Saturday, June 30, 2007.
11:27 PM lols. ya! something... wanna know? i know it's lame... but i just wantedd to post dis. HAHAS. i caught PORNtianak, after skul, at the bus-stop, sitting on the staircase, letting the whole world see her ugly side. LOLS. i am trying to be un-rude le... or i would have written... dis! "****'s ****r **e ****t" decipher for urself ba. so... lols. she looked like a trishaw woman. EWW. hahas... anyone here plays maple anyway... i feel so bored man. HAHAS. byaes. Wednesday, June 27, 2007.
7:58 PM hahas~ today is a "beautifully" boring day. heehees. but then... we got drama... SOSHIOKLORS. we played wizard, giant, elf... k... i explain what the hell it is.. wizard right... you point ur index finger out, then u make the sound effect "ding!" giant right, u curl ur hands into claws, hold it up... then u shout "rawr" elf hor... u do the piano action, then say mingmingmingmingming~ quickly. hahas. then... we were separated into two groups. each grp send one person as the representative. then they run at the starting line. when they meet each other, they will play the elf,giant,wizard... giant wins wizard, wizard wins elf, elf wins giant. like that lor. after that we play dog and bone. k... i have NOTHING to say about that. heehee. k... yayayaya! today after skul right... me and wanying go to bus-stop wait bus ma.. denn right... sin ping run in front of us. RUNRUNRUN. RUN after 135 budden hor, she didnt catch it. bus captain, this is the best thing you've done it right. HAHAS! i was so goddamned happy la... then wanying missed 853, but she didnt mind as she got 162. then as soon we got to the busstop.. 162 came. =.=''' always pangseh me de. eww. hahas... i dun mind~~ GEOGRAPHY IS BORING. i slept throughout the lesson. and i did not regret. in fact, i rejoiced. HAHAS... byes for now... Tuesday, June 26, 2007.
9:23 PM yeahs... i haven't been posting... hahas... but i will continue to post de.. fang xin.... HAHAS... lol... anyway, the latest updates... MONDAY[250607] yupps.. the first day of skul after Jun hols... expected it to be saddening... well it turned out to be saddening lol. at least i can lol la.. lol hahas.. before HCL lesson, me and hanfei were talking nonsense and ghost stories... hahas... and we said alot of things about teachers... LOLS. anyway... alot of teachers change lor... k here is the original "set" of teachers just before hols. math/ft:mr tan science/cft:ms lee chinese:mr peng english:mrs sng homec:ms rashidah/mr soo varts: mrs ong lit:ms lisa wah hist:mdm tan i think thats all isnt it? after the hols math/ft:mr tan cft: mr yeo science:mr soon chinese:mr peng english:mrs sng d&t:mr imran/mr chew IT:mr sasi geog:mr lee music:mrs foo lit:ms lisa wah EHHS. the list still goes on as the week haven end. AND AND AND. count the number of male teachers. i help you count 8. before? 3 OMG. obvious ehhs? omgomg... LOL HAHAS... ya... i remember dis... kudos to hanfei who stood up to porntianak well. the conver after d&t class hf: hanfei p:porntianak mc:mingcheng. NOT EMCEE. and this is sort of modified. p: hanfei, you got english name? hf:ya... p:what is it? p:tell me. hf:dun wan. p: tell la... mc:yalor...tell us la... hf: i dun wan... p: aiyah, nvm, the name must be disgusting de... hf:if it's disgusting, it's not as disgusting as yours. i literally laughed at this, and was thinking that porntianak deserved it. for being ->bitchy ->slutty ->haoliany(?) ->thinks she is beautiful. muahas.. KUDOS TO HANFEI AGAIN... hope people will stand for themselves if this happens again. TODAY... basically, NOTHING. Monday, June 18, 2007.
1:34 PM i haven't been posting.. so here it is.. 150607 went to east coast with my family. we chose the place to be under the tree. and it was very near to the breakwater.. ate the 20pcs nuggets with them.. den i went to rent a bike.. 1hr free 1hr de.. so quite cheap la.. i was havin muscle pains. so i went to the breakwater to sit down. it was so peaceful... i hoped to sit there forever... the crashing of the waves were so... calming.. i just wanted to be there and forget about everything... think about everything... the sound of it was beautiful.. never thought of it b4... maybe next time sad can go there calm my nerves. nearing 5oclock right.. got this rainbow... VERY beautiful the colours were all there... and it seemed never wanting to fade... seemed to tell me not to give up.. and this rainbow was unique. it occured before raining, and in fact after that... it never rained after all. and it was only half of it. the other half went into the sky... i ate two mcFlurries... then and there. 170607 fathers' day. wasn't really nice anyway... only dinner.. went to AMKHub de fish & co. well. it was the first time there. ya... really... i felt really emo this few days. i ordered a teriyaki salmon. well. DELICIOUS. hahas.. and i hate prawns.. nothing more.. byes... Thursday, June 14, 2007.
