful horizon. It was as beautiful as the stars at Sec 2 Level Camp, only that it's brrrrreathtaking~. I'm darned serious ahs. Breakfast was some sausage and potatoes. LOLNESS. Then when we got off the plane, customs again... We saw JIAXING, on the TV. Not the Jia Xing at 208, but his "name" was on the TV. I wanted to take a photo, but we were rushing. Anyway I didn't sleep for the whole night, AND THAT WAS MY FIRST TIME I EVER NEVER SLEPT THROUGH THE WHOLE NIGHT~ What an achievement. HAHAS. Our guide, 刘大哥 (for those who don't know Chinese, it's Brother Liu, literally.), was there to pick us from Shanghai Pudong Airport. It was 6.00am++ in the morning when we were out of the airport, and the air around us was about 16 degrees Celsius. It's colder than an aircon. But nice. We were transported to the Shanghai Science Center. While we were there, we saw life sized animals, but they're statues. Going further in there was a ride about the digestive system. And "porn". Which was about the reproductive system. The center was quite informative. After which, we went to Shanghai City Development Center. There was a gigantic City plan of Shanghai, and was clearly impressive. Nothing much there though. After that we went to the hotel which looked unglam on the outside but much so nicer in the inside. There was three computers in the lobby which explained why I was online the first two days. I slept with a Sec 3 cause it was 2 to a room. Sighs. Day 2 Woke up in the hotel. Went to Chenghuangmiao if I did not remember wrongly. Also went to Nanjing Road. Overall today was a shopping day for some, but definitely not for me. I HATE SHOPPING ah. And the teacher actually accused me of being not concentrating, being lazy etc. I'll elaborate on that on the day itself. I didn't buy anything, but I ate Haagen-Dazs. Which was rather expensive. Anyway, what's there to elaborate about shopping? But Chenghuangmiao has xiaolongbaos that were VERYVERYVERY nice. Sweet soup inside, and it scalded my tongue. Day 3 We went to Oriental Green Boat before going to Wuxi. There, we rented bicycles. Almost no one were walking. Except for a guy. And the teachers. Alvin, Korin and me went to the airplane display, which were used in WWII. And there were families picnicking underneath the wings of the plane. But they were rather considerate, unlike Singaporeans, who would throw their rubbish anywhere. But consideration to the extent of cigarrete butts only. LOLS. Then we went to the submarine there, but I was didn't go in. The two of them were taking photos as they went. While I was outside sorting my thoughts. But they took a rather long time... I was cycling around the area for a few times when they eventually came out. Time passes. Then we went to Wuxi by coach. And Deyians surely love to sleep. Mr Soon actually got a few photos of people sleeping. When we reached Wuxi, we got quite alot of extra time. But then we're here to learn, not slack, and we went to the zisha teapot museum. Zisha is a purple clay, only to be gotten from Dingshan, a hill in China. The guide in the museum, not our guide, brought us into a room and told us more about the teapots. Most of them were uniquely designed, and there was one kind that would float in the water without somersaulting, because other zisha teapots would float, but would somersault. There was another kind that had water pouring out in a twirl, and it had many meanings to it. But too bad, I never brought my father's camera there. Sadly. Or else there would be tons of pictures here. HAHA. Then we went to the hotel. Glam on the outside and creepy in the inside. In the end lots of rooms were wasted, and most of us used four to a room. HAHA. Day 4 To be continued, yet again.
Thursday, May 15, 2008.
Oh, Say BYEBYE. 2:36 PM Today is 15th May 2008. And so is someone's birthday. Although I don't really think she ever comes to my blog, but nevertheless, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERMIN! I'm leaving Singapore today. Tonight, to be precise. I seriously can't bear to leave Singapore. And 208 rocks just too much. So, this would be the last post till I come back from China on 26th May. I can't bear to leave my mother either. She's darned cute okay. So yeah. About the Sichuan earthquake incident, I really pray for the survivors for their well-being. xD
Tuesday, May 13, 2008.
