Friday, August 31, 2007.
5:22 PM hellos! jacinta is BACK to blog again(: firstly, happy HOLIDAYYYYS! WOOHOO! ok.. let me recall what happened from thursday onwards. Thursday, 29 August 2007 hmm.. im looking foward. but filing is such a chore. FILEFILESFILESANDFILES. day after day, files. WOULD IT EVEREVER STOP?! i wonder why they want to check the files. it's such A BIGBIG chore. zzz. stupid P and VP. zz ohh. there wasn't any HMT lessons today. i've skipped dunno like how many lesson le lor. hahas. but 55% is because of innowits and some school stuff. the other 45% is because i didnt want to go. heehees. got back our report books. i've got 5A1s, 1E8, and the others are Bs and Cs. it's totally unfair lor. my sis dunno failed how many fucking times le SHE received a reward from my mother. i failed twice, once last yr, the other on this yr, and i got scolded instead. F-U-C-K. zz's over it's overr. HAHAS. Mr Zhou and Mr khoo leaving.. Mr Khoo damn good lar.. but then the new geog teacher is Mr Lee. Wahpiang, damn la. im sure i will sleep during geog lesson le. but at the end of geog extra lesson, mr khoo gave us CHOCOLATES(: geokmooi didnt want her share, so she gave me hers. then i had my own. then mr khoo gave me another one because i done well in the geog test. tell you something. i didnt study for that test. hhehe. LOLS i got 12.5. yokehuei got 13.. ZZZZ i wanna kill her man. zz hoho. lols not much yesterday. Today:: it's teacher's day, and i got up EARLY AND BRIGHT. hoho. im addicted to "hoho" these few days. SORRY FELICIA. i know you use this, LOLS. sorry. but it aint copyrighted. hahas went to school at 6.45am had ACES day. All Children Exercising Simultaneously. i told mr yeo we aren't children. zz he said we were. then he said he had 100 over children. ms nur'ain didnt understand. [toot, isnt it?] then he says, "i got a few classes, which adds up to 100 over children." LOLS. and mr yeo was wearing GREEN jacket. with the word BRASIL on it. mine was ATHLETIC. then, the word "BRA" was on the left side of the jacket. then tiramisu say, "mr yeo, you wearing a bra ar?" LOLS. lols mr tan right. we said his dress-up today was like a gay. LOLS. 107 said he was like SHUAI. lols. zz zz zz then we started ACES. mr jega DAMN ENTHU lor. i also. (: hahas no la. im not as shameless as mr yeo. you know why? his MSN display name says: The TALL, DARK, HANDSOME, CUTE, ADORABLE, and DASHING teacher. i told him that he very bhb. then he says, yes im very shameless de. LOLS hahas hohos. walao. and i remember smth that shermin damn OUTDATED lor. mr khoo de msn dunno how many pple have le. LOLS. she says im loud right? yes, so? at least mine is put to good use. like presenting. YOU LEH? you only know how to shout like a BITCH. hahas. lols. anyway CONGRATULATIONS to MR TAN. he was awarded the caring teacher award WOOHOO! then mr soon did the dance for the last item. damn funny. hohos. LOLS. ok... went back to prischoool. Official Monkey and his Lackeys said that we can't go in one of his lackeys said that i will sue you all. PUI LOR. on what grounds? i think i will win if we were to go to court. and i think that he's VERY COWARDLY lor. lousy. boo. hahas. that's all. for today. hahas. byebye. Wednesday, August 22, 2007.
1:30 PM after reading felicia's blog, i think i should say byebye to blogging on this address. i will make a new blog. and if you want to relink u relink. if u dont want, it's totally none of my business. cuz nothing is of my business anymore. on sept 1. i will totally renew it. if you just hate me flatly, dont relink. if u think that i am barging into whoever's frenship or something. FORGET IT TOO. maybe i should be alone. maybe i should be friendless. it's just that no one likes me. dont try to argue over this point. i've already discovered this on August 22, 2007. i would have known that someone or other will argue over this point. if i am sad, i have anything to say, i will bottle it up. all the fears--- no one will know. it will only be known to me. and only me. thats all. i will bottle them until it has no more space, and finally, till i die. whether at home or whatever else, i hate myself. i hate the world. and my death should do all of you good. Tuesday, August 21, 2007.
8:57 PM Welcome to my life is the only song that can explain how i feel now. and Shut up is the only song that can describe someone idiotic to shuddup now. not now, but forever. im feelin like pushing in dumbcanes after dumbcanes into it's mouth. IT. not Information Technology, but It as in those animals. It, as it implies, refers to non-living things and animals. that's what exactly IT is. (: and you people must really know how to analyse situations. i really hate to be wronged. with your own words, i'll pay you back with it. think hard. have you heard that your conscience is shouting at you? do you realize that you're doing harm to so many people? do you put yourself in my shoes? and one more thing. please clear your ears before you come to school. and the one who says the story, please brush your teeth before you come. you think it's funny to spread everything to the whole wide world? i know. your network of friends is just too big. if one leaves you, you have so many spare tyres out there waiting for you. but i truly believe in one thing--- heaven is looking at whatever you do. so what if you have everything you want? you will lose it one day. i have said my piece. i am sorry if it irritates any of you. the part about brushing teeth is definitely not jiajia. i am also very sorry if i have broke up your friendship. i tried to tell laylin and wanying that i would join geokmooi and the others. im trying not to break you all up. if you all think that i am, i think.... i would ask mr tan to change places.. that's the furthest i can go. im sorry. if any of you think that i am an irritatable fella, im sorry, but there's two options: transfer school and get lost. the other one: tahan. as i have tahan-ed how you scream at me without any reason. im feeling really lost. whether at home or in school. no one will know how i feel. so, i have broke my promise yet again.. im currently feeling like dying. but 10th floor is scary. im trying to die of natural death. if i could die and i would not sin, i hoped that this would prove my innocence. if you think im faking innocence, crying croc's tears... too bad. my mind's in a whirl. Friday, August 17, 2007.
6:13 PM arrrrrrr. so itchy. it's unbearable. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. please, go away la! IT IS VERY IRRITATING OF YOU and also RUDE to stay on my body without permission. arrrr. it started, yesterday. from yesterday afternoon, while playing maple, it started to itch. i didnt know why. but i realised it spread really quickly. so i told my mother. she applied antiseptic on it. but it still spread. i cannot tahan. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE go away! kill yourselves and go away. arr. then my mother boiled something during 11pm. she rubbed it on me. the reddish patches started to go away. then she boiled another one. it took till 1am then i went to sleep. i tried hard to go to sleep. but everytime i tried to calm down, my leg will twitch suddenly, and i have to "re-sleep" again. i finally managed to sleep at around 2am. i woke up a few times, hoping that morning would be coming as soooooon as possible. at last, morning came. arr. it wasnt itchy, cuz most of it was gone. so i went to school, my mother also said so. i tahan-ed all the way. upon reaching deyi, it suddenly became damned itchy. unbearably itchy. then i tried to curb myself from scratching myself by squeezing hard on my handphone and keys. it worked, but it's still itchy T.T i applied antiseptic cream on them. then it calmed down. but it still went haywire. ARRR. this post's getting boring. i shall fast foward. hahas IT IS STILL ITCHY. and it's spreading. please la, i beg you pple. go away!... Monday, August 13, 2007.
10:05 PM i think it's gonna be a long post... HAHAS ehh... today isn't a good day... T.T cuz, firstly, it's ghost fest... secondly... sinping makes not only to her fellow guide, wanying sad, but also the whole class. ok.. firstly. i wanna say that.. kohsinping. U SUCK. why must you make others, as well as yourself unhappy? huh? why can't u just let wanying go on to do the orders with 108? why must YOU be so stubborn? WHY? is it fun? i dun think so. it makes the whole class hate you more. so what if you're clever? if you're clever, you aren't humble, i only have two words for you. "PLAIN SUCK." do you have to sacrifice the whole class's mood just for your pride? do you have to? IT IS NOT WORTH IT. and everyone will hate you for it. you think carefully la. if u were to hand wanying the order form, most people will buy the cookies, moreover, everyone will be happy. THINK. think, and REFLECT. i have nothing to say to you, if you care so much about your pride. and, we aren't cruel to make you cry. you brought this upon yourself. and you are a liar. wanying raised her hand up first. NOT YOU. so, the order form shouldn't be with you actually. it's because the teacher's cockeyed, and you just want to fight with her. to wanying.. if, for the first time the teacher sees her hand raising up, but you have already raised up your hand, you MUST fight for your rights. dun let this person from obstructing your rights. it is not FAIR. and...if the she gives you back the order form, we'll buy the cookies. we'll be behind you all the way. SINPING SUCKS. ok? booo! be happy... she'll be joyous over it if you are sad. OKAY? and, i suspect she dropping croc's tears.-.- i have nothing for today cuz it is such a bad day. arrr. anyway, dun send me those kind of ghastly/ghostly chain messages. it isnt fun. thanks. (: Saturday, August 11, 2007.
2:42 PM i'm updating the blog, after a few darned days. hmm from what i remember, i'll start on MONDAY, 6th aug. Monday hehe. we have a new art teacher. called mr deryk stronach. i think he's from Germany. (Full name: Mr Deryk Cameron Stronach) for info about his name, go to felicia's blog. we asked him a few questions. not a few, is alot. hahas but, as, u know, a guy from europe speaks very quickly. hmm.. hahas tuesday,7thaug oh GOSH. i've forgotten what happened, but im 80% sure that, at night, me and huijun were bored on msn in the end we invited teachers in the convos. lols each teacher diff convo, but we were inside of each. we invited ms lee first, then she said this phrase:ttyl huijun said that mr soon said that b4 too. so, she asked her sis and it was:TalkToYouLater lols after that we talked to mr soon, but he did not reply, and coincedentally, mr deryk went online too. we invited him, and he was a VERYVERYVERY polite guy on msn. oh.. lols. you know the emoticons? like if you type haha sometimes if u got the emoticon for that word, it will appear. cuz i typed the word haha then the "ah" in between forms and emoticon. so, he saved that, and he told me that he "stole" the icon thingy for future use. in another convo, huijun said that he was DAMN polite.-.- Wednesday8thaug NATIONALDAYEVE. went to deyi, for the leadershiphandoverceremony. i thought that only the outdoor part was nice. the indoor one totally SUCKS. after that, i walked back to jing shan. i supposed i was the first one there, cuz i nvr saw the others either. but after cindy came, i saw poh leung with few of the other malay guys. i was LIKE so damn bored lor. hahas so i went back home first to use the comp. jiahui called me, and cindy too. so, i wanted to reunite too, so i went back. LOLS what a hassle. hahas. me,huimin, wenting, simin, leeyin and a few others went to the hawker center they said they wanted to eat. but then, i didn't know what to eat, so i went around with huimin, and dapao-ed nasilemak to jiahui's house. then, we bought 7-up too. LOLS. and omg. i stepped onto some idiot's urine while taking the lift up to jiahui's house. eee. played nascar rumble at jiahui's house, then at ard 2smth, most of them left, leaving me and jiahui. she played her bro's neopets acct. hahas then huimin msn-ed her to ask if i wanted to play bball. then she says only got silly baboon and the other guys, then is like damn odd la. being the only girl. i refused. zzz then she asked us if we wanted to go to PHS, presbytarian high school. jiahui agreed, so we went there. we met yuxin and siyang there. LOLS. erm. the post getting boreder. zzz hahas yes, the day's ended. HAHAS 9th august. the only thing i can say is HAPPYNATIONALDAY! wooots! 10th august. i slacked like siao. HAHAS. today. dunno lehs, but later will go to a wedding dinner. then i'll grow fat again HAIIx ARGGGGH! Tuesday, August 7, 2007.
6:48 PM August 7, 2007, 2days and counting. Happy Birthday Singapore! hey, seriously i didnt know what to write. LOLS! i dont remember what happened today . and the past few days too... NVM. today just post like this can le. :) Wednesday, August 1, 2007.
7:38 PM GREETINGS,greetings. ONE good news, and forget about yesterday. i've got my SPECS back. it's blue and silver. AND it's nice. :]] not much today, but lemme try to remember. ERM YA. felicia sent a sms to alot of pple in the class. i coincidentally felt the vibration from the hp, so i read the message. pple was like fowarding the message around. so, i created my own chain msg. WHICH WAS BEING RUINED by peijun. -.- arrrrrrr. nvm. hahas today's post is tad bit short, sorry:]
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