5:29 PM k lars. i hate myself. so what if i did so much. nothing happens. i should've left u all alone and DONE NOTHING UNTO U PPLE. anyway, i think nobody even comes to my blog. so anything i write u all also dunno. i won't cry. i ever vowed to myself NOT to cry. so, I WILL NEVER CRY. i will do nothing. i will not despair. i will only just think straight. and yes, about today's things, u can either go to mingyong's blog or the class blog. but for now, i dun think either of them has been posted with anything. i am LOUD. i know, and i will never change. i'll just take it as my special point. dis will be advatantageous to projects presentation. i will stop doing anything now. dun call me anymore. i will only hope if anything changes for the better. that's it. AND I HATE GIRLS. I HATE MYSELF TOO. Wednesday, June 13, 2007.
11:15 AM it has been three days since i last blogged:) so, on the third day, i will post smth. hahas 120607 went to play bball. before that, was sort of busy.. hahas. originally planned the place at 511 cuz we wanted to play soccer. in the end silly baboon didn't come=.= so no soccer ball, we just played bball:) actually, i am always de goalkeeper. then, most of the time, i always kena hit de. den it will tio orhcheh(blueblack;bruises) but also quite fun de la. so we went to cc to play de first court nobody. started playing ABC. not XYZ. lols! as usual, i will miss de net. zzz and, as usual, huimin will complete de whole ABC. hahas after awhile, we spotted yaole and gang they went to the other court. so we have de whole jsps pple there. hahas! played for abt 1andahalf hours, we stopped, shortly after the ball hit my mouthxDxD we crapped for awhile, then we started to play. dis time, yaole played with us. but the rest of his gang sit near to our bags. after that, when we came back, marcus found his memory card missing. it was obvious that we suspected those pple la. hahas. aiyah... then we walked to the police station. that police officer very stupid lar hahas. by then, i reached home at 7.00pm... ha ha ha... todayy. so boring lars maple server check la. but now, when i check, it ended at 1045 la. sh*t hahas... nth to say le. bb i going to play maple for de maple items le. BYEEEEEEEES~ Sunday, June 10, 2007.
9:56 AM seems like i haven't blogged for a long time. YA...;) even though it was just the mere two days. hahas.. for me, it sounds kinda long. then makes my blog very dry. makes my tagboard very quiet. lols. at least the tagboard wasn't as quiet as huijun's.. but i "revived" her tagboard yesterday.. it was too goddamned quiet. LOLS. SORRY,God. lols.. hahas. really, it's true it seems to be very dry during the hols.. no good topics, news. whatsoever. it is toooooooo quiet. it doesn't seem right. anyway, yesterday night, i surfed MSNBC. there got this science part. then it says de best way to kill earth is to send earth on a colliding course to the sun yeahs so we'll become chao da. and the end of earth lols.. anyway, i've got a really lame website to recommend.. but i hope u can do dis quiz well. i managed to do until qn 70-smth the questions are a tad bit tricky. so hahas. for the un-quiet version, go to: for de quiet version, go to: lols. i managed to do quite alot. so, i sorta remember all the answers. hahas. dun ask me. and qn 68 is very lame and the song ends there. XD hahas. and of course, a new song starts. lols! i manage to do until a qn that is making u to cut someone's nails. sounds abit like a dog. lols. well, who cares. i'm lookin' foward to the class outing. lols. it sounds fun. lols.. even i was the organiser. hahas. well, who cares? i am wondering-do u all type CAPS with CAPSLOCK or shift. answer my qn in the tagboard. lols.. hahas. tad bit lame ehs? lols. i've asked felicia that qn le. so dun bother answering me. hahas. cuz i know ur answer le. lols.. my post looks long. dunno if it is. i am lazy to scroll up. really got nth to say le. so i'll end post. bbyeeeeeeees~ Friday, June 8, 2007.
