Wednesday, April 30, 2008.
7:18 PM Yo, Blog! You're one year and one day old! HAHAS. Thanks Jiaying and Diyana for tagging too. My blog seems much more livelier. (: Not to forget Felicia. :D:D:D What a lively day. First period was D&T, triple period. Quite boring yeahs, but Mr Ong showed us some toys' mechanism. First he showed a devil's hairband. And he tested it right on Saba! Then got this smiley face-connected-to-a-spring-then-to-hairband. He did exactly the same thing on him. -.- Next got this big rat, kind of disgusting. Really! But yeah, still okay. Nothing interesting about that. Then Math. We greeted Mr Lee the best we could. LOLS. He was like smiling all the way. LOLS. I guess, that's the way to get teachers not to scold the class! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Then Science. Mr. Wong marks our test really fast. We just did the test yesterday, and we got the paper today. LOLS. I got 29.5/30. I got it wrong because I misphrased an answer of mine. !@#$%^&*() But then Mr Wong quite lenient in marking le, in my opinion. >< English made me think that the day seemed like it's toilet day. Almost everyone went to the toilet, ONE AFTER ANOTHER. LOLS! Corrections for Summary Test last week. Got 16/20. Then when we got our papers, we had to catwalk there. LOLS!!!! Mr Ali even bowed down with laughter when Jiarui catwalked there. AHAHAHAHA! Later in the lesson, Shermin did something that made her throw her shoe at Mr Ali. Then Mr Ali threatened to tell her to the Principal, and her offence was Defiance to teacher. LOLS. If she did not want that, she had to get splashed with water by Mr Ali. In the end, her table and chair got splashed. >< Then after school we went to AMKHub. Seng Jung and Yokehuei tagged along, and we tried to shake Seng Jung off. Which we succeeded. Then we went to AMKHub. Khairi, Huijun, Diyana and Jiaxing bought yoghurt at the shop beside FairpriceXtra. And it was because today got promo. Student price $1. Then went to KUHL concept. Jiarui wanted to buy his Rubik cube. Before reaching there, we passed by Triumph and the advertisement poster had the devil hairband almost exactly like D&T's! LOLS! Then we tried shaking Yokehuei off as well. In the end everybody got free except Jiarui. She tugged at his bag strap. ><
Sighs. I'm going to dedicate tomorrow to do V-Art. Oh yeah, must bring Art file on Friday or face the consequences. Mr Deryk say de. LOLS. I'm going on hiatus starting from next week. It's exam week. Ah, stress! Tuesday, April 29, 2008.
8:16 PM Hey blog, remember what day is it? It's your birthday, as well as the hundredth post!!! Wheeeeeeee~ Here goes: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACINTA'S BLOG, Happy birthday to you. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D See, you must also thank Felicia for posting a early "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"! LOLS. Okay, let's get serious and not crazy(: Today was a nice day. Overall, better than yesterday and the day before. Came to school a little late. And forgot to tap card. ><
First lesson in the morning--English. Mr Ali wasn't himself today. He wasn't enthu, neither was he happy. He made us feel a little awkward. Anyway, this lesson was a test. Narrative test, and he only made us do the introduction. How nice of him, cause we haven't learnt thoroughly about the rest. Somehow because he wasn't happy, the class sank a little ._. Chose Question 2, A FRRRRIGHTENING experience. Lols. Wrote something quite crappy. Followed by Literature. Literature test, tested us on Animal Farm, Chapter 3 or 4, Battle of Cowshed. >< Mas Selamat is two-third woman. Why? Because he is a wanted man. Got the joke? Huijun's friend got cheated. LOLS. Anyway, where did Mas Selamat disappear to? o.o Who cares, I'm just a small citizen. Hahas. Recess! Played Reversi with Khairi, FINALLY won! I won big time okay. HA HA HA!!! Math, Mr Lee went on with yesterday's mock exam paper, I almost went crazy. Seriously, I'm going to fail Math. So I'm ready. Mummy promised me a new wallet if I passed all the subjects. I'm very sure I wouldn't get it. I don't understand anybit of Algebra. It's infuriating and frrrrrrussssstrating de lahs. When you don't even understand any bit of it. Sighs. Anyway, what's a new wallet for? People would want to steal it, same case with my pencilcase... I'm still sad over it. WHO THE FUCK STOLE IT?! I don't totally trust Seng Jung, but he seems quite innocent. Maybe... that pencilcase wasn't destinied to be mine. I'm almost giving up hope for it. But I'm still heartbroken. It costed me $18 dollars lahs. Then some idiot came and stole it. Hope the guy who stole it got run down by a car. I'm so evil. Then Music. Nothing much. Boring lesson, but the AVA system of our class is finally solved--except that we needed new PC1/2 cables. o.o The screen goes greeeeeeeeen. Sometime yellow, once even turned pink. LOLS. Then we had Science Chapter 6/7 test. Piangs, it was SOOOOO hard lahs. I couldn't be sure what the definitions of In-vitro fertilization, Artificial Insemination and contraception were. Hoped my description was correct. Mr Wong said that if didn't know the definition, can describe. Phew. Assembly we had a talk on Rules and Regulations in School Examination. As usual, class 208 had to climb up to a Sec 5 class. WTF. My pencilcaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......................... I miss youuuuuuuuu. Come back to meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! And curse the person who stole it. (: Monday, April 28, 2008.
