Monday, February 25, 2008.
8:01 PM Okay, now I HAVE post le! I've got something to say! One, No one's coming to my blog. HAHAHA! Two, I've changed my blogskin, I DID IT MYSELF, and I credited basecodes, EVERYTHING, within an HOUR!! Ohmygod, I'M SUPER! Three, I'm HYPER. I suddenly became so ENTHUUUU. :D Good news. Four, I LEVELED TO 62 SIXTY-TWO! Just eight more screwing, GRUELLING levels to 70! AND JOB ADVANCEMENT! And five, STUPENDOUS is the word. It has actually got stuck in my head since the week before. Don't believe it? IT'S true. Okay, I'm still not-really-that-happy cause no one's taggin' my blog. No one's reading it! GOD... Okay, updates. I didn't know, Level Camp is just this WED-NES-DAY. I mean this was like last week. Okay, you won't get it if you don't get what I'm saying now. Gah. Actually I've lost what I was going to say, but OH WELL. Who cares? GOD! VE FILE INSERTS! HAHA! Okay, I remembered that. Thank you brain. Thank you nerves. Thank you spinal cord. And the list just goes on... ... ... ... ... I'm seriously bored, and I just remembered to pack camp items. ._. .
4:34 PM I realized my blog's DEAD! OMG! Haha. AND ENTHUNESS JUST CAME BACK TO ME.. So I've lit-er-ally got nothing to write. GAHHHH.! I'm leveling and I got an above average REDWHIP yesterday! +17 speed. 51 WA! DAMN HAPPY. Saturday, February 16, 2008.
8:56 AM Oh My God. WHY PEOPLE LOVE TO AUTO-PLAY THEIR MUSIC?! Here I am, surfing the net, at your blog, YOUR BLOG AUTO-PLAYS music. Sometimes, it isn't nice. GAHHHHH. No offense. :D:D And sometimes, you go and hide the dumb player. GAH. Oh yes, I hate iWebmusic. It autoplays without telling the visitor. And it forces you to listen. GAH. Okay, no offence :D Thursday, February 14, 2008.
9:56 PM Happy Valentines' to Couples, Happy Friendship Day to Singles. :D Oh and Happy Birthday to Yiheng. I doubt he reads my blog. LOL. But, WHO CARES? As I'm typing this, I'm yawning REPEATEDLY, NON-STOP. Gah. Oh, "gah" became my new tag. Actually, I expected no notes to be passed to me. But Geok Mooi and Yokehuei surprised me. I'm not the kind of person who people would expect me to receive these. I didn't, as well. (Oh, second time.) Yeahyeah.. House Meeting today. Practically lame, stupid, MEANINGLESS. But me and Geok Mooi's senior managed to sabo her. :D Yay. I took part in shotput. (It's SHOT-PUT, put as in "part" without the "r" sound) I heard from Mr Wong that the iron ball is... 4.5kg. Slightly lighter than the 5kg bag of rice. Gah. Sighs, Mrs. Rauf leaving. Last year around this time, but earlier, Ms Haryati left too. All the nice teachers have left, which teacher would take over Mrs. Rauf? Ms Fadilah? Maybe. But she's taking a few Sec 2 classes already. Who else? Mr Yeo, HOPEFULLY. He's fun. GAHHHH. I'm as usual prepared to fail Math. I hate Math. GAHHH. So almost everyone contributed money. To buy Mrs. Rauf's present. Tomorrow, all will be revealed. Anyway met Gideon at MRT. Like what Cherie did. On Monday. GIDEON SAID SHE SCREAMED AT HIM! Lolololol! Since Mr Koh screened S.H.E's Yue Gui Nu Shen, I sort of like got addicted to it. Downloaded it from Baidu. Ha, Limewire didn't have it. Limewire's sucks for now. GAH. But then the story behind the song is NICE. Which means the lyrics lah. Don't feel like saying the whole story out. It's already 10.06pm now. I wonder why people don't change their timezones on their blog. Gah, it's confusing. But it's their blog, who cares. I'm lost, I'm lost. I'm tormented... by EVERYTHING. I don't cut; I don't banish myself. As usual I have the facade on. The battery's going low, unrechargable. What should I do? I hate myself. I hate my reflection. I'm not beautiful. I'm not cute. I'm fat, plump, etcetc. Nobody will ever like me. I'm disappointed in my own life. I feel like committing suicide. But it's stupid. People think a person that's killed is a tragedy. No, it isn't. I would rather think like this: The person who killed someone, is that someone's saviour. He(assuming) saves you from life's troubles. Troubles is nothing but torments. Torments is nothing but sorrows. Sorrows, is nothing but trouble. What goes around, comes around. A cycle just goes around and around. Never stopping, just like Troubles, Torments, and Sorrows. What goes around. Comes around. I'm disappointed at life, Beyond Hope. Sunday, February 10, 2008.
10:06 PM OKAY. Parents are ALL CORRECT, aren't they? They are, they are. They love the littlest ones, and not so like the eldest ones. Since ANCIENT times, it's ALREADY like this. How long will this carry on? Today morning, My family and I went to church. When we came back, I fell from the chair on the lorry. Luckily (Unluckily) I didn't fell on to the road. I would have felt so much better if I did. After they found out, what they only said was," Aiyo, okay or not." No sorries, ONLY THIS SENTENCE. Yes, and I would like to SENTENCE this dumb guy to death. I hate you. Then I played maple. Two hermits came to ks me. Wow wow wow. So? Gave them a tongue-lashing, not really, just made them felt guilty and they left. I thought that would be the last thing, but it wasn't. Sighs. Evening I knocked my foot against the leg of the chair. It's SOLID. Metal. I guess, one of the toes knocked got dislocated, or something. I did cry cause it was TOO MUCH. It's PAINFUL. Up till now, it is still painful. WHAT DID ALL OF YOU DO? No one cared, no one asked. I felt so desolate. DESOLATE. I felt so... worthless. I felt like, I'm nothing to them. To them, my sister was like Captain Kidd's treasure. She wants Tamogotchi. She gets it. Look at my WISHLIST. I won't, I repeat, WON'T get any of them, unless I get it myself. So? I knock my toes against the chair, you all say nothing. I cry, you all say I'm a failure or what to them. Nothing I do is perfect. I admit. I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not. I'm not. I cry, it's because, I don't get it. I get a tongue lashing from you people. I reckon, if it was my sister who fell from the lorry, sure he will say, "Sorry ar, you okay anot. I help you up." This sentence, I will never hear. Never will I. If my sister, gets her leg knocked against the chair, sure will say," You okay anot, I help you to the chair." Then he will massage her leg. Would I get this treatment? Won't. Never. NEVER. I hate you people. I hate you. After that, again, I knocked my other foot against the chair. He say I walk very chor lor. Men. ARE INSENSITIVE. They all suck. SUCKS. I hate you all. If I fell from the lorry to then onto the road, then a dumb car comes and langga me, I WILL BE VERY HAPPY. Since, I have never done anything PERFECT, no one likes me. Who likes a fat person. Huh? Tell me! WHO? WHO? I'm disappointed in life. I thought this CNY would be my happiest, but it certainly, clearly, wasn't. I never had a father, I don't know who fathered me, I don't want to know, I hate him, I don't know him. My life, is in a mess, like a rubbish bin. As worthless as it. I HOPE VANDALS COME AND SET FIRE ON ME. So that, my life, comes to, AN END. I hate this life. I am useless. I've done nothing correct. Everything she does is correct. I'm, as what you all have said, is a failure. I AM A FAILURE. NO ONE LIKES ME. I'M NOT LIKABLE. I'm depressed. Anyway, who cares? I RECKON, NO ONE. Friday, February 8, 2008.
10:53 PM HAHA. Yesterday played Blackjack and won $22. Today $4. >< LOL. Just now was playing Maple... I pangsehed Angela as she treated me like a healing slave. ARGH Here are the screenshots while I was in the pharmacy for the whole time. ![]() ![]() LOL. As you all can see, I am hiding at the back of the machine. :D That's all for today Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! Get more Angpaos and donate to me :D (NAH, just kidding. Keep them for yourself. :D) Friday, February 1, 2008.
10:37 PM ABSTRACT ROCKS! Yay. That's the theme for my new skin. ABSTRACT. ABSTRACKT. ABSTRUCKT. ABSTRUCKTICK. ABSTRUCKTIQQUE. Lol. Nah, I'm getting lame. Zzz. I miss DGA alot. Though it's like no one there almost all the time. >< I created my new guild, along with Laylin, JIAJIA, Weiwei, Yokehuei. And Angela. And Yiheng>YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW HIM, LOL. Haha. After everything I was left with 1 million plus. Hopefully I can survive. SURE CAN BAH, I STILL HAVE 100+ ICE CREAM SUNDAES. Oh, and I realized something. YOKEHUEI TRULY CARES FOR WEIWEI! That day I ask Weiwei to log into Maple. Then I asked Yoke Huei. Yoke Huei asked me if I need to ask Weiwei. OH, MY, GOD. THEY'RE loving man! Lol! Hahahahaha. Zzz, I DON'T UNDERSTAND CONGRUENCY. Can't make HEAD nor TAIL out of it. Sighs.
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