2:24 PM Ok, I suaysuay got tagged by FELICIA to do the quiz. I call it... (I'm in love with the word darned. Must be past tense-d.) THE DARNED QUIZ!!! A)People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question any they dislike with a new question they formulated themselves. B)Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. (This sentence, MAKES NO SENSE.) #1: If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be? I'll throw him out of the window. Then go out and kick him right onto the main road. Then whatever happens next would depend on his luck. #2: If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? I'd want a genie or something to appear in front of him and when he says," Master, you have 3 wishes and I'll fufill them for you." and I'll ask for infinite wishes. ((: #3: What would your dream wedding be like? Like any other normal weddings. I can't imagine me being a bride. #4: Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? Whaddaya think? #5: What's your ideal lover like? Handsome. Likes me. Rich! LOL I'm so materialistic. #6: Which is more blessed, loving someone or to be loved by someone? To be loved. #7: How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? It's unpredictable. #8: Define love. I changed the question~ Love comes from so many realms. Like motherly love, brotherly love, or zilian is also one kind of love... HAHA! #9: Is there anything that made you unhappy these days? Not really, but the exams are depressing. #11: Is being tagged fun? No. Especially when it's asking those lovey-dovey questions. I wonder if the person who tags me knows how to count... Where's question 10? #12: How do you see yourself in ten years' time? I'll look dumber than I do now. HAHA~ #13: Who are currently the most important people to you? Friends and mother. Not my sister. Although I'll miss all the quarrels. HAHA. #14: What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? I don't know how to describe. ((: #15: Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? I prefer to be single actually. So if I'm single AND rich, I'll be so darned happy. #16: What's the first thing you do every morning? I'll wake up when my father calls me, and occasionally scream when I see my reflection in the mirror in front of me. HAHA. #17: Would you give in all in a relationship? Depends. (: #18: If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? The guy who loves me more. #19: What type of friends you like? Almost any, but I like people who are enthu. And I don't know why. #20: What type of friends you dislike? Those who don't brush their teeth, spout darned lots of nonsense. This very good example is CRYSTAL. ((: FELICIA YAP tagged me. 8 people to get tagged: Diyana Huijun Khairi Carrie JIAJIA (I don't think she'll do.) Angela Geokmooi Anyone else(: I'm going to China soon. LOLS. Tomorrow's Art Paper. Then paint Netball Court. ._. Sunday, May 11, 2008.
9:11 PM This post is shortly after the rant about Art. xD Relax, no more rantings. Actually I'm going to dedicate this post to my mother. Although she doesn't even know. This is what I really feel. What I really want to say on Mothers' Day. Although I don't have the courage to say to her. Which is kinda mushy. Dear Mum, Through the 14 years with me, you've sacrificed your youth. Just for taking care of me. I'm tearing while typing. Although you do complain that you've "wasted" this precious time just for looking after me, and that darned sister, I think it's not really worth it. You've totally lost all contacts with the working world, and even if you want to work now, it's a tall order. Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying. Maybe this is all too cheem for you. But you're not reading. You don't know my blog address either--unless that darned sister of mine tells you. Maybe I'm writing to the wall, to no one, but this is true. Mothers are wonderful creatures. I think, no father can do what a mother do. Fathers are all the same--they work and work. Come back home and eat. Then lie down in bed and sleep. This is their daily routine, and even the "houseman" cannot hold a candle to mothers, the multi-tasking, all-rounders two-handed creature. Mothers can cook, look after children while they are toddlers. When they are in the studying stage, some mothers teach them--like what you did to me. They can sacrifice alot just for their children. Their ever mischievous children, who never know how mothers feel. When fathers and children get sick, it's almost all the time that the mothers take care of them. But when mothers get sick, no one takes care of her. But for all the things they've done, they don't complain. Even if they do, they'll speak that softly to themselves. For the 14 years, you've tolerated every nonsense I've did. The sickly, always coughing me has grown up healthily--and now a fatass. Anything I want to tell my father, I tell it through you. Because papa's only scared of you. You intercede for us so we don't get canings from him. So we don't get all the nasty slappings from him. We get one less scar everytime you intercede. Everytime you cane us, it's all because there's nothing else you can ever do. So you cane. But deep down, you feel the excruciating pain--with every stroke that goes down. I'm tearing so much while I type this. I'm really fascinated by mothers' love. The very thing is, mothers' love is the most powerful of all types of love any children can get. It's a very powerful, but gentle ______. For you people out there, it may not be the best thing you ever felt. But to me, it's undescribable.