8:13 PM I tell you, tomorrow, it's MY BLOG'S BIRTHDAYYYY. LOLS! And I know no one cares, but I'll type a birthday song for my blog. :D:D:D Anyway, today wasn't a really good day as well. Math was !@#$%^&*()_+=-)(*&^^%$#@@!!$^*&() I didn't understand anything out of Algebra. I'm sure I'll fail the exams with flying colours. Hahahahahahahahas. Then it's like, as I'm still sick, then I keep yawning, and sneezin', and all the tears got out of my eyes. LOLS. Huijun and Mr Lee misunderstood and thought I was crying. -.- Like what the hell. Anyway, today was table-cleaning day!! Mr Tan gave Wenning a bottle of urine, er, no, THINNER, to clean the tables. It's GOLDEN-YELLOW in colour okay, which can lead to misunderstandings. Blahblahblah. Then Seowting used the so-called thinner to clean her tables during recess. She got two tables, cause she vandalized her previous one and gave the table to Yubin. LOLS. But anyway Wenning was the record-holder, with 4 tables vandalized, so she was the OIC for the thinner business. So Mr Tan came during recess to check on the cleaning. Then we complained of not enough thinner. Like what the hell lah, HE WENT TO DILUTE the already super lousy thinner liao lahs. PIANG EHHHH... LOLS. Then during English and Science lessons, Shermin, Wenning and Angying were like cleaning their tables lahs. Then the whole class was like, suffocated. Mr. Wong even went on to explain the harmful effects of thinner. LOLS. Yokehuei and Angela refused to open the windows because they were bitten by mosquitoes. ><>< IT lesson sucked. We went to the MacLab, then we like country bumpkins lahs. JIAJIA even went to the extent to "WOW" at the where the CD-ROM would be placed as if you were using Windows. And there were no CPUs. Because the CPUs are in-built. HAHAHAHA! So, it turned out that Geok Mooi didn't bring her cable. So I had to go down to Broadcasting Room and asked Mr Tony for the USB Cable. Haha, no offence ar, JIAJIA. HAHA. Then in the end Mr Sasi used Bluetooth, which we insisted in the first place. What the hell LAHHHH. BTW, the mouse wasn't as easy to navigate cause the screen was like bigger than Windows. A-l-o-t b-i-g-g-e-r. >< Then at 2.15pm, Mr Ali said we could stay for a not complusory remedial. So alot of us stayed for fun. o.o Went to Chong Boon Mac to buy a McFlurry. HAHAS. Took Bus 45 home. THE END(:
Sunday, April 27, 2008.
3:56 PM ARGH! I'm still as sick as ever. No, it didn't worsen, it didn't improve as well. I'm still having BLOCKEDDD NOSE, and bouts of COUGHS. Arghh... From tomorrow onwards, the whole week is called the "TEST week." Guess what. Three tests, considered A LOT for my class' standard already--Unseen Passage Literature Test (100%), Science Common Test--Chapter 6&7, English Narrative Test. Wellwellwell... but THURSDAY'S Labour Day! Not something that's good, because 4 days later, it's a very bad day. Well, very's for me, but nonetheless, sure the whole school will go "Hai, AIYAH, Sighs..." de. It's EL exam. Plus it falls on my birthday. -.- And I'm totally serious. I'm not pulling your legs, neither am I kidding you. Maybe I should blog everyday? Should I? Haha. But anyway, I'm only going to focus on two subjects' worth on my revision. Math and Science. YES, I'll jump at algebra, but Math's going to pull my marks down. Science is my best subject. To study it means I'll get a more points. I DON'T CARE, arghhhh.
