Sunday, July 29, 2007.
7:37 PM OH, wow. today was crystal's actual birthday, and angela's un-actual birthday. alot of pple nvr come. thats what i call "puah-puay-kee" hahas!! nvm if u dun understand. i came at 11.00+am. i gave angela an octopus. the cute one from minitoons. and coincidentally, tammy also bought one, but it's blue, and it's ALOT bigger. and i was the earliest person there.niceee~ followed by crystal and michelle from 107, then felicia and jiajia. then yokehuei and geokmooi. then tammy came. i dunno why, but felicia and jiajia keep taking videos and photos of me. then yokehuei followed. then i accidentally SNEEZED onto angela's blanket. ZOMG. hahaahahahahahahahahahaahahaahaas. and everybody literally SHUNNED the blanket. im not SICK YOU KNOW!! anyway, im quite sure felicia will post the photos. if u want to see the ugly side of me(LOL!), here's the url: i was damned bloated after eating so many sushis. we went to play pass the parcel. yokehuei, after playing the game, kept wanting to play. LOL! we were bored after sometime, and we had a photo-taking session. and michelle was sketching it. she sketch until so nice la. wow. hahas. after alot of pple left, it was only left with me, yokehuei, geokmooi, angela(obviously.) and tammy. we kept haunting yokehuei by saying "biiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggg~ huuuuuuuueeeeeeeiiiiiiii~" ghostly. HAHAS then she was so "lovesick" like that. HAHAAAAA. after that, there were alot of FOX's sweets, newspaper from pass the parcel, and the other sweet that i forgot the name. LOL. then tammy was sitting in a corner. we bombarded her with sweets. throwingandthrowingandthrowing. LOLLL! she nvr moved lor. hahas. and i was actually to go home at 5.00pm but i reached home at 7.00pm hahas. better than tammy. she talked to angela, and the bus driver nvr see and moved. and she missed the bus. LOL im feeling so slpy. it's 8.00pm now. and im slpy. i cant believe this. yeah. and my specs BROKE again. im gonna make a new one. AND i dun care. hahas. Saturday, July 28, 2007.
11:04 PM just a few minutes ago, felicia and I were chatting. she said that she had double vision and here's the conver: (10:54 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: i got double vision . (10:54 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: xD (10:54 PM) [threehundredand: hahas (10:54 PM) [threehundredand: thats something u always get... (10:54 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: older liaos , more health conditions . (10:54 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: xD (10:54 PM) [threehundredand: u very old meh? (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: yupps . (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (10:55 PM) [threehundredand: im almost as old as you. (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: i'm 180 years old . (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (10:55 PM) [threehundredand: which means im old too? (10:55 PM) [threehundredand: LOL (10:55 PM) [threehundredand: in what way? (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: on the way i keep falling sick and there's like no freaking way to cure it . (10:55 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: T.T (10:55 PM) [threehundredand: ... (10:56 PM) [threehundredand: i dun think there's anyone who's 180years old. (10:56 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: LOLS . (10:56 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: I'LL BE THE 1ST ONE . (10:56 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (10:56 PM) [threehundredand: wow. (10:56 PM) [threehundredand: u know adam and eve? (10:56 PM) [threehundredand: adam's age when he died was 900+ years old. (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: O.o (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: oh , fine . (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: i'm 1000 years old . (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (10:57 PM) [threehundredand: WOW. (10:57 PM) [threehundredand: trying to break the record ar? (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: nahs , i'm 1001 years old , sounds nicer . (10:57 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: lol... (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: im ageless. (10:58 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: I LIVE FOR ETERNITY . (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: and i dunno what the hell is that (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: oh, wow. (10:58 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: CANNOT ! later all my friends die then i lonely . (10:58 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: T.T (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: HAHAS (10:58 PM) [threehundredand: who tell you~ (10:59 PM) [threehundredand: how did u live for eternity? (10:59 PM) [threehundredand: how did u sustain ur life? (10:59 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: BY USING , (10:59 PM) [threehundredand: did u drink alot of water?:x (10:59 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: SK2 ! (11:00 PM) [threehundredand: WOW. i use SK 3 (11:00 PM) [threehundredand: LOL (11:00 PM) [threehundredand: i invented that brand u know. (11:00 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: O.o (11:00 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: I USE SK1001 (: (11:00 PM) [threehundredand: . (11:00 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: GAH-RUN-THEE USE UNTIL 1001 YEARS OLD . (11:00 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: (: (11:01 PM) [threehundredand: after ur 1001st birthday, will die la? (11:01 PM) [threehundredand: LOL (11:01 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: NO ! (11:01 PM) [threehundredand: thats sad, fancy dying on ur birthday (11:01 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: THERE'S A SLIGHT POSSIBILITY THAT I MAY LIVE TO 1002 . (11:01 PM) felicia(: ❤ - o: DONT CURSE ME . (11:01 PM) [threehundredand: (11:01 PM) [threehundredand: I'M TOTALLY SPEECHLESS. she's OLD. lol hahahahas. i think its erm. very confusing. LOL.. nth much happened today. plus im not a band member. -.- Thursday, July 26, 2007.
9:33 PM i now then discover i recently got post. hahas. anyway, today was overall quite a nice day--- if it wasn't for art. erm ya. today was supposed to hand in artwork de. i havent finish sia. sai. anyway. i asked my sis to do for me le. a very emo kind of ladybird. i was like sort of her masterpiece. she hated art before she did that work. after she did the ladybird piece, she LOVED art. i hate art. especially in secondary school. which suckks. sighs. will deducted points sia. pui. today clean table. during VE lesson. waaah. khairi so poorthing la... his "artwork" have to be cleaned off.... it's nice u know. but it's an artwork. hahas. i never knew that thinner could've done such powerful things to the table la. ok. who cares? HAHAS. after that, went to the canteen. i was being "cheated" by auntie at the drink stall. she's still feeling happy over this. ZZZZZZZZ. i wanted to buy bubbletea. then got the apple flavour there, i knew, but i wanted to confirm so i asked auntie. but then, i also asked auntie if there is anymore milk tea or not. she say don't have. so ok lor. i bought the apple one. i confirmed with auntie again. she told me to drink the apple flavour one first. i was DAMN OBEDIENT(k. whateverthespellingis.) i drank, and auntie told me that there IS milk tea de. T.T then she was soooooo happy about it. .... after that, we talktalktalk. haha! then we saw what felicia calls mrsexyyyy. or sarsi or just sucky. lol. then we told the auntie about him and about mingcheng. mingcheng that day stared at that stupid guy right, then auntie say that "his eyes so small, how to stare?" then me and hanfei were LAUGHING about it. so funny la! the orginal chinese version: "ta de yan jing na me xiao, zen yang deng ta?" hahahahaahahahahahah!!!! k la. my father is stupid de lor. i want to blog, he talk crap la. SIAN. suan liao lor. i'll end this post here. then and there. Tuesday, July 24, 2007.
7:55 PM walao. i hate that mr sasi la. he is very the sarsi lor. pui mans. he sucks like hell. but when he said 'qualms' to mingcheng just now, it was damned obvious that mingcheng didn't know what sarsi meant la. LOL alot of pple also dunno, anyway. if he wasn't the teacher, i would've give him a punch on his face. oh man. dun talk about sarsi and colas liao la. sian lor. anyway, the auntie sell chocolate, which was NICE. hahas outside havent sell u know? auntie sells it at 1.20. very nice. i recommend u all to eat. HAHAS.!! anyway, i ponned ideas again. tired of pple scolding. and ya. today they tried to recruit SLs. im still in a dilemma whether to go or not. but im inclined not to go leh. LOL.... see how first ba. Monday, July 23, 2007.
8:19 PM i'm so angry first thing in the morning when i came to school. the damned bus uncle just scolded me vulgarities. ASSHOLE la. i pay fare to SBS transit u know, i PRACTICALLY paid for YOUR salary u know? how can YOU be so rude to me?! pui la. hmm. maybe i should say the whole story. i was waiting for service 159. that was the only bus i could take to get to Deyi. i saw 159 at the previous bus-stop. i flagged the bus when it was 20 meters away from the bus-stop. i didn't know if he was cockeyed or he wasn't in the mood to pick up passenger like me, but he just like ignored me and went away. i spotted him not stopping into the bus pocket. so i quickly flagged again, luckily, this time round he saw me. i boarded the bus. he started to scold me. and it was vulgarities. then i said, "huh?" he said,"huh what huh?!" i was pissed off, but didn't want to scold back. i wanted, but something just stopped me. so i let him off and went to a seat. crazy ahpek. zzz i feedbacked a complaint to SBSTransit just now. idiotic old man. if i meet him tml, and he does the same thing to me again, i'm not going to let him off le. i'll make sure he gets SACKED. even my parents support me lor. i was thinking if it was shermin, he would alr get so DAMNED pissed off. HAHAS. no offence really, shermin. erm. ya. sorry to kaixin and the rest who was in the lit drama just now while discussing. i'm really pissed off when u said that i was bossy. i quit the conversation immediately. i'm truly sorry. Sunday, July 22, 2007.
9:26 PM today's a mixture of sad and happy moods. LOL... we went to KFC to eat. for a farewell party.... the party was for ms lee... as all of you know.. erm. i bought popcorn chicken meal, all because i wanted to jianfei la. LOL anyway, after the meal, we went to the arcade at amk hub. fun lor. play bball and the others played some other things. :x but then the main character left so fast la. zzz mr tan also left early. in the end, me, jiahui, huijun, shermin, angying, wenning, jiarui and weiwei took neoprints. hahas... in the midst of decoing the neos, the time ran out. =.= zzzzzzzzzzzz in the end, it didn't come out really nice. shermin colour away jiarui in one of the photos, cuz huijun blocked him. LOL! after that, almost everyone went off, leaving me, huijun, angying, wenning and shermin. we were at the sweet machine, i.e. the machine that lets u get sweets. then i play thrice. shermin like kena hooked onto the game la, she used her tml's money to play. ha. then got this auntie beside shermin de game seat, THIS AUNTIE IS SUPER DE LOR. she like almost all the time get alot of things in the prize slot. ZOMG. then after that, angying or is it shermin hor, saw this act lian buay lian de girl la... then shermin wanted to like talk back or smth like that... but they disappeared after going into the staircase lobby. they forgot about it after that. after that we went to mac's to slack. on the way there, we picked up a balloon. angying was like fiddling with it when shermin punched it and it dropped off from its stick. LOL... then we pushed it around and it dropped into alot of pple. so funny la. LOL wanted to play truth or dare de, but then because we like have no questions to ask.... =.= hahas at around 6oclock, i went home cuz i told my mum that i would get home at 6pm. which i really didn't. HAHAS! Friday, July 20, 2007.
1:31 PM do u all care about me?no. do u all know how i feel right now? no. do u even think that i am living now? no. do u care about my feelings? no. do u think this is even of ur business?no. do u see me as a human, or as a dog? a dog , i suppose. does the absence of me affect all of you? no. if, i came back from a mc two days ago, and i came back, would any of you know? no. if i happen to be talking to you, and you were talking to someone else, who would you answer first? the other person, definitely. do u take me as an idiot? yes. do u think i am mad? yes. do u care if were to say i wanted to die now? no. do u hate me? yes. would you be worried if i threatened to jump down a building? no. i am in a dilemma. if i were to ask you, whether should i go to this sunday's KFC meeting, should i go? NOOOOO! I WILL BE ONLY BE TOO HAPPY NOT TO SEE YOU THERE! did i answer of YOUR answers to these questions correctly? i suppose so. i still have the whole chunk of this written on my desk. i would have already expected that no one would even stop and read it. it would be too lame. you might have told the teacher, if otherwise. cuz i vandalised the table. but contrary to ur beliefs, these questions were running through my mind only a few hours ago. i am sad. do you all realise it? NO. even this was on my blog, not on my desk, i would have mentally expected that no one would read it. i suppose no one visits this blog though. [if your name is mentioned, no offence meant. i only wanted to voice out my thoughts in this part. i am sorry if u feel angry, but i couldn't help it.] i received several comments from kaixin, yesterday night, and the the night before. she said that my typing style was copied from felicia. i would have admitted this if this was commented to me about two-three months ago. but now, no. i was trying not to copy people. anyway, in what way was my typing style the same? there's a few obvious differences, did you even know? i don't add an "s" suffix to some of the words, which felicia did. like "rights©" felicia said anyone could have copied her typing, which i never really intended to do. but she said that there's this word that it is copyrighted. "urhms©" i added the symbol, so that people would not say me of copying her. i unintentionally used this word a few nights ago on msn. i am sorry. the other thing was, yesterday's conversation with kaixin too. she said that i was bossy. ok, in what way you might ask. i never intended to have that misunderstanding, but she said that i shouldn't have said to lead them where to get to KFC. i should have said to tell those who didn't know how to go there to say that you can tell me if u dunno and i can bring you there. i got a little pissed off. and a little irritated. k nvm, who cares about how i feel anyway. i don't think i have the freedom of speech. and i feel that it was 好心没好报. i thought i would have taken u all there if u didn't know, in the end i got labeled as "bossy". and now, i don't even know if i should go or not. i have strong sense that something would happen if i go there, but that always happen if i go out with u guys. but it never happened if i went out with my primaryschool friends. ok. next thing. scolding time. english lesson today. i am very pissed off about this, but i still will try to curb my temper. the person going to be mentioned, don't be so stupid as to deny that u have said this. PONTIANAK said that i was a pig. so? pig in chinese is ZHU. not zu. if you people have lousy pronunciation, don't bother saying it. i don't care if you say that if i am a pig or not. but, i am going to argue about this. so what if you are slim? so what if you are pretty? so what if it's ur privilege to say fat people like me is a pig? i tell you truthfully, it is never your privilege to say that people who are fat are pigs. didn't ur parents tell you that if you say negative things about people, and laugh at it, it will befall unto you? so, be careful what you are going to say. and, ur 猪朋狗友 sherry toh. i know that both of you are slim. it is again, not your privilege to say that i am a pig. so? i admit that i do look like a pig, but i am definitely not 不爽 about it. don't ever give me that face, which sneers at me. it is not going to make you look bigger. my size will tell you that, you would be crushed into ash when i really get vulcanized. so, slim does not mean that it is your advantage, but it is also your disadvantage at hand. just a passing comment, sherry toh and zhang mingcheng do not look like a couple when they hold their hand. they look more like an elder brother holding a younger sister's hand. Tuesday, July 17, 2007.
5:41 PM hahas.... i should've come out after a week plus of hiding ehh? today, shan't say much. since i've got NOTHING to say really hahas... but i dunno why, o think it's gonna be long. =p yeah. yesterday's HEALTHILY~ BEAUTIFULLY~ to say it outright, it's FAT club to say it nicely, it's TAF club. but TAF has long since became Track And Field. this thing hor... ms shirley lee make us run the school. not managing the school, idiot. if it was that, i would've changed the rules. she made us run from the start if the linkway, to the stair case at the general office, then of course, run up the stairs, to the thirdfloor, then run straight into the corridor that passes kosi-o, then chiong down the stairs. LOL. fro t-w-e-n-t-y minutes. for u all atheletically inclined people, this is REALLYREALLY easy feat for u all. but for me, i would have fainted. but the lucky thing was, I DIDNT!! HAHAS. during recess, i went off with wanying to buy 100plus. and smuggled it off with her too. OM was looking at me, but didnt catch me. lol. guess he din even see what i was holding on... during VE, towards the end, mr tan lectured the hell out of us. zzz. i went home at about 2pm. heng sis got CCA, later comeback. heehees. then i was hogging the comp, till 7.30pm todaY... hahas. i didn't know there was a DJ in UFM100.3 who has the same chinese name as geokmooi.(玉梅) erm. yeah. i went to the drink stall the first thing i came to school. bought 3bottles of 100plus, and 1pinkdolphin. 1bottle of 100plus for peijun, the other two for me, and the pinkdolphin for shermin. then my bag became super heavy. i ate packham pear, and oats biscuits during recess. which no one could believe their eyes. LOL especially kaixin who said that me, who would dapao 5nuggets after recess to eat, could eat just only a pear. lol. actually i can't believe my brains too. LOL LOL LOL. and hahas. freddygoh and mrtan were wearing the same colour shirt. OMG. then i forgot who said this, but i think it was shermin she said that you can go around imitating him le, except that freddygoh is shorter. lol. actually, he looked like busdriver too. he said that himself. LOL and he broke his specs. sometime before math lesson. then it was so funny that, he was being invited onto the stage. lol! so damn FUNNY la. he looked so reluctant when he went up to the stage. lol not exactly fun for today's assembly. cuz that stupid lloyd kept leaning toward me to look at wenning play. zzzzzzzzzzz. then he very loud lor. ok. i know im loud too. zzz byebyes. and ya, i couldn't believe i was eating TOFU today. LOL hahas. byebyes.. Sunday, July 8, 2007.
4:04 PM it's been a week since i posted a new post. nothing to say, really. but the person who typed twit on my blog, i strongly believed it wasn't angela. as her blog also kena-ed. so whoever it is, please shut up and dun create trouble. i never offended anyone except for some lame shit sec4 idiot in my skul. so if whether you hate me, you like me, it's all the same--- I DUN GIVE A FUCK. and i know the "xangelax" in my tagboard knows her really really well. but i suspect porntianak. BE CAREFUL; WATCH OUT. Sunday, July 1, 2007.
10:35 PM hehe. i'm backk. finally? lols... today i went to eastcoast... but not really la... is pasir ris park... it was like, when we got down to take the "pokpokchia" my cousin's husband's car, we only had ten minutes so, i packed extra clothes. etcetc. when we got there, we set up the spot. there was damn lots of mud. MUD. not soil. mud. eww. i kena-ed the mud alot of times. went to rent bikes. my cousin, dunno how, but she almost always manages to make my mother and godmother listen. maybe she got curse lehh. LOLS. =.= she lompang my godmother, i lompang my mother. AT FIRST but then, cuz my niece couldn't get use to the bike cuz it's a tad bit too short. so, she made a fuss. in the end, my mother and godmother ended up jogging =.=... hahas so i didnt have to lompang her... i think dis post's gonna be long. but then east coast de bike rental better lor got buy one hr free hr de. so more budget la. dis one de one hr IS one hr. cannot add one more hr de. LOLS. so, there we went after about half an hour of fussing and clearing the problems, we went far from the site. hehes. then got dis bridge lor. the slope very slopey. but fun. hahas. after the one hr we returned bikes, then my another cousin wanted to blade. den i wanted to learn. hahas. but in the end okok lor. i'll show u all the photo when it's sent to me. LOLS. i keep falling la. dinner... we went to sakura buffet. at downtown east. i keep eating sushis. but i like them la. but when we finished, we passed by sakae sushi right, my mother said she almost vomited. hahas. haiis.... a day passes quickly... hope it really do so, when sorrow is filled within but really slowly when there is happiness. LOLS. lamelame.... i'll end post then cuz i am sleepy. to all youths, HAPPYYOUTHSDAY!
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