7:55 PM Guess what. I'm going to drive for the next two nights. FAQ: Q:How old are you? A:14. Q: Underage lehs. A: Nevermind de, cause this kind of driving I damn pro de. Q: BUT NO LAISEN! Ok, licence. A: I SAID, THIS KIND OF DRIVING I DAMN PRO DE. But maybe not. So long never do le. Q: Ok, just tell me what is it. A: Ok, it's 开夜车。 Yes, I'm going to burn the midnight oil the next two nights. Because I cannot finish ART on time. Whenever the INSPIRATION comes, a pity is that the ENVIRONMENT and MATERIALS are missing. So maybe I'm going to stock up Nescafe Latte and drive my way through the night. Seriously, Art--three weeks is not enough when there are distractions like siblings, computers, the noise pollution especially. I want to finish it. Yes I can--ONLY if I can burn the midnight oil without any distractions from my DUMB sister. Three weeks is only barely enough if your family is supportive, and you're the only child. Three weeks is overly enough if you can fully concentrate, you have all the things you need--camera, printer, colour pencils, computer...etcetc. And they must be at the right place. Without them at the right place, I CANNOT DO IT. Below is the conversation with Felicia while I'm blogging this post. It's almost exactly what I'm going to post. So make do with it. (8:14 PM) // (8:14 PM) ❤ felicia: ? (8:14 PM) // (8:14 PM) ❤ felicia: okay okay . (8:14 PM) ❤ felicia: xD (8:14 PM) // (8:15 PM) // (8:15 PM) // (8:15 PM) // (8:16 PM) ❤ felicia: wait uhs , i brbs . you continue typing . i bathe 1st , later i reply you . sorry uhs . my mum is nagging . BUT CONTINUE TYPING . (8:16 PM) // (8:16 PM) // (8:16 PM) ❤ felicia: continue . (8:16 PM) // (8:16 PM) // (8:16 PM) ❤ felicia: okay okay (8:16 PM) // (8:16 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:17 PM) // (8:18 PM) // (8:18 PM) // (8:18 PM) // (8:18 PM) // (8:19 PM) // (8:20 PM) // (8:20 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:21 PM) // (8:22 PM) // (8:22 PM) // (8:22 PM) // (8:22 PM) // (8:23 PM) // (8:23 PM) // (8:23 PM) // (8:24 PM) // (8:24 PM) // (8:24 PM) // (8:24 PM) // (8:24 PM) // (8:25 PM) // (8:25 PM) // (8:25 PM) // (8:25 PM) // (8:25 PM) // (8:26 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:27 PM) // (8:28 PM) // (8:28 PM) // (8:28 PM) // (8:29 PM) // (8:29 PM) // (8:29 PM) // (8:29 PM) ❤ felicia: hmms , about the ample space one , i know how you feel . thats how i feel now . (8:29 PM) ❤ felicia: maybe you can hide in your room & do ? (8:29 PM) // (8:29 PM) ❤ felicia: & for laylin de , call her now & remind her ? (8:29 PM) // (8:30 PM) ❤ felicia: call her in the morning to remind her again ? (8:30 PM) // (8:30 PM) ❤ felicia: ? (8:30 PM) // (8:30 PM) // (8:30 PM) ❤ felicia: or you cando it in school ? (8:30 PM) // (8:30 PM) // (8:30 PM) // (8:31 PM) // (8:31 PM) // (8:31 PM) // (8:31 PM) ❤ felicia: your father's camera have (8:31 PM) // (8:31 PM) ❤ felicia: o.o (8:31 PM) ❤ felicia: now he's there ? (8:31 PM) ❤ felicia: with his camera ? (8:31 PM) ❤ felicia: put it back for the time being uhs (8:31 PM) // (8:32 PM) // (8:32 PM) ❤ felicia: o.o (8:32 PM) // (8:32 PM) // (8:32 PM) // (8:32 PM) ❤ felicia: then on a a4 paper , anyhow draw it 1st , then go to the corner & draw nicely . (8:32 PM) // (8:33 PM) // (8:33 PM) ❤ felicia: why ? (8:33 PM) // (8:33 PM) // (8:35 PM) // (8:35 PM) ❤ felicia: hais . (8:35 PM) ❤ felicia: then no choice lors (8:36 PM) ❤ felicia: must try your best to use the pictures inside the computer 1st (8:36 PM) // (8:36 PM) // (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: mine also cant uhs . (8:38 PM) // (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: i'm trying to concentrate on reading the tb , while there's the music , even if no music , the tv can be heard & my mum's & sis voice can be heard (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: all jumbled up . (8:38 PM) // (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: lols . (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: the tv very loud ^^ (8:38 PM) ❤ felicia: msn also uhs . I'm seriously not blaming Laylin. Sighs. Art. Saturday, May 10, 2008.
8:40 PM Yo! Today is a very boring day. I post only for something's sake. I've changed my blogskin, and this, together with the previous skin, is the "LOMOGRAPHY" theme. So they look the same, made by the same person. Blogskin made by: djrhapsody/darkdegree So will the next few skins be of the same theme. xD
Friday, May 9, 2008.
6:58 PM It's a terribly long hiatus coming up. Today, tomorrow and the day after would be the only few days I'm ever going to post *regularly* and I'll shoo off after that. I haven't finished my V-Art. Started sketches somehow. I felt out of place this morning in the canteen with Huijun, Khairi, Diyana, Mingyong and Jia Xing when they were doing their Art today. In the end, I grabbed a piece of Art paper from Mingyong and started a little of Sketches. Sketches reminded me of something. >< Mingyong's sketches were stiff. The Changi Airport didn't look like one, cause it was just. too. stiff. (: But his Singapore Flyer was quite nice, although Huijun's was nicer. HAHA. Jia Xing's drawings were funny. It somehow looked like monkeys at some point, seconded by Mingyong. Diyana's were drawing eyes, and I probed her for her topic; she didn't answer. BLAHBLAHBLAH. Khairi's were beauuuutiful. His shading was like, not any of us could have done it. Haha. Some point in time, the drink stall auntie beckoned me. Her daughter in the USA (she's working there) had sent her a flower basket with durian cake. How sweet. Auntie's tears were flowing. HAHA. We felt quite bored in the canteen, and went to the classroom. I shouted a little and Mdm Normilah came. AHHHH. She told us to leave the school. We were like walking around in the school, and Khairi came back from his Friday prayers. So we went back to 208 again. After a while, Mr Freddy Goh, as what the modern Nostradamus had predicted, came. >< (Nostradamus was Huijun.) LOLS. Then Huijun later said that she said something and it came true, yet again. Diyana said that it was scary. Huijun replied that she'll keep her mouth shut. HAHA. So after that we went to AMKHub. Diyana the creature was going back to Woodlands on MRT. Haha. Then we went to FairpriceXtra. Khairi bought mineral water and Huijun bought WANGWANG. The biscuit we used to eat when we were small. LOLS. Hahaha. I decided not to say anything about Math. It sucked.>< AND;YESTERDAY After Science. Me, JIAJIA and Laylin went to the polyclinic for a couple of jabs. Typhoid and Influenza. Went to MosBurger before went. They drank corn soup while I ate unagi rice burger. Somehow I regretted. HAHA. Then we went to the polyclinic. Queued for a number, and then the nurse said we had to come back at 1.30pm as the doctors had a conference. LOLS. So I was thinking about something when Laylin and JIAJIA said,"OK, LET'S GO!". And the dumb me was still thinking where we were going. Very usual, I'm always lag and slow about these kind of things. And they said they were going to Changi Airport. I was like, "HUUUUH?!" LOLS! And they were awfully serious. When we reached there, we were at Terminal 3. THE AIRPORT IS SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, and the marble floor is shining as ever. Even the toilets were as BEAUTIFUL. And it's something you cannot believe, it's like, WOW! I'm in love with TERMINAL 3. The fountain we first saw was BEAUTIFUL. It shot jets of water, and it had colours in it, illuminated by lights. And I seriously LOVE it. There was a Candy Empire there too. JIAJIA and Laylin bought Snicker's double pack. I bought Ritter-Sports Strawberry Yogurt. The side of the chocolate was GLEAMING. Awfully smooooth. Beautiful. Then we explored the rest of it. We actually went back to AMK in cab, and reached back to the polyclinic at about 3plus. But the nurses there were helpful, cause we missed number and they let us go first. How nice of them. Then after 15 minutes, you could say it was finally my turn. I thought nurses were fierce, but no! They even joked with me lah. HAHA. They were quite nice people, really. They gave me the jabs and diverted my attention, so that I wouldn't think of the neeeeedle PIERCING into my skin. Haha. How nice. I owed them $10.40. After that we went to Wanying's house to rest. She was chatting with Felicia. ><
Saturday, May 3, 2008.
8:11 PM What a NICE DAY! Woke up at 8 plus. Went to bathe. Then came back to the room and revised Science. LOLS, apparently I didn't get bored after that. Went out of the room at 9.30am to watch Doraemon. HAHA. Then switched on the computer. Only Jiaying online lah. Very sian. Surfed the net. Then I was getting really bored. Took out 101 Dalmatians VCD to watch. Today I seemed to go back to childhood. After the show, I ate my noodles and went to PLAYPARK forums. Saw lots of interesting signatures... ![]() I thought it was quite creative. ![]() LOLS. ![]() The boys sure love this one. ![]() HAHA! ![]() Ya, like real. ![]() Really? ![]() HAHAHAHAHA! ![]() LULZ. :D I like how the cat smiles. ![]() I know. The face very nice lah. ![]() If you are excited by this, something is very wrong. Hahaha. Nope, I don't like it. ![]() SPONGEEEEBOBBBBB. And his snail. Quote:
![]() Ok thanks. Remind me when I die. I think got a lot already. I can't seem to fix the font problem. ARGH! Tomorrow I celebrating my birthday in advance... :D
Friday, May 2, 2008.
4:56 PM YO HUMANS! I'm back after the Internet breakdown yesterday. Erm that happened to me only. I think so. Anyway I took some photos yesterday. Because my father had his camera with him. (: At the same time I'm trying to do art. On the way to Hougang... ![]() The car's squashed! Yes I was sitting at the back of the lorry. Alone. Sadly. ![]() Cloudy DAYYYYY! But a really nice day yesterday except the Internet lag. While my father was repairing his punctured wheel... ![]() This dog so cute lahhhhh. AND it reminded me of Huijun's charcoal and carbon. The contrast. ![]() The bird looks as if it's going shopping. HAHAS. ![]() More of its gang. HAHA. ![]() I'm emo! And I don't know the person in the background. I swear. HAHA. ![]() I know I look seriously re-tard-ed in this picture. I'm wearing camp tee. LOLS. Then I went to my Ah-ma house. ![]() My uncle's. I guess there's more than 200 dollars. ![]() My ah ma is EMO! HAHAHA! ![]() It's so cuuuute okay. Anyway Stall No.1 got sell the small pack one. I think no more le. ![]() Going home already. I didn't know the sky colour blends so nicely. ![]() The things behind my father's lorry. (: As a result I was sitting on the "safe". Fridayyyy. Wasn't as fun lahs. I have nothing to say about today.
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