Saturday, November 24, 2007.
10:16 PM SUPERSUPER Short Update: Please Tag. :D .
9:19 PM On November 24th, 2007, I'm officially murdered by... Mr. Boredom. Anyway, I'm deciding to capitalize words that should be capitalized, and check that my spelling is perfect. :D Why am I killed by Mr. Boredom? Because I'm extremely BORED. I'm rotting and stoning at home. Sighs. Nothing to do. Almost everyone has CCAs, and are seriously "bothered" by it. Okay... I'm the one who's being bothered by it. I'm skipping CCA like hell. Geok Mooi says she's going to join IDEAs. Well, I'm in a huge (insert whatever is applicable here) of dilemma. Cause IDEAs seriously sucks with one VERYVERYVERY boring teacher. And another SUPERSUPERSUPER serious teacher. Oh man, whatever it is. I don't know why, I trained my level 56 cleric to 57 today! In a "diet" of Pac Pinkies, fake Manons, Alishars, Mushdad... and mobs at Pig Beach. And Pac Pinkies were simply GODLY. In just a matter of three hours, I've gained exp from 25% to 65%! And I also got Tobis and a few other equips and Dark Crystal Ores there. I proved PQ wrong!! YAY. And then got this Alphabet Quest from the Maple Administrator. Can get Devil Scrolls from it. From that quest, I got Thorns and Deadly Fin. Goshgosh. Hahas. Monday was 108 class chalet. But I haven't updated anything. LAWL. I arrived quite early at White Sands. Then I went to the library to stone. And then, LOADS of SMSes came. I forgot to switch to silent mode. And... whenever my phone rings, I think my face got really red. LAWL. It was Mr Tan's "lunch order" that made me leave the library. I went to McDonald's and bought Fillet O' Fish. Then I got out of there and waited for him. AND I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS RAINING! True. I must've been waiting for 30 minutes or more for Mr Tan. Finally he came. And Felicia they all got into the chalet without using a key! Oh My GOD. I didn't realize that Aloha Loyang was so damned deep inside. I think Mr Tan met Aaron there. He drove to the bungalow. We got out of the car, and then... Felicia, Wanying, JIAJIA, Laylin saw the burger. Looks like they were hungry. And it was 3pm again. Later we went to Downtown East to buy groceries. Took like more than 1 hour. I'm going to FASTFOWARD from here. Cause... Someone wants me to finish this quickly. Got back from there, and Mr Tan went back to Downtown East again, this time with Shermin they all. And they went there to buy WATERBALLOONS. :D Okay. Zoom to BBQ time. Wenning and the guys were BBQing. The rest of us were watching TV. When I went there to help... I took over Jiaxing. Then Mr Tan also needed someone to help. Cause Jiaxing complained of being too warm at the pants. Then Mr Tan said something very (whatever it is). "Actually, we guys shouldn't be BBQing here." "Why?" "Cause lives would be dead." "How come?" "In fact, millions of lives." Then, I knew what he was implying. Zzzzzz. Figure it out yourselves. Water balloon made the whole chalet wet. Except for Room 3. Cause Felicia locked it. Shermin's room was EXTREMELY wet. Aaron had thrown the agar-agar that Wanying had brought onto the door. That's because Mr Tan and Mr Soon were hiding there. Throughout the night, we were either talking, or I was trying to sleep. I only managed to get a fruitful one at 5am. And I only slept 2 hours, meaning I woke at about 7. I was sleeping in the living room. When I went back to Room 3, I saw Felicia sleeping with glasses on on the floor, Wanying, Laylin and JIAJIA just woke up. And Jiahui was sleeping on the other bed. Blahs. After everything else, Mr Tan dropped us at White Sands. I went to eat breakfast at McDonald's. Egg McMuffin. One of my favourite burgers. It's SUPERSUPER nice one okay? LAWL! Then I took Bus 88 home. I'm finally done with this post. Hahas. Someone told me that I'm an ahma. T.T Never mind, cause SHE's an AHPEK!!! :D Thursday, November 8, 2007.
9:02 AM well, wondering why im updating it so... fast? normally i update like, once a week or something like that. cause, this post was to clear up that mess over there>>>
Tuesday, November 6, 2007.
6:55 PM AWW MAN! holidays are really boring. zz. i made sure alot of phonecalls today. cause chalet lors. hahas in the end, i interuppted felicia and the others while they were eating AND THEY WERE EATING AT 3PM++! on the contrary, i ate my wow. big difference. and i realized how lazy those group of people are. mwahahahahahas. (: i realized how lazy i was too. hahas. replies from the tagboard.
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