7:46 AM yuppies... if u all read the classblog... it will be known that the BBQ is cancelled, cuz ms lee thinks that most pple are gng to go home to have their own dinner. LOLS! hahas.. so u can not bring the $5... juz bring enuf for ur own use... lols. so, we dun need pple who knows how to marinate, but we do need pple who knows how to have fun! so come on, let us--the organizers[me, mingyong, huijun]-- know if you're coming. OR NOT. i'll kill u if u dun, so dun worry... ha ha ha... LOLS! now for some personal blogging... really very busy dis few days, because of the outing... lols... but i will try to b online at the peak times, like after 10pm... to answer all ur qns... HA HA HA.... i've noticed that alot of pple did not update their blog during the hols... maybe they lazy, or maybe they simply just have nth to say i slept at ard 1am ytd... actually 11.30pm de... but then i couldn't sleep. ALL BECAUSE OF INCREDIBLE TALES. make me "hu si luan xiang"... den ytd convo wid ms lee and mingyong right... i said i hate incredible tales... then mingyong said then u like credible tales la... i say... credible tales are for honest pple like me... ha! he "wu hua ke shuo" lor... and then hor... later huijun online... i added her into the convo... but ms lee nvr answer... no.. at first have.. but it was because we threatened to nudge.. HAHA... then right... she nvr answer... so we again, "hu si luan xiang", so we like... say that.. "ms lee fall into toilet bowl ar?!" "ms lee fell down in the toilet ar?!" then hor, huijun wanted to go to the toilet... mingyong say gd luck to her... then i say if u havent come back for too long we will call the plumber for her... haha... den she say no nid... LOLS! then i and mingyong keep saying each other evil.. lols... when huijun came back, she said we were evil pple. =.= kinda lame la. ha ha ha but it's funny. to me... but after that right... we said that the most evil here was huijun... widout any valid reason... HAHAHAHA.... but soon after that, i went offline cuz my father asked me to. . yeahs. ALL BECUZ OF HIM! haha... Thursday, June 7, 2007.
8:01 PM lols. so busy doing the outing dis few days. haha we nid: a person who knows how to marinate chicken wings. pple to have fun! and we nid everybody gng to contribute at least $5.00 yupps. hahas... sry la... thats smth that is not really happy to be in the outing... LOLS. hahas. we nid u to bring ard $25... $20 for own use, $5 for above purposes. we also need someone who knows what to buy be in the organizing team. oh wow. LOLS. to round it off, it's 18JUNE2007/180607 at AMK MRT STATION at 11pm sharp. we will go to AMKHub to buy the necessary items. ms lee will be there at 1pm so we have 2hrs to eat and shop ard b4 going to our final destination, ECP. EASTCOASTPARK. be there! we will be looking foward to that! Tuesday, June 5, 2007.
1:47 PM hmm... ms lee is going. and y'all wanna go out wid her. LOLS. if euu all want, euu all need to cooperate. tell me if you wanna go, the place you want, and the date. all on the tagboard. k? THANKS. lols. *this post will be also posted in the classblog. **you can either put ur message on the class blog's tagboard or this blog's tagboard. Sunday, June 3, 2007.
10:54 AM it seems like i haven't been posting.. nothing to post, that is. i've been thinking that it is really weird. really, really weird. the world seems to be coming to an end. oh, wow. the news yesterday said that, people in hongkong get bitten by scorpions, centipedes, snakes. people in singapore get crushed by trees that fall. people in singapore see water hurricanes. when in the past, there isn't any. is it really coming to an end? if so, in what way would it come? would it come in a sudden gush of darkness, and it goes on forever and ever? would it come as a rebellion from the animals, when they just come out from the zoo, forests and stampede us to death? or will it be in a tsunami form, where everybody just dies by drowning? or will it be an assortment of tragedies, like tsunami, floods, earthquakes, they'll just come all at once and wipe out the human race? will everyone be able to die? or LIVE? will it be influential? will it influence humans to be more conservative? someone said this to me, humans are really weird. instead of looking at the things where God has created for you, the mother nature, the birds of all species, the greeneries, you all rather look at the rectangular, squarish box-- the computer. why would humans just be so sinful? why couldn't they just be comfortable with their own lives? sighs. although we humans have the brains to think, but we do not have the heart to think PROPERLY. we think only of ourselves. we never think of others in FIRST place. animals would just be better. they will not leave their own species lying alone in the sun, when it's going to die. they'll be together. as a herd. as a group. would we humans do the same? well, only sometimes. this is just so saddening to be thought of. humans have the brain to think but not the heart to do the actual right things. pathetic... Friday, June 1, 2007.
3:08 PM oh wow. played maple just now. with felicia. at first we were at bootes... but then she wanted to go to aquila. so aquila lor. XD then... play halfway right... dunno for what reason, i climbed to the green mushrooms there... so i died. lol then i say, why nobody pray for me.. then got this archer who like saw this... then he "kneel" down... then is like the mushrooms keep spawning. then felicia say... something like i offended the mushroom then they dun wanna leave. haha... then this archer guy, he keep bowing, then he also write 1st bow 2nd bow... and so on la. then felicia say... why dun euu put 100th bow. he put 1000th bow. lols. lame day. buhbyes. anyway, i feel so much better buhbyes.
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