Saturday, April 26, 2008.
Conflicts with Life 5:37 PM Everytime I think of my pencilcase, I'd fume. I'd get really crazy. ARGH! Life without my beloved pencilcase. Is agony. I'm really having conflicts with life these few days. First, my pencilcase disappeared. Next, that Herculean comes and gives me all the problems. Then, I'm sick. Last but not least, Mr Sasi's giving us all the problems. Luckily the trio has solved it. And I really want to thank Jiarui and Weiwei for their contributions. o.o And Geok Mooi sacrificed all her memory space by deleting files in her handphone. Probably included her SMSes with Weiquan. LOLS. Oh ya, trio referring to Angela, Geok Mooi and Yokehuei. LOLS. Another minor change. I'm going to add title with each post. Haha. Anyway, I was really obedient yesterday ok. I revised Pythagoras' Theorem! Yay me. (That reminds me of Abigail...) Then today morning I revised Spheres. I really hope I can understand ABCs in Math better. They're so complicated... Sighs. I think the Pythagoras' Theorem and Mensuration of Spheres, Cones and Pyramids are the lessons that I enjoyed most. Seriously, I can't stand Algebra. I don't even remember a bit of it. I'm going to fail Math, I know, but I think I can do it. Arghs. AND, I learnt how to add an egg to instant noodles. Most importantly, I know how to crack an egg! -.- After reading Diyana's blog and also a part on Angying's, I have something to say. For now, I really don't care whether any teacher is reading this, but it's really A PAIN IN THE NECK. As it was mentioned that I DON'T CARE, so, the teacher's name will NOT be censored. YOU.YOU.YOU. I don't think you even fit to be teacher. Teachers teach students to FORGIVE, and to FORGET. Most importantly, teachers should be a role model. But think. Are you? ARE YOU? You even act like a beng. Whenever you see me, you diao me. Why should you? When I offended you, it was about 1 year ago. IT'S ALREADY A YEAR. Why can't you forget it? I tried to be as respectful as I could after that incident. But all you did was to DIAO me. Think hard, think thrice. Do you fit to be a teacher? Do you? It's only one lesson, and Mdm Ezreen wasn't in school. Diyana and Shakinah was told to stay in class during MT lesson. So they did. FYI, from Diyana's blog: (Er, Diyana if you have seen this and you do not approve the quote to be here, please do tell me. Don't keep it a secret.)
Look. WHEN DID THEY MAKE NOISE? You're petty, nutty, and deserves to go to IMH. Taking this to be true, which I totally believe, because YOU don't deserve my trust, when did they make noise? You're totally unreasonable. And then, you scold people you don't like for trivial matters. Which somehow includes me. Back then, you told me: "You're a HCL student, aren't you? Didn't the teacher teach you respect?" This, is etched in my mind so vividly so that they could be used as EVIDENCE against you. And now, I return you,"You're a teacher, aren't you? If so, you should be more reasonable. Don't scold students for trivial matters. Didn't anyone teach you?" By the way, I do remember when you diao-ed me. When I was over and done with my oral, I passed by you, you gave me the eye. And I really do feel like gouging it out. I pity the 208's in your class. I hate you. Be thankful that I didn't tell you to go to hell. I'm trying to be respectful, really. By the way, I didn't put your name. I only said that your name will not be censored, but I never said that I must put your name. >< PS: This skin does not allow titles, I think. Friday, April 25, 2008.
4:50 PM Goodness! It's just 4 more posts! And, 4 more days! Nice... Today, contrary to yesterday, is a super duper UBER bad day. Started my day with Geography. Before it even started, I realized that I lost my pencilcase. But this time, my stationery were all thrown in my bag. You know, I'm feeling EXTRAORDINARILY SAD. Because, what if the person who stole it threw into the bin? I'm just very sad. This pencilcase was the first thing I ever bought with my own money. It has SENTIMENTAL VALUE to me. But who cares right. No one comes to this blog. Sighs. Then PE. I reported what happened to Mr. Tan. What the hell lah, Mr Tan said that he think it isn't Seng Jung, who I really suspected is. His reason for that was because no one would ever steal again when he had been caught. But I have something else to say---A leopard never changes its spots. And then again, who would believe a so-called ex-offender? Once a person steals, people may give them a second chance, but when something is beng stolen, people will point fingers at that person. Then Mr Tan said that it's unlikely, but not impossible. Sighs. Then he told me to run in the field with the class. It was okay with me, but I was one of the last people to finish. In fact, the last if I never "cheated". And I hate 208's P.E. Rep. She thinks she's all-"powderful", AND MADE ME RUN THE LAST ROUND. When Felicia truthfully told me that she didn't run the third round. (Felicia, I'm not blaming you. I'M BLAMING YOUR DEAREST HERCULES HOUSE-MATE. I DON'T EVEN WANT HER NAME TO APPEAR HERE.) GO TO HELL LAHS, make me go one muddy round in the field again. My shoes, all tattered and rugged and TORN, was made even worse by Deyi's super muddy, cow-patted field. And especially running in the morning. When you made every step fowards, it's a DAYMARE! Your feet will go "SQUISH, SQUISH, SQUISH." And it sinks into the ground. And I know how the band members feel. But excluding the two idiots mentioned. Then when I finally got out of that muddy field, Mr Tan said," How come Jacinta suddenly pop out of here?" And I instantly felt like getting the ball and crush her head. And she gave a smirk. The worse is, Mr Tan made Hercules and Poseidon play together. And WTF lahs, it's netball. Of the three games, this is my worst game I could play. And I'm starting to hate Herculeans, a few of them so cocky and mighty, like they have no tomorrows to show off. Then we changed with Helios and Apollo. This time it was better, because they were playing Basketball. All the while, I was showing _|_ to Felicia. (Thanks Felicia to vent my anger on you. Haha. (At least I can manage a haha today.)) Walao eh, see that bamboo stick I'll go KPKB. At least I KPKB not as serious as that bamboo lah. She SUCKS man! Then while playing 3v3 basketball, the Sec 1 Herculean said that cannot shoot don't shoot lah when I shot from the "clearing" area. Wah piang eh, she worse than me ok. She cannot shoot properly, DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY BASKETBALL, like she know how to mehs. ARGH, all the assholes. ARGHHHHH. Then to make the whole day worse, I'm sick with sore throat and blocked nose, sometimes runny nose. I hate Hercules. I hate YELLOW colour. And I love Patricia Mok, cause she said this,"Yellow yellow, dirty fellow." HOW TRUE... If you hate this post, please shut up your mouth. Don't comment. Don't add salt to the wound.
Thursday, April 24, 2008.
6:22 PM Today is A GOOD DAY! Continued playing Reversi durng recess. Khairi challenged me, and I lost. WELL, that's what happens when I don't think carefully. HAHA. LOST TWICE YOU KNOW.. lols. Maybe he's just cleverer. :D Then Science lesson started on Light. From the lowest intensity to the highest intensity, as follows: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, LIGHT!, Ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma Rays. And Mr Wong said that Gamma Rays cannot penetrate thick concrete and lead. o.o Oh well. After school went to D&T room to accompany Huijun to hand in her snail. 208 odd group looks like a garden---Huijun's snail, Saba's tree, Angela and a few of the others' flowers, my BOYBOY, Angying's Model and guess what---A TV from Mingyong. LOLS! Then went back to class. They were still playing Chinese Chess and Reversi. So we went to the canteen. It's still as empty. But not exactly cause the Sec 3 or 4s have oral examination. Then Aaron Ang, Weiwei and Derrick came along. Was a little puzzled as Derrick was the "guaiguai" kind---will go home straight after school. It was known that they had IT. So being bored, I skipped Ceramics (Sorry Laylin. HAHAS.) and walked around the school with them. They were doing an advert for an imaginary Spectacle Shop: Chong's Spectacles. LOLS. So they interview around the school, searching for people we know. Then we went to the D&T room. On the first floor. We saw Seow Ting, Wenning and Keqi. They interviewed Keqi and she said,"I step on the specs 50 times and it never broke!" LOLS! Then we went back to class to collect our bags, before leaving, Weiwei was interviewed again. He took out his specs and punched it. Khairi enhanced the effect by using a karate chop. LOLOLOLOL! Then we went to return the videocam. Waited outside broadcasting room. No one inside. So we asked Mr Brian Wong. He couldn't enter the room. So we asked Mr Lee. He could enter it, but not the interior. So stupid lahs. So went up to the third floor. They were in the new MacLab. OMG, the iMACs are BEAUUUUUUUUUTIFUUUUUUUL! White! LOLs. What's more 208 is the first class to use it. o.o But I never do a good job out of it. ARGH... Feel so guilty lah. And, my day in school, ended.
6:04 PM GOD!! I haven't blogged for Wednesday. LOLS. Anyway, since Doraeman brought his Reversi board to school, the whole class has became a Board Game Room. (Not to be confused with BGR-Boy-Girl Relationships.) Especially during recess. Most of the 'intellectuals' like Ze Xuan, Derrick and Aaron Ang were playing Chinese Chess. But I learnt Reversi in one day! LOLS. But it's relatively easy to learn and play. School is getting a bit boring as Revision is coming along. SIGHS. In Math Lesson we learnt about the last bit about Pyramid. Then revision is starting. And my nightmares too--Algebra. Last drama lesson too. Played Space Invaders and Musical Chairs with a twist. Went to D&T room right after school, going to fix my BOYBOY. But then I realized the connection couldn't work. ARGH! I'm gonna get really LOW marks for that. I re-stuck the pieces together in the end, without doing anything. So after that we (Khairi, Huijun, Jia Xing) went to canteen to eat lunch. Eating at your own pace. Well... Tuesday, April 22, 2008.
9:17 PM IT'S 7 MORE POSTS!! Just seven more posts... MUAHAHAHAS. LOLS Felicia's blog is 2 years old. Mine's 1 year old in... 7 DAYS? That's beautiful isn't it. I shall post EVERYDAY till its birthday. (And the first post is something really funny [or lame], but I actually started blogging earlier. But it was different blogs. ><) I've changed URLs like I'm changing teachers. Almost almost. HAHAHA! Oh ya, I must congratulate Geok Mooi, Angela, Khairi, Jiahui, Mingyong, Derrick for getting 1st in Levels for Chinese, D&T, Malay, Home Econs, Science and Math respectively. Haha! Then I must also congratulate Diyana and Shakinah (the G'LORES) for getting RUNNERS-UP in the DanceRATION Competition. Good JOB! And I realised, everyone loves "LOW". "Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low~" Yes, it's EXACTLY x8 LOWS. :D Anyway today after school, wanted to go playground lah. But a lot of people couldn't make it. >< So we (Khairi, Huijun, Jiaxing and Weiwei) went to the canteen and ate before going back to class. Then, decided to clean up the classroom. Mr Tan said it must be cleared. By Thursday, by hook or by crook. We cleared almost everything, EVEN helping Saba and Shermin clearing up their tables. LOLS! God, I really don't know what to do tomorrow. I have a BIG box under my table. And textbooks under the table-top. It's gonna be a HARD TASK getting everything out. Hmmm... But luckily some of my things are boxed up. So it should be EASIER getting everything under my table-top home.. or I'll get some kind people from 208 to store my things? But, I really doubt they will help. MY THINGS ARE REALLY MESSY, LIKE MEEEEEEEE! My birthday is near too. But my husky, (BACK IN MAPLESTORY) is going to expire on 4-30-08. 05 May is the first exam day. English Language. Sunday, April 20, 2008.
9:19 PM Goodness gracious me. I started the day awfully. :( Went to church and then catechism as usual on Sundays. But ended quite late cause we did badly in a presentation. Gideon lectured for about 15 minutes or so. But nevermind, 159 came quite fast because of that. :D Went back home. Tried to make head and tails out of V-Art. I chose Question 6: When I open my eyes... I started the mindmap with "PLACES". Then went super duper uber crazy with that. I think I'm bringing my mindmap tomorrow to school. Then I get all my inspirations! HAHAHA! MUAHAHAHAS!!!! Anyway, I improved on the class blog test pictures, which I then converted the file to be .GIF so I could use UnFreez to make GIF animation. Here's the URL, go comment. :D:D If comments are positives, I'll change the picture to that GIF animation. Maybe individual pictures will be added later. By individual, I mean each and everyone. :D HAHAs.
Friday, April 18, 2008.
8:56 PM It's 10 more posts to 100. Hahahaha. Went to AMK Park with Khairi, Huijun, Seowting, Jiaxing, Weiwei and Mingyong. Played at the playground there. We don't seem like Secondary school students lahs. We chionged at the blue and orange see-saw. Haha! I was like the heaviest. Can control of them them like that. Then Weiwei received a call from Yokehuei...NO...his mother. Then he went home. Haha! Seowting became Seng Jung No. 2. LOLS!! Kept kajiao-ing her today, like calling her immature... whatever Seng Jung is. LOLS! Continued to play there for a few hours. It's 17 days to EL exam. We're still playing. OhmyGOD... Tomorrow's Saturday. I haven't complete IT lahs. I hate that can of SARSI lor. Say this one cannot, that one cannot. Then make us re-do. OVER MY DEAD BODY, NO WAY, NEVER, COUNT ME OUT. He's a lamer. I agree so. I don't know what to do le. Maybe cut at that point. Then "round off" the sudden finish bahs. Or do animation. Using paper and pen. With my father's camera. ZZZZ, I don't know lahs. I SHALL COMPLETE IT. I don't care. I don't want that guy to send 208 to class detention. Sighs. Thursday, April 17, 2008.
6:04 PM You know the One Day Acuvue Moist advert? I swear, it's so irritating that I felt like bashing up the TV. :D Guess why? It has this MSN sound, when someone MSNs you, then it'll go off. That advert has exactly the same sound. It's a pain in the neck. ._. The past few days. Are normal, ordinary and original as possible. It's true. (: But I've got something to say. Two menaces from Class 208, which I think it's just impossible to have them there. I'll plainly declare their name here...since no one even comes here... One boy and one girl. And a teacher whose name shall be censored. (: The boy. Is really a boy. He is short, has a paunch and loves Doraemon. I'm pitying Doraemon lahs, Doraemon so cuuuuuute. But not Doraeman. Yeah, it's HOSENGJUNG. He's a menace okay. He stole my pencilcase. He is thick-skinned. He wastes his parents' money. He goes 前突后翘。 FYI, he has four decks of Duelmasters and Yu-gi-oh! put together. Each deck is ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- This thick. LOLS. How wasting of money. He's an idiot. The End. The girl. Is so cheeeeeeena. I don't look down on China students. I don't disapprove on their coming to Singapore. But this person is so fcuking idiotic that I also very buay tahan. Her name is Zhang Chen. She migrated from 203. All the way to 208. *How clever of the teachers ar. Let her migrate to a class then just add another two curves to it.* Blah, her boobs are so big that it blocks her row from reading off from the whiteboard. I hate her. She also another 前突后翘 one. The teacher also very irritating lah, but I shan't declare the name. Later kena don't know what kind of "interview" from them. Okay, it's just one sentence. "I don't like to talk alot one." and he wasted 30mins of our life. And his life. In fact, I think more students would rather be silent at the quad for a long time and miss the lessons. :D Anyway, I'm so into HTML. So the past few days was either I was editing class blog, or I was sleeping at 7pm. LOLS. Sunday, April 13, 2008.
6:35 PM Yesterday I went to National Stadium to watch Deyi Military Band perform for their SYF 2008. It was very impressive, and in total, Deyi won all the three major awards! Prize giving was like a magical moment for me. HAHA. We held on and the MC announced, "Deyi: Gold (Shouts and Cheers) with Honours!" It was so crazy that I cried for them lahs. Hahahahahas. *And it's like WALAOS, keep all your gimmicks until yesterday ar...* The three awards were: Gold with Hons Best Display Band Best Drum Major The 208 people who have went for the SYF, thought that we were so proud to be a DEYIAN! Anyway we reached there at 1pm, and it was funny that we didn't feel bored at all. We took lots of photos. HAHA. Friday, April 11, 2008.
9:01 PM Jacinta, you're the lousiest blogger huh. No one has tagged you for HOURS. Hahahahahaha. Sometimes, no one is tagging you for days! How bad is that???? LOLS, sighhhhs. I haven't been posting for two weeks, nearly. Been missing blogging, but what for when no one tags?? It's meaningless. March passed, April begins. Started April 1st by glueing Derrick and Ze Xuan's chair. Spent April 2nd by splashing water on Felicia. Killed April 3rd by having my revenge on Zhang Chen. I HATE HER TO THE CORE. Muahahahahahahas. Few days ago, I received my Science Chapter 5 Test. I didn't study. Look, I'm not being boastful here. I'm just saying. :D Don't misunderstand. HAHA. I got 27. Over 30. Guess what Mr Wong said? "You could have gotten full marks." Erm... That's a tall order. You know? A very tall order. From what I knew, a lot of people failed. Blahs... The next day I received my English Report test paper. Got 23/30. Disclaimer: I'm only reporting. NOT BEING BOASTFUL. Please understand. And 23/30 was the top. I cannot believe it. Because I think it wasn't really well-written. That day I almost wrote crap.... Blahs. OH AND I COULDN'T believe that I passed MATH! Maybe because it included Similarity and Congruency. Hahas. Tomorrow, it's the SYF Central Judging of Display Bands 2008, at National Stadium. Deyi Military Band, you can DO IT! All the best to all of the band members, don't be sad if Deyi didn't get Gold. or with Honours. Maybe, I'm just in